Bobbi Wood

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April 1st, 2014, 9:59 am

Hi to all!

I know it has been a while since my last update. But to be honest, a lot has happened in the last six months. So let me try and get you all updated to what exactly i have been up to.

As some of you may know, i was offered to write my biography last year. After an interview i did for a Dutch newspaper, i got multiple offers for a book. After sitting down with them all, i made the decision to go with Nijgh & van Ditmar. A big name with some of Holland’s biggest selling authors.

Now i’ve been writing weekly for a magazine in Holland (Panorama) for seven years now. But as i know now, a book is a completely other story. My contracts were signed in February 2013 and i started writing in March. And as i started writing, i went back to relive a few dark places i have encountered in my life. The death of my father, who i lost to cancer way too soon. I was raped of set during the making of a movie and decided to keep it a secret to myself for years. Nobody knew, just me. And some other things that i was not sure of if i would want to share them in a book. After giving this some time my decision was made to share it all. Life is not always an easy ride and wether you are doing a 9/5 job, or in porn, life will deal you some fucked up cards. Deal with it. ;)

All in all tis book sheds some light on what my motivation was to get into the adult industry and how much i still love to be doing it. There is no guilt or blame and no regrets. I made my own decisions and stand by them to this day. I’m not a druggie or abuser of any kind of substances. At the same time i would never advice young girls to get into the industry because times have changed. In the book i have also tried to tell the difference between prostitution, human trafficking and the porn industry that i have been working in all these years have nothing to do with each-other. In Holland, a lot of people think all porn is evil and that we are all forced to do this. Not so much!

So as my writing sessions were shared with my publisher, which they would put in order so they would make any sense, i started seeing this whole project as some sort of therapy, that was at some times, pretty rough to deal with. When i finished the script in December 2013, we had a book. Together with all the people of Nijgh & van Ditmar we thought we had a great book. But the jury won’t be out on that until you have outsiders read it. So we made the bold move to give the book to some of the most critical critics just to see where we would end up. After two days i got the call that one of the people who read it, wanted to meet me right away. As i was still in LA, a reporter flew out from Dubai to meet and do an interview. She thought the book was awesome and that we had a bestseller on our hands. So, needless to say i was thrilled. As the days went by we got all the critics reviews back. All great!

In between writing the book last year, i spent six weeks in Holland in September/October. At this time i was scheduled to do some main stream radio & TV. At one of those tapings, i was asked about the HIV cases that were going around at this time. So i was on the national news broadcast to give my opinion about it. I’m always open and forward about what i think, and so i spoke my mind. Now i know that every time i go to Holland, i’m booked for about five or six appearances on shows there. I like doing them because it gives you exposure and people know you are still around. But after this trip, Marq, my husband and handler of all things Bobbi Eden, was constantly on the phone trying to figure out a schedule to what shows i would be able to do. Come December i had four offers for main stream shows in Holland on the table, all great stuff and big names.
One thing i have always done, is never go for money, but always decide on if it feels good. So in mid December i said yes to a few projects, but also politely declined some others. So all these things were coming together at the same time. Also in the same month we had a meeting in Santa Monica to discuss co-ownership of the brand ‘Cock & Balls’. We sealed the deal and here i am, co-owner of a clothing company. With all this going on, i still managed to do my cam shows, write my weekly column and have some sort of a life.

At the end of January i traveled to Holland to do my appearance at the KamaSutra festival that i do twice a year. But not before i did the National IQ test live on National TV. My score was 104 under all the pressure of a huge live studio audience and the 1.5 Million viewers. Not bad at all! ;)

The festival was a rush as i was about to go into the Jungle for two weeks to shoot the Dutch version of ‘I’m a celebrity, get me outta here’. Let me tell you, i have never seen or done the things i did there and i am sometimes still in shock of what i did and saw. But for a few weeks, i was secluded from everything that was going on at home. No phone or internet allowed. In the meantime in Holland Ruth, my publicist and Marq were getting all things done for my book launch in February. At this time, the book went out to all media outlets for review and they would put together the schedule for my interviews. Marq knows his way around the Dutch media and Ruth was the best thing we could ever ask for. Together, they would tell me later, they would triumphantly call each other at the end of each day to celebrate all the things that were offered to them. I knew nothing..i was in the Jungle of South America. A few days before the book launch, i returned to Holland and slept for two days straight!

As February 25 rolls around and the day of my book launch has arrived. I am getting a sense of what is going on. The night before i did an exclusive for Hollands biggest talk show RTL Late Night. I am being told that every big newspaper, TV show and magazine will be covering me or do interviews. I am talking forty interviews in two weeks in Holland and Belgium. Everything is set up and all i have to do is enjoy, or so they tell me ;)
The launch in ‘Van Dyck Bar’ Amsterdam was amazing! My friend and superstar Gordon is there to get my first copy and the place is packed with friends, family and press. The next few days i get up at 5.30 AM. Do morning radio, get back into the car, drive to a hotel, do interviews all day. Drive to Belgium, do interviews all day, do a talkshow with Jools Holland, get back into the car, get home at 2 AM and get back up at 5.30 to do it all over again. As all this is going on, more offers come in to do stuff. Sure, let’s do it. :)

After six days i get a call from my publisher. My book enters the bestsellers list. In Holland, more than 15.000 books get released every year! So to get into that list is huge. I am over the moon and happy. No time to celebrate though. More interviews. The next day i get another call from my publisher, and this is three weeks ago. My first pressing of the book is sold out. We are in our third pressing now! in the meantime my book is in all kinds of charts. Happy.

As a result of the success i get invited a few weeks back to be a guest on the ‘Boekenbal’ This is a party that is done once a year and only the biggest authors and best sellers are invited. It’s a big event and a big deal in the press! You can imagine my surprise when i got invited for this one. I was also nervous because of all the stories that surrounded this event. Authors that would be pissed to have a porn star on their prestigious event. The press was loving it all once again and i did radio,TV & papers all on the same day, By the time i got to the red carpet, i was totally exhausted. But that moment on the red carpet is something that will last me a lifetime! My face was on all the newspapers, the news and shows the same and next day.

Then there was the first signing session in The Hague. Packed! And as a result of that, i will do another one in Amsterdam on April 19th. In the meantime i get asked for all these shows that i would never thought of being on. There’s a lot going on that i can not talk about in detail right now, but there’s a whole lot going on! ;)

And so i sit here typing this. It’s Sunday and this is the first day since february 25th, that i don’t have to leave the house. At the end of this week i will start shooting another show for national TV. That will take four days. After that, press will start for ‘I’m a celebrity, get me outta here’ and i will also be doing a few other shows this spring before i return home to LA to spend the summer and will get back to making some great scene’s for you all.

I hope you all got through this long update. Here’s a lot of pics of press clippings.

Enjoy and join me for my live show on Tuesday!

Love, Bobbi
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April 1st, 2014, 11:10 am

Congrats on the success of your book!
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April 1st, 2014, 11:11 am

Wow, Bobbi, so much "stuff" and so exciting. But, as one of the prettiest ladies going, with intelligence and camaraderie to boot, would you expect any less? I sure wouldn't.

As far as writing your book and bringing up distasteful things, I would have to believe that something like that is cathartic, allowing you to bring these things up and get them out of your mind. This basically releases you from the pressures of holding those things inside. I have never had to endure any overly horrible violations or difficulties, but I'm sure it is hard to deal with them, and I am glad you could get them out. You will now move forward, happier than ever. You are a strong person. Don't let anything hold you back or get you down. Like you said, let it go and move on. You are better than any detractions or detractors. Laugh in the face of difficulty, on your way to the bank.

What a schedule. In my best of times, I doubt I could keep up with you. What a whirlwind. And it is all so good for you. Your intelligence, along with your beauty is what will continue to move you forward and show people that you are a force to be reckoned with.

Not only very proud of you, but proud to call you friend. So very happy that things are going so well. Sure look forward to seeing you again some day. A big Hey to Marq as well.

You GO, Girl!!!! :heartflames: :shandalips:
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April 1st, 2014, 7:43 pm

That was quite a lot to read,Bobbi,but I got through it all,I love to read,lol! I must say that writing does free you and liberate you at times. I know this from the times I write poetry or short stories. I do have to congratulate on all this hard work you're doing and the rewards you've been getting with the publicity. It's exhausting and tiresome,but well worth it in the end. I will be looking forward to when your book comes out in the US. I do enjoy reading a good biography,and learning more about someone I enjoy in the entertainment industry.

As far as adult filmstar bios go,I've read Jenna Jameson's,Traci Lords,and Tera Patrick. Each one of them had something different to offer and told me something about their lives and what being in the adult business has affected them. I am seriously interested in hearing your journey and what you have gone through,good and bad,to be who you are today. Thank you for sharing yourself on cam with us. I always have the best times,and never have I laughed so hard than when I am at your shows,Bobbi! Today's cam show was like I never left,I just picked right back up and had fun listening to music and sharing in the laughs with everyone there. I couldn't do this with any other person,except you,Bobbi! I hope to meet you one day and enjoy your company in person. Best of luck to you and please get better soon!
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April 1st, 2014, 7:59 pm

Thanks for the posting Bobbi. I really enjoyed reading it and am looking forward to finding a copy of your book.

You've had a busy last year and it looks like it has paid off big time...congrats :)

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April 1st, 2014, 8:57 pm

WOW Bobbi. I don't know what to say that hasn't already been said. Gongrats We at the VNA are proud of you.

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April 13th, 2014, 4:53 am

Amazing stuff Bobbi! I was getting exhausted just reading about your schedule so goodness knows how you managed to actually get through it all! Congratulations on everything and here's to more success :)
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April 15th, 2014, 5:37 pm

Great Job Bobbi!!
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April 16th, 2014, 4:06 pm


Here’s a little update on all things Bobbi Eden that are going on at the moment. My book is still doing great. In my last update i told you that the book had it’s third pressing. Today i was told that the 4th pressing is fact! There’s still a lot of press that i’m doing and after my in-store signing in my hometown of The Hague, i will do another one in Amsterdam this weekend, and another one in the South of Holland in May. And after eight weeks my book is still in the bestseller list of ( Dutch Amazon ) So i’m pretty happy!

Right now, there’s a lot of promo going on for the Dutch version of ‘I’m a celebrity get me outta here’ that will start this Sunday. My face is all over all the ads in all the newspapers and my personal promo is aired each and every night. Awesome! Here’s the link:

But there’s more! Last week we shot an episode of ‘Celebrity Wife Swap’ for national television. I get thrown into all kinds of weird situations with my ‘new’ husband, a pop singer. You can see me teaching class on a school with young kids, working on a farm and drinking beer....i hate beer! The show is a huge draw in holland with ove a million viewers every episode. This will be on TV on April 30th.

I also did a major shoot for Veronica Magazine, our Dutch TV guide and found myself on the biggest daytime TV show ‘Life 4 You’ for RTL4. This will be aired this Sunday. Is there more? Yes there’s more! I was asked to take on the role as a lifecoach in the new series ‘Sex Academy’ that will air in Holland in September. Another big show. I will try and help coupless revive their romance and fantasies in the bedroom. We already shot some scènes and it’s going to be hilarious!

So with all this stuff going on i can now say that we are now negotiating a Bobbi reality show. I was going to keep this under wraps, but it leaked in the Dutch press this week, so i thought i would share it with my VNA family. No decisions have been made, we shot a pilot that was pitched to networks in Cannes last week, and there are multiple companies involved. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens in the next few weeks. But i am pretty excited about all the things that are going on.

And in other news. I will be back at shooting some scènes in two weeks! you will of course be the first to see this on my site.

Tomorrow i will be hosting a fundraiser to try and get as money possible to help people that have cancer. This means a lot to me as i lost my dad to this horrible disease. I’m truly honored by the people that put this fundraiser together and have the balls to ask me, Bobbi Eden, somebody that does porn for a living, to host this event. Pretty awesome. We are aiming to raise 40.000 dollar, so let’s keep our fingers crossed!

Thanks 4 reading and enjoy your easter!

X, Bobbi
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April 16th, 2014, 5:54 pm

Wow! Just, Wow!, Bobbi. Dang, you're so busy over there, I just might not get to ever see you again, :lmao:

Really impressive stuff. Sure glad to see that you can be and are accepted in the Dutch mainstream media. Too bad that can't happen over here for someone like Vicky, who deserves that kind of recognition. She would be as great a spokesperson in America as you are in Holland.

Really impressed, and glad to see all of this happening for you. Congratulations.

And, hey to Marq.
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May 27th, 2014, 6:44 am

Hello there Bobbi :blowingakiss:

I haven't spoken with you in a long while due to being away from the VNA for more than a year. Just been :reading: your updates here & am suitably impressed with everything you're doing right now :clap Your success is so richly deserved :smile:

Can't wait to see you & the VNA Girls again one day! You Rock Bobbi :excited:
Steve, the horny voyeur down under
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May 27th, 2014, 7:36 am

welcome back steve !!!! :) thx for replying .. good to see you again !:) hugs xoxoxo
AussieSteve wrote:Hello there Bobbi :blowingakiss:

I haven't spoken with you in a long while due to being away from the VNA for more than a year. Just been :reading: your updates here & am suitably impressed with everything you're doing right now :clap Your success is so richly deserved :smile:

Can't wait to see you & the VNA Girls again one day! You Rock Bobbi :excited:
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