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September 11th, 2009, 10:17 am

To all:

Today is the eighth anniversary of one of the saddest events ever in American history. The attack on New York City and Washington, DC.

Where were you and what were you doing when you first learned about this?
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September 11th, 2009, 3:05 pm

I was in grade 8 I think lol I didn't know what to think then! I just remember the whole school had to watch a speech or something about it.
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September 11th, 2009, 3:05 pm

I was doing estimates in my log home construction office, when my mother in canada called me and said "Holy shit turn on your TV".
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September 11th, 2009, 3:24 pm

We were at the Nashville airport on our way to NYC that AM and someone said a bit after 8 am our time a small plane hit the World Trade Center. We knew weather was good and something very wrong was up. Every one found TVs and we watched all unfold for several hours since all flights were grounded. We all knew friends that worked there and we have spent lots of time in both buildings. Took about a month to find out none were killed there. Jeb told us last night a friend of his and wife were in the DC plane that hit the Pentagon.

September 11th, 2009, 4:10 pm

Dear Trio:

My late mother and I were in NYC in June of 1972. While we were there, we went inside of both WTC towers!!!! We went to the top of both buildings. Both towers were still pretty new when we were there.

It was then that I learned all about summer on the east coast!!!! You see, I am from San Francisco!!!! The day that we landed at Kennedy Airport, it was 90 degrees with 90% humidity!!!! No thanks!!!! I will pass big time!!!! On my way to the luggage area from the tarmac, I had to change shirts TWICE because they were drenched with sweat!!!!

Yes, it can get as hot as 90 degrees in "The City By The Bay", but it normally is accompanied by little or no humidity!!!!

Eight years ago, I learned about this terrible event by watching my favorite morning TV program, "The Today Show" on NBC. I consider Meredith Vieira to be my morning cup of coffee!!!! I love her!!!! I have been a fan of hers since the first episode of "The View"!! Meredith had not been on "The Today Show" that long when this took place.

It is very sad that this sort of thing has happened TWICE here in America!!!! The other time was Sunday December 7, 1941. The Date That Will Live In Infamy. This is when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. My late father was at Pearl Harbor when the shit hit the fan. He served in the US Navy during World War II. He was in the Pacific Theater. He was in Communications and Quartermaster.
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September 11th, 2009, 4:44 pm


Kudos to your Dad!

We wonder what Johnnie Boy NYC may tell all from his perspective of 9-11?

In the North tower top floor there was a fine dining restaurant "Windows on the World." Great view north of the city from about a fifth mile high and best food. On the South side of that floor was a fun Sushi bar where you looked out on the South tower the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Is. Think the South tower had Bowling lanes with a view near the top too we used to go to.

Still difficult to believe all is gone. We think they should rebuild a new version the way it looked before. Sort of a huge F*#k You to those who still want to kill us all.

BTW, did you know the land fill on Staten Is. where they stiffed trough all of the WTC wreckage looking for remains is so big that it like the Great Wall of China is one of the very few man made things viable from the space station? And it is not like mangled desks and stuff, but mostly very small bits of crap and many of the poor 3000+ souls remains likely never found.


September 11th, 2009, 5:26 pm


Thanks for the kudos for my dad. But, he was a very messed up and extremely cruel person. He abused me in every possible way including sexually molesting me when I was 13. Both my late mother and I feel that the war just made his mental problems worse.

Would you like to know how he left this planet? He took the easy way. He placed the barrel of his Colt .45 handgun below his chin and pulled the trigger. He did that on April 15, 1989. He literally blew his head off of his shoulders!!!!

FYI, the Colt .45 is the second most powerful handgun made. The .44 Magnum is the most powerful. That is the one that Clint Eastwood made famous in all of his "Dirty Harry" movies. Here is the end scene from the original "Dirty Harry" movie. Clint tells the bad guy all about his .44 in this clip!!!! Click on this link to view it:

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September 11th, 2009, 5:40 pm

9/11 scared the hell out of me. i was sleeping, a friend called and when i turned on the tv, i just fell in my chair, i though to myself its crazy, who would do this. then the other plane hit, all the tvshows were pre-empted or crazy scared shitless or somber/darkened or off the air.

then the un-ending barrage of media and videos talking about it for months after, same pictures and videos over and over again.

it was an event that i try to but will never forget. when i saw it all go down, the top of the buildings, the people, it still haunts me to this day sometimes and with the recent problem they have with a couple old buildings not being maintained proper in Montreal, i don't want to go near big buildings now. unrelated i know, but its the same.

sigh, and ppl ask why i don't like september 11th anymore.
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September 11th, 2009, 6:53 pm

Hi Krazy,

I remember 9/11 as well; I woke up on the 12th turned on the radio and kept hearing breaking news about an attack on the White House! :wtf: Had to switch on the TV to find out what they were talking about? Then left for work and that day I didn't hardly do anything; was so shocked that planes could be hijacked and then crash into a building like the WTC in this way. Hope we don't see anything like this happen ever again. I'm not so sure it won't reoccur one day.
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September 11th, 2009, 7:00 pm

i think this is the life lesson we can take out of all this atrocious day. don't let it happen again.

Does this mean beef up borders and security or does this mean be nice to neighbors ?

There's always something nice we can do to make this world a better place, we can all show we are nice people.

i include us from Canada, let's not forget (North) America doesn't stop at USA borders.

Life will tell.
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September 11th, 2009, 8:27 pm

h0rnytoad1 wrote:Does this mean beef up borders and security or does this mean be nice to neighbors ?

Be "Nice???" Are you really that P.C. liberal propagandized Canadian & CNN news brainwashed?

These sub-humans still living in 7th Century mentality and cut peoples HEADS off LIVE! BE NICE??????? :wtf: Think how nuts some are to fly jets into buildings to KILL and themselves too!

Kill or be KILLED :violent-smiley: They want to KILL U HT1 also! Get a grip on reality or surrender and DIE! BE NICE to Who??? These sub-humans don't get NICE! Only kill them like the RATS they are!

Think about reality! So a RAT has invaded your home and eats all of your dog food bites the puppy and at night while (PC Be nice U are sleeping) bits you on your face and nuts carrying the Black Plague. So be nice to the RAT or get Loki and Miss Dixie to kill IT? China and India would kill IT. Whips in US and Canada will all die??????????? Man And pussy UP ALL! Fight :fighting: or Die

We have spent time in the Mid-East and almost killed by these RATS several times. GET A GRIP ON REALITY ESPECIALLY ON 9-11!
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September 11th, 2009, 11:32 pm

ljs, if someone wrongs you , don't you want to get back at them?

all im wondering is what the hell did the usa do to them?

all i know is, there,s 2 sides to every story. i never heard theirs, other than suicide bombers. Bushy's propaganda. Notice how the actual (still going on) war was 99% quietly swept under the rug through out his reign?

What's about telling the truth eh ?

who knows anymore, confused with misinformation.
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September 12th, 2009, 12:59 am

Krazy4Boots wrote:To all:

Today is the eighth anniversary of one of the saddest events ever in American history. The attack on New York City and Washington, DC.

Where were you and what were you doing when you first learned about this?
I went for an eye doctor's appointment. I was on Long Island. And I was just finishing up and on my way to work going east, when the first plane hit WTC Tower One. The traffic helicopter reporter for CBS News Radio 880 AM saw the jetplane actually fly directly into Tower One and he thought, at first, that the pilot had suffered a major heart attack and that the flight crew couldn't prevent it, so he had the News helicopter pilot fly towards the Towers and circle the East River around Liberty Island. About a half hour later, when the second jetplane hit Tower Two, he was reporting live and said. "Oh my God, another plane just came and flew directly into Tower Two." And so we all knew it was a act of terrorism. As all the planes, it seemed, were being hijacked. That night, only the emergency crews (local volunteer fire departments) were allowed on the LIE, and the rest of us had to take side roads to get home. For most of us it was a very long commute. For me about 45 minutes longer than normal. For others it was about two to three hours. Local volunteer fire departments manned the FDNY stations, as the FDNY, both the regular firemen and the rescue crews, went down to the WTC.

I had relatives who worked in the WTC. My cousin worked as an attorney for a law firm in Tower Two, though he never made it into work that day. He had one more day of vacation. Lucky for him.

My brother-in-law stills works for Deloitte and Touche as a tax director for them (A director is right under a partner in a firm this large) and he was severely impacted. Deloitte and Touche, at one time, occupied the upper floors of Tower One. In 1998, they traded places with the worldwide insurance company, Marsh and McLennan. One of Deloitte's audit partners was killed up there as he had a 8 o'clock meeting with a few executives of Marsh and McLennan to discuss the upcoming audit engagement. At the time of the attack, Deloitte had offices in the World Financial Center and people working there used the same elevator banks as those people working in the uppper floors of the WTC. For my brother-in-law, he would take the elevator up to the 4th floor and then exit and walk over an enclosed bridge that led from the WTC to the WFC. Normally he would be already in at work at 8:45 AM however this day he was late arriving. He came out of the Chambers Street subway station at the time the plane made contact with Tower One. When he came into the building about 10 minutes after that first plane had hit, a massive wall of people came running at him, mass hysteria, screaming and panic. He ducked around a marble column in the lobby, otherwise they would have run over him. He saw WTC security teams taking the elevators up to the upper floors. Two cars of emergency personnel, about 9 security people in total, came down incinerated, and burned to death. It took him five hours to get home to Long Island.

My brother-in-law was in counseling for nearly three years after this tragedy and still has very bad nightmares. He was on anti-depression medicine for all that time. As such, he has a major dislike for all Arabs and Al Qaeda, in general. More hatred of them - Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda - than anything else. He asked to be transferred out of the Deloitte and Touche Manhattan offices and now works in their Long Island Jericho office, about 10 minutes away from his home.
Last edited by John_fromNY on September 12th, 2009, 2:53 am, edited 6 times in total.
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September 12th, 2009, 1:05 am

you're account of that day John just gave me chills. i remember it so vividly too. i wasn't there, but the impact was sure felt across the world.

lucky for your cousin he wasn't at work.

we used Deloitte at work to build our new warehouse last winter. maybe not the same but maybe.

Anyway, its a sad day, its past 1am so for me its over. and TG. i can only stand so much of this day anymore.

Its becoming a big thread, strong emotions for everyone. hope its not a can of worms.
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September 12th, 2009, 2:09 am

Yes, the Wikipedia entry for Marsh and McLennan Companies did confirm it...

Prior to the September 11 Attacks, the corporation held offices on 8 floors of the North Tower of the World Trade Center, between floors 93 and 100.[3] When American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the building as part of the attacks, their offices composed the entire impact zone, which was between floors 93 and 99. No one present in the offices at the time survived the attack and the firm lost 295 employees and 60 consultants.[4]

3.^ http://www.tenantwise.com/reports/wtc_relocate.asp
4. ^ Siegel, Aaron (September 11, 2007). "Industry honors fallen on 9/11 anniversary". InvestmentNews. http://www.investmentnews.com/apps/pbcs ... G/70911011
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September 12th, 2009, 3:44 pm

John_NYC: Thanks for sharing all of that.

My cousins son's wife also worked in a law firm in the WTC. On the night before she had worked till like 1 am so was late to work on 9-11. They live in NJ. She realized something was very wrong when at about 9:30 AM the PATH train started backing up back to NJ! The never ever do that, but this was a good day to not be under the WTC at the PATH station. Think she was stuck in the train for hours. We did not know if she was alive till about 8 PM that night.

Some guys I knew at Marsh and McLennan were late to work too. Guss late to work some days can be a good thing.

Toadster: Maybe 2 sides to every story, but that propaganda WE did something wrong is just so much of a false lie. I have been to the Mid-East. These terrorists do not think above the 7th century mentality and more at the level of a mad snake's brain. So be "Nice and negotiate" to the next rattler or cobra that decides to move into your house. :wtf:

Did all of you Bush haters know that over 8+ attacks have been stopped on NYC since 9-11! And those are the ones they admit too, some bet many more. I for one would rather have big mean ass killer dudes lurking and hunting for US in all of those caves these shakes live and killing them before they kill us, rather then "be nice and negotiating crap!"

Trivia for John_NY and others who know the city that 400 years ago today, 9-12-1609, Henry Hudson sailed into NY harbor and found Manhattan which means "the island of many hills!" Many of the hills are now smaller due to development and there was a large beaver pond in what it now Times Square back then! ~ Jebby
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September 12th, 2009, 4:33 pm


Thanks Jeb for the trivia on the explorer, Henry Hudson and his many discoveries.

We - My dad, my sister, my brother-in-law and her baby (my nephew) and I - actually went up there to their Deloitte offices in the WTC on the 101st floor, when the firm was known Deloitte, Haskins and Sells during the Statute of Liberty centennial celebration back on July 3, 1986. What a day! A beautiful sunny day, and the number of Clipper ships plus all the sailboats in the New York Harbor was immense. Plus there were two U.S. Navy carriers, and a batteship out of Norfolk, VA. there as well and the F-14 fighter planes flying over. Just like a parade on the water. Other people from his office came in too. And we made it a picnic day of four families and two other couples. We were looking down from the Manhattan Bridge side from one of the partner's offices. What a scene!! Later at night, we say the fireworks displays too. An overall tremenous event.
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September 12th, 2009, 5:34 pm

Jebby wrote:John_NYC: Thanks for sharing all of that.

My cousins son's wife also worked in a law firm in the WTC. On the night before she had worked till like 1 am so was late to work on 9-11. They live in NJ. She realized something was very wrong when at about 9:30 AM the PATH train started backing up back to NJ! The never ever do that, but this was a good day to not be under the WTC at the PATH station. Think she was stuck in the train for hours. We did not know if she was alive till about 8 PM that night.

Some guys I knew at Marsh and McLennan were late to work too. Guss late to work some days can be a good thing.

Toadster: Maybe 2 sides to every story, but that propaganda WE did something wrong is just so much of a false lie. I have been to the Mid-East. These terrorists do not think above the 7th century mentality and more at the level of a mad snake's brain. So be "Nice and negotiate" to the next rattler or cobra that decides to move into your house. :wtf:

Did all of you Bush haters know that over 8+ attacks have been stopped on NYC since 9-11! And those are the ones they admit too, some bet many more. I for one would rather have big mean ass killer dudes lurking and hunting for US in all of those caves these shakes live and killing them before they kill us, rather then "be nice and negotiating crap!" ~ Jebby
Yes HT. You call it propaganda. I'm not so sure.

How can you be nice and negotiate with these fundamentalist Islamic groups? They want to kill and maime us plus destroy everything that America stands for. They do it because they can't tolerate our "friendly" policies with Israel. Most Middle East Arab countries do not even recognize Israel's existence to begin with. The whole region historically has hated us since the 1967 conflict where Israel took over Palestine during the "Seven Days War" when we recognized Israel as a country in the United Nations.

And the one Arab country that did "recognize" Israel - Egypt - well those same Islamic fundamentalist extremists assassinated their leader, Anwar Sadat, in 1981 while he was giving a speech in Cairo. These extremists came from the neighboring country of Saudi Arabia - were they led by friends of Osama Bin Laden? Hmmmmmmmm, I'm not so sure. Maybe??

And it wasn't just President George W. Bush's administration....

The Nixon and Ford Administrations were very "sympathetic" to Israel and their plight. This further infuriated these Middle East Arab counties. Look, for Christ sake, we even had a Jewish leader, Doctor Henry Kissinger as Secretary of State.

During the Carter Administration, there was the Revolution in Iran. The radicals had just deposed the Shah of Iran and they put the Ayatollah Khoemeni in power. And he hated America and the Israelis. Next the Iran hostage crisis where those Iranian militants, under Khoemeni's orders, stormed the U.S. embassy and kidnapped about 28 employees; diplomats, marines and other workers of the embassy.

President James E. Carter and his administration spearheaded it by getting those paramilitiary Army troops to try and rescue them, but that backfired as our helicopters were shot down, under black of night.

Then there's Muammar Qaddafi, the Islamic leader in Libya. Here is another leader who is dead-set against us... And his "line of death" to paraphrase the comedian Robin Williams. But this is not funny stuff. They are out to wipe us (Americans and the countries we support) off the face of the Earth in a great worldwide jihad.

Under the Reagan adminstration, President Ronald W. Reagan was able to get the Embassy hostages released. But then came the Beiruit, Lebanon incident in 1983 we had the U.S. Marine Embassy barracks bombed by these terrorist groups.

Under President George H.W. Bush and his administration, we saw Saddam Hussein and his Iraqi army in Kuwait and then our conflict with Iraq in the Desert Storm campaign.

President William J. Clinton and his administration saw the bombing of the destroyer, the U.S.S. Cole as well as the bombings of the U.S. Embassies in Tanzania and Kenya. The mastermind of these three terrorist actions was Osama Bin Laden and his followers in those Afghan camps.

How can you negotiate with a crazy, insane person who is a terrorist and criminal? Yes, it would be better for us to blow up those caves as well as all the Taliban, going along the Afghanistan and Pakistan borders and kill him and his followers before he has an opportuniity to do it again. Oh, yes, he'll try it again. Either that or his "hidden" cell groups within the United States, Asia and Europe... who will bring over another hijacked jet airliner full of passengers to do more harm to our buildings and skyscapers here in the United States.

The incidents occurred at 8:45 AM and 9:15 AM on Monday, September 11, 2001. How many people died in New York City alone? About 3875? Threre was another 600 victims in Washington, D.C. and about 250 in that field in Pennsylvania... Imagine doing it at 10:30 AM when those buildngs were filled with people. Over 10,000 people would have perished. Think about that.
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September 12th, 2009, 6:58 pm

John_NY: Above you highlight thy major issues! First and foremost you are educated and pay attention to the FACTs of real history.

Most today are to fogged in entertainment, sports, bias news propaganda and such to have any idea what is really going on. Messiah O has like 40+ appointed Czars / Tzars with more influence than his Constitutional Cabinet of cooks. John_NY please educate all on the derivation of a Czar! Chairman O and team really seem to like the "Czar" term! WHY :wtf: Some of you may know some history and can still think rather than just be brainwashed by the very bias liberal news propaganda . Even Sue and Laura understand this!

Another dumb question. Why does Michelle O have 26+ staff at a cost of over $1.6 million to you and me tax payers when Laura Bush had like only 3 in staff? Curious we do not see Michelle much lately since her "Q-Factor" nose dived after Euro tax payer paid summer vacation trip for her and kids. Plus, maybe the time with the supper rich on Marthas Vineyard?

Just wait till you go to the Dr. and some team of non-medical lawyer or fiends of Chairman O professors socialized Czars tell u "No treatment for U! Just go away and die! U are not worth living"

Not to mention that the plan is to take away our guns so Czars and ACORN control all with "community" spy groups that can enter your home at will to see if your car and light bulbs meet new dictates. Kill free speech like porn too in the plans. Or just tax 100% on porn so soon Vicky site is $50+++ / mo.

So stay in the fog all you sheep and follow. U may like that future of CHANGE" you got suckered into, but I do not. Just throw the USA Constitution out the window, the envy of the educated real World. Ever ask yourself: Why Cuba, N. Korea, Iran, Venezuela, etc. all love Messiah O?

Does anyone here know the historical facts of Pre-WW2 Germany?
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September 12th, 2009, 11:20 pm

:offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic:
Jebby wrote: John_NY please educate all on the derivation of a Czar!
Czar and Tsar? Both are commonly used. Czar means emperor and is derived from Caesar, it is more commonly used in Western Europe. Tsar means monarch or king in Slavic (i.e. Bulgarian, Serb, and Russian) being of Eastern Europe origin.
Jebby wrote:Does anyone here know the historical facts of Pre-WW2 Germany?
Hey Jeb, Interesting stuff I just learned about Adolf Hitler. While reading I found out this:

Research this topic using... The rise of the Nazi Party, The Beer Hall Putsch ... The Nazis kidnapping of Bavarian politicians and holding them captive, Adolf Hitler naming himself leader. Their march on the former Bavarian War Building, The riot that broke out, leading to Adolf Hitler's imprisonment, his writing of "Mein Kempf," ( My Struggle) - plotting his hatred of Jews. Next, the inflationary economics of Germany in the 1920s especially in the Weimar Republic. About how much Germany lost geographically after WWI at the Versailles Treaty, and how much the rest of Europe, especially England and France hindered German nationalism through the League of Nations. Germany could no longer be a monarchy with Kaiser as King. Adolf Hitler release from prison in 1924, his friendships with Rudoph Hess, Herrmanm Goering, and Joseph Goebbels. His great oratory skills and how it got him to being named Chancellor of Germany. His hatred for Communists. How Adolf Hitler used the power of the Enabling Act which when put into the Weinmar Constitution as part of Article 48, gave the Chancellor the power to pass laws by decree without the involvement of the Reichstag. The Reichstag Fire - (Germany's parliament building) and how arson was to blame. Hitler, requested the German President, Paul Von Hindenburg, to arrest the the Dutch insurrectionist, Marinius van der Lubbe and the rest of his Communist sympathizers.

The rest is from Wikipedia:

The day after the fire, Hitler asked for and received from President Hindenburg the Reichstag Fire Decree, signed into law by Hindenburg using Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution. The Reichstag Fire Decree suspended most civil liberties in Germany and was used by the Nazis to ban publications not considered "friendly" to the Nazis cause. Despite the fact that Marinius van der Lubbe claimed to have acted alone in the Reichtag Fire, Hitler, after obtaining his emergency powers, announced that it was the start of a Communist plot to take over Germany. This sent the Germans into a panic and isolated the Communists further among the civilians; additionally, thousands of Communists were imprisoned in the days following the fire (including leaders of the Communist Party of Germany) on the charge that the Party was preparing to stage a putsch. With Communist electoral participation also suppressed (the Communists had previously polled 17% of the vote), the Nazis were able to increase their share of the vote in the March 5, 1933 Reichstag elections from 33% to 44%. This gave the Nazis and their allies, the German National People's Party (who won 8% of the vote) a majority of 52% in the Reichstag.

While the Nazis emerged with the majority, they had fallen short of their goal, which was to win 50-55% of the vote. The Nazis thought that this would make it difficult to achieve their next goal, which was to pass the Enabling Act, a measure that required a two-thirds majority. However, there were important factors weighing in the Nazis' favor. These were: the continued suppression of the Communist Party, and the Nazis' ability to capitalize on national security concerns. Moreover, some deputies of the Social Democratic Party (the only party that would vote against the Enabling Act) were prevented from taking their seats in the Reichstag, due to arrests and intimidation by the Nazi SA. As a result, the Social Democratic Party would be under-represented in the final vote tally. The Enabling Act, which gave Hitler the right to rule by decree, passed easily on March 23, 1933. It garnered the support of the right-wing German National People's Party, the Catholic Centre Party, and several fragmented middle class parties. This measure went into force on March 27, and in effect, made Adolf Hitler dictator of Germany.

Again Adolf Hitler made his great oratory prowess his biggest asset. And how he used his speeches in leading back to great German nationalism, great respect which the German people heard and fell in awe of. And lastly, leading to great German pride and patriotism like they had before World War I.

Other sites of interest:

http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jso ... itler.html

So here are two of the world's worst men that will go down in history over the annals of time:

Adolf Hitler and Osama Bin Laden.
Last edited by John_fromNY on September 13th, 2009, 12:05 am, edited 3 times in total.
...And if you can't be with the one you love.., "Love the One You're With" -- Stephen Stills 1970
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