I wanna get to know, VICKY wants to know you

Don't just read, reply! Start your own threads, don't be shy, likeminded people may appreciate your thoughts! Talk about anything VNA related or not!
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April 5th, 2009, 2:38 pm

You go Buzz!!!!
.......and in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make. -The Beatles, 1969
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April 5th, 2009, 3:37 pm

Now where did I put my special gun that shoots a blasting ray.....????
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April 5th, 2009, 3:40 pm

hahha I took a pic like that, I think I was holding a towel up
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April 10th, 2009, 10:32 pm

Well, Vicky chewed me out royally for not posting here. She threatened to never have sex with me agai..., aw, hell, I can't say it with a straight face. :lmao: Well, she did gently nudge me, so, here is my humble contribution.

1) I am single (divorced,) 66 years old with a 25 year old son who lives in Denver. I have always felt much younger than my physical age, and my friends have always been 10 - 15 years younger than myself. This is all good, as, when I die at 90, I will only be 75.

2) I was born at a time when life was much simpler and easier, when you trusted everyone, left your houses and cars unlocked (key in the ignition,) helped others and did not depend on the government for handouts to help your lazy ass. Also, TV's were black and white, your phone was a big, black monstrosity, and home computers were about 30 years away.

3) As a kid in Temple, Texas, they used to have DDT trucks that cruised the neighborhods spraying DDT to control the mosquitoes. We kids would ride our bikes behind the trucks in the smoke. Who knew? Maybe that's what's wrong with me. (DDT was banned years ago as a known carcinogen.)

4) Johnny Unitas (60's Baltimore Colts, before they moved to Indianapolis,) is my all-time favorite quarterback. To watch him fade back and launch a long one to Raymond Berry in the end zone was just beauty and magic.

5) I still think 50's/60's cartoons were the greatest. The Road Runner and Wiley Coyote, Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam, Daffy Duck, Elmer Fudd, Sylvester and Tweety and all the rest. Funny stuff. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oO5xF-Es4kU

6) My career is/was as an RF (radio frequency) technician/engineer. I learned air/ground and airborne radio maintenance in the Air Force. This career led me to a year in Thule Greenland (800 miles from the North Pole,) 3 years in Spain and 8 years in Alaska (4 years at remote radar stations including Sparrevohn AFS. Look it up.) I graduated to Microwave and Tropo-Scatter radio, and eventually satellite communications.

7) My radio career led me to my 15 minutes of fame. I worked with a fantastic group of people who built a spacecraft named Magellan, launched it aboard the shuttle Atlantis, flew it to Venus and operated it in orbit around Venus for 4 years. I was the Radio (Telecommunications) subsytem lead tech/engineer. Got my name in a book and have a 3' by 4' felt rendition of Venus made from the results of our mission, signed by most of the project folks. Best job I ever had. I actually enjoyed going to work for 9 years. You can look up this one, too. Google "Magellan Spacecraft."

8) Probably the nicest, most wonderful person I've known died from emphysema in 1984 at age 48. She was the kind who helped those in need. She picked up stray dogs and nursed them back to health. I have always said I was one of her stray dogs. I still miss her. Sweet dreams, Marla.

9) I was there at the birth of Rock and Roll. I remember Elvis' first appearances on The Ed Sullivan Show (in Black and White.) Color sets were a couple years away.

10) I was raised on rock. I love Oldies Rock and Roll, being brought up on Elvis, Little Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis and all the rest. I remember "The Day the Music Died," when Buddy Holly, Richie Valens and J.P. Richardson (The Big Bopper) were killed in an Iowa plane crash after a concert in Clearlake. And DooWop is some of the most romantic music going.

11) I lived through the 60's. I must have. I'm here.

12) "Let It Rock" by Chuck Berry is my all-time favorite get-down, boogie your shorts off rock and roll 'anthem.'
Chuck Berry - Let It Rock.mp3
(1.62 MiB) Downloaded 4 times
I am teaching myself the rhythm part and will someday play along for the whole song at normal speed. The Rolling Stones are my favorite total Rock band, and, by the way, "The Greatest Rock and Roll Band in the World."

13) I love several WWII aircraft. I have flown in a B-24 and a B-17. I am still shooting for a ride in a P-51 and an F4-U Corsair.

14) The Black Sheep Squadron, VMF-214, commanded by Maj. Greg "Pappy" Boyington, is my favorite WWII story, followed by "Down To Two Feet Altitude." This was written by the father of a high school friend. He was a B-24 navigator and flew the difficult Ploesti raid over the German Oil Fields of Romania.

15) John Wayne is my favorite actor, Bonanza my favorite TV show. They both espoused personal strength and high moral values, which are way too sparse in todays world.

16) "Then Came Bronson" is my favorite movie, alongside "Easy Rider." Both loosely parallel a period of my life. I still miss my bike. (You should go learn, Vicky. You'd look so fantastic on a Sportster.)

17) Red Skelton is my all-time favorite comedian, and Carol Burnett was my favorite variety show. When the actors have so much fun they break up during their own routines, it's just funny. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qqE_WmagjY

18) Have you ever stopped to contemplate the universe and our place in it? No, I mean look up in the sky and really think about it.

19) Steve McQueen is the King of Cool.

20) My dad came from poor roots. He quit school to help at home. He joined the Army as a private, and met and married Mom here in El Paso. He got his GED, went to and passed OCS (Officer Candidate School,) became an officer and retired as a Major. They together raised a pretty good family, now with 3 children, 4 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren. I still miss them, too. They were good people amd I'm proud to be their son.

21) I met the love of my life in 1962. I joined the Air Force, she got married 2 years later. We stayed in close touch for 15 years, then lost touch. We re-discovered each other in 2002 at classmates.com. She is married now, but we know we are (still) deeply in love, and belong together. We just know that someday that will happen.

22) I like El Paso, except that it is just too damn dusty and dirty, especially in a 40 year old trailer.

23) I'm not dumb, but I have absolutely no business sense. As long as I am working for someone else, I am OK. But I have no clue how to go about how to think up, start and run my own business. I guess I could find a school that would help, but at age 66 it's kind of a moot point.

24. My hobbies are primarily working on my electronic gear and Ham Radio stuff, and building model cars and airplanes.

25. I can look back on my life as a series of movies, each depicting a certain part of my life. One movie ends, another begins. There's usually no "hero," but the movies were a pretty good series. It's been a grreat life.

26. Going to meet Vicky Vette in Wichita, Kansas in Feb of 2006 was the smartest decision I ever made, and that led me to all of you here. She is a great friend and has a permanent place in my memory. I know Sweetie will love her.

27) My favorite car was my '58 Chevy Impala. It was souped up, and was about the hottest thing around. It sprung a leak in the gas line one night out on a freeway about 10 miles from the nearest phone. My GF and I got to sit there and watch it burn. And I had no insurance.
28) Once you start me, you can't shut me up. Have I reached 25 yet?
Last edited by WalterB on April 22nd, 2009, 12:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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April 20th, 2009, 10:30 am

Walt you are the coolest... And I totally agree with you about the Cartoons... My mom and I were discussing yesterday why they don't put the older cartoons on anymore??? IT is sad cuz they are the best.... Thanks for posting..... C'mon Folks...Where are the rest of ya.???
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April 20th, 2009, 10:53 am

I love the old cartoons too, I have 6 seasons of The Flintstones on DVD, I don't know if there's more but if there is I'll get em. There's a channel here telatoon and they play Bugs Bunny, Rocky and Bulwinkle, and loads more. If I had T.V. that would be a bonus, I watch it at my parents. I do like Family Guy and The Simpsons there funny but crude for my sensitive ears
Julie, Lady on the streets; freak in the sheets

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October 4th, 2009, 10:26 pm

WalterB wrote:Benny,

21. I'm left-handed, too. Great minds, etc. etc.

22. Christine is obviously very confident in herself and her relationship with you. Can't ask for a happier, more secure home.
I forgot to thank you on this post Walt. I really don't know where I'd be without her.
.......and in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make. -The Beatles, 1969
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October 5th, 2009, 2:51 am

This is really an interesting series of comments from everyone. As the "new guy," hopefully one of many from Adultcon, I will take a shot at this.
1. Just to get the basic stuff out of the way, I am 61 (on November 4), making me a Scorpio. I am not sure what the hell that is supposed to mean, but the question seems to come up more often than not. Was married for 23 years, until mid-2000, and have probably had more fun on a personal basis since that point than I ever had before. Never knew it would be quite as good as it has been as an "old guy."
2. Have two kids, a son 28 and a daughter 24. Going to Pennsylvania to see my son for a week, and looking forward to that. He is getting a Doctorate in Physics, which is rather amazing for a kid that everyone thought was a bit of an idiot as a kid ... ADD. Turns out he has a massive IQ, and is not specializing in Quantum Physics. I have never been considered stupid, but he impresses the hell out of me. Daughter is an accomplished equestrian and manages a training facility for jumping horses and riders. She just graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Marketing degree. Like to think I didn't weaken their mental genetics too badly.
3. Walk a bit "older" than I would like to because of a pretty messed up lower back ... old lifting accident from being 18 and not being able to drop the weights when I should have ... tore the hell out of things. Don't lean on me if we ever walk together ... just a tip.
4. I am actually married, but she lives in Hong Kong. We just had her Visa declined because I have not been able to spend enough time there, so our beloved government officials have declared that she was trying to defraud them out of their Green Card, so she is officially blacklisted from entering the US. What the hell do they want ... movies of us in bed? Probably the wrong crowd to ask that question, eh?
5. I have been an automotive guy for many years, and actually have a Mechanical Engineering degree in ... Automotive Engineering. Got into the hobby business as a designer in the mid-70s, and still do some really cool diecast and modelkit design to this day.
6. Finances are in the dumper at the moment, as I jumped into a partnership back in 2000 which has been massively attacked by competitors who have tried to keep us from establishing ourselves. Have done some of the best products on the market (if you are into diecast and that type of stuff, I will let you know the brand), but the quality and delivery hasn't seemed to mean much as the pressures applied have kept folks away. Lost pretty much everything trying to do this deal.
7. Once you have lost it, they can't take it from you again. Very liberating, I find.
8. They can't shoot you and they can't eat you ... of course, I can fully join into what that would mean on this site ...
9. I have become a pretty fair racing photographer, and won one the most prestigious award in drag racing photography with a shot taken my first day at trackside. Probably better known for the photography now than when I was more active back in the '70s.
10. Started shooting a lot of women, first with cars, then with fewer clothes, then without the cars. I probably have a throwback style from the 70s, but it works. Now, if I had only gotten releases for this stuff back in the day ...
11. I taught myself how to do automotive technical art, and am still doing a lot of that today. Looks pretty impressive (at least I am told that), but it is an incredible simulation of actual art, since I couldn't sit down and draw anything if you put a gun to my head.
12. Have had a chance to live in quite a few states, and moved around back east for 12 years after going into the hobby business. Got a chance to come back out to Southern California in 1984, and have held onto that ever since.
13. Politically, very libertarian ... small L. Believe both extremes on almost any complex issue are wrong, so I can argue with anyone ... don't get started because I can tend to start enjoying myself.
14. Religiously, I would probably be called spiritual not religious on the dating sites. Believe that there is something behind all of this as a creative force, and that we have been given the opportunity to make our best use of what has been provided. Guess I am religiously libertarian, based on that ... never thought of it that way before.
15. One of my major regrets over the whole financial thing wasn't losing the house, but having to give up the dog. We originally got her in one of the rescue adoption things ... one of the more unlikely dogs to go home with someone, as they had her at the shelter for something like 9 months. My son walked over to her and she literally fell on his feet ... and we ended up taking her home. I had her there after he moved back East and we did that daily tough walk of 1-2 hours, and became best buds. Turned out that training made her so unique that a guy who ran an dog adoption service ended up taking her for himself ... so that alone made it worth while. If I won the Lottery, part of that would probably go into having a dog shelter of some sort. Really miss that dog ...
16. Still get along with my ex-wife, strangely enough.
17. Have also tended to stay friends with women who I have had a relationship with ... not quite sure what that's about, but it isn't bad. That goes for actual relationships, or models I have worked with. I know it has nothing to do with my looks ...
18. Wish I had enough hair to do something with it ... never really did, so never felt much of a loss when I realized I was actually losing more ...
19. For things that have happened over the last few years, I find myself to be amazingly upbeat about things. I can be cynical with humor, and play around with politically incorrect themes, but am still fairly positive about things in life.
20. I figure I still have a long time to go here, and I don't intend to stop. Had an aunt who passed a couple of years ago at 108, just because she never sat down long enough to go anywhere. Most of my mother's generation made it well into their 90s, so I am going to be around doing this stuff for a good long while ... will have to keep the workouts going, I guess.
21. Have always spent a lot of time reading, and saved every book that I read starting in High School. Was going to put a shelf all the way around the first floor at the house to display them ... and, by implication, my superior intellect. Realized that reading doesn't make you that intelligent .. writing, maybe. Donated them all to the library when I moved out of the house.
22. One of my major goals is to complete a book on the History of Hot Rodding, in technical illustrations. Yeah, I know ... who cares? But, it is something that would certainly be uniquely mine, and I would like to leave a small footprint in the sand somehow.
23. Figure that beyond that, my kids are my footprint, so if I never do the book, I can be very satisfied with that.
24. Love to travel, and hope that I will have more opportunities to do it. Spent time, while in the hobby business, going to Europe, Japan, and now China, but have other places that I would really like to get to see.
25. I haven't figured out why this question appealed to me, but it does seem rather expressive to come up with a list of relatively independent thoughts about yourself. Thanks for the question, and thanks for reading along if you have gotten this far.
PS 26. I am really happy for that typing course that I took in 7th grade ... this would have taken all night if I hadn't ...
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October 5th, 2009, 11:25 pm

Great post Tom! It's always nice to get a little insight of our fellow members.
.......and in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make. -The Beatles, 1969
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October 6th, 2009, 1:02 am

Thanks for your comments. It is amusing to actually see what comes out when you do something like this. Probably should take a shot at it about once every six months, just to see how one's priorities change across time. Helped to read some of those others that were up there, too. Certainly makes everyone a bit more human ... and not so simian as some of the other groups on line.
Of course, maybe someone is into the low-brow hairy types ...
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October 6th, 2009, 1:09 am

Can't believe I missed this thread...but before the General threatens to belt me with her garter belt, I guess that I will add my quarter's worth.

1) I am a native Louisianaian....born and raised and probably will end up dying here.

2) Because of a screwup involving my birth certificate, I am marked with TWO birthdates: May 7th (as printed on the certificate) and May 15th (the actual birthdate) I simply celebrate both days.

3) I am a fraternal twin -- my wombmate happens to be a born-again Christian; but we don't let that get in the way of loving each other. She accepts me -- begrudgingly -- and I don't impose on her.

4) My politics are pretty much far to the Left, even beyond classical liberalism. I even reject the Democrats as too conservative for my tastes.

5) My sexual politics is pretty much more libertarian, though....if it feels good and no one is hurt or forced, it's all right by me. Mutual consent, mutual respect, and mutual pleasure.

6) Favorite foods: pasta, seafood (especially shrimp and crawfish); lasagna; cinnamon rolls; cookies n' cream ice cream

7) I've never flown on a plane; I prefer to be as close to the ground as possible. I have ridden a bus several times.

8) Furtherest I've been: San Diego, California, in the mid-90s for job hunting. Next furthest: Atlanta, to visit my other sister.

9) My job: a customer service supervisor at a top retail outlet.

10) Best part my job: knowing that I did a good job of serving the customer.

11) Worst part of my job: my whack schedule; can go from evening to mid to morning shift arbitrarily. Also: the occasional a-hole customer.

12) Favorite style of music: Can listen to almost anything except twangy country and gangsta rap; but prefers old school late 70's disco and pop.

13) I attended two colleges (Southern University and the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, when it was called University of Southwestern Louisiana)...but due to financial issues, I never got to finish.

14) Probably related to #13: I was a "library rat" who would spend countless hours in the school library reading books and surfing the Internet. Even long before I was finally able to get my own PC, I would go to the college campuses on my days off and spend the entire day in the libraries there.

15) Some people get drunk on alcohol. I just pound down tons of Powerade (with an occasional Vault on the side). Given all the walking I do at work, I need it.

16) I've never touched a cigarette or an alcoholic drink since I was 10 years old...the smell and taste unhooked me for life. Seeing all of my relatives succomb to soem form of cancer (lung or breast) didn't disuade me, either.

17) I took courses in computer programming in trade school during the early 2000's; the computers we used were basically 386's with about 500KB storage.

18) My first personal computer was an HP Compaq with a 40GB hard drive storage using Windows 95.

19) The computer I am typing this on now is a HP Compaq with a 250 GB hard drive, and a 500 GB external drive for backup...and I just jacked up the memory from 512K to 1.2 G. And I'm still planning on getting a 1 or even 1.5 TB external drive (for what it cost me to get my first 250G external drive last year. Funny, that.).

20) Nina Hartley was the first porn starlet I fell in lust with...as much for her politics as for her sexual enthusiasm..and that ASS, of course.

21) First movie I saw Vicky in was the first My Friend's Hot Mom[/i} where she catches Scott Nails beating off in the bathroom...and gives the master clinic in cock sucking. That and the boobs reeled me in for life.

22) Favorite genre of porn: Cougar/MILF porn featuring hot, super horny, and drop-dead gorgeous busty women who aren't afraid to fuck and suck at the drop of a hat or the sight of a bulging crotch (or nipple).

23) Greatest regret, other than not finishing college: not living in a more socially progressive state where admiring sexy, hot women is a bit more accepted.

24) My main philosophy in life: "Have a take that does not suck; and try not to get your ass run."

25) Finally, my all time favorite saying of all time; "Live, breathe and fuck every day as if it is your last day on earth, because it just might be so." Things usually come better when they are hard...or wet.

Maybe a bit off the cuff, but that's who I am. Worked pretty well for 45 years, 'ya think??

"One need never be unsanitary while one is being dirty because sanitary is a state of fact and dirty is a state of mind." -- Nina Hartley
"A slut is best defined as anyone -- man or woman -- who lives and breathes by the basic philosophy that sex is nice and pleasure is good for you." -- Dossie Easton and Janet Hardy, The Ethical Slut
"Sex is part of nature. I choose to go along with nature." -- Marilyn Monroe

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October 6th, 2009, 3:08 pm

This is more my bio than random. So hear goes.
1. I bought my first car in 77. It was a 67 Camaro and I still have it.
2. I graduated H.S. in 79.
3. Got married in 80.
4. Oldest boy was born in Dec. of 81. (David Jr.)
5. First daughter was boun in April of 83 (Bonnie). I got a new pickup that year to.
6. Another daughter was born in May of 85.(Jessica)
7. 86. Dad retired and rented the farm to me, I also had 3 other landlords. My youngest son was born in Nov. (Burl, named after dad)
8. Ok folks this is the hard one so get your hankies out. In Aug of 89 our lil girls drowned. I spent X-mas of that year in a alchol rehab center.
9. I fell off the wagon on what would have been Bonnies birthday 1990.
10. In 92 dad passed away along with 2 of my other landlords, I bought 600 acres of land that year (Aug 31, my wifes birthday). I climbed back on the wagon Oct. 31.
11. In 98 I went broke (well I sold 400 acres of land and 120 cow/calf pair to get out of debt).
12. From 98 to 05 I worked for deferent farmers and the local fertalizer and chemical co.
13. In Sept. 2005 I came to Western Wyoming the first time. I woke up one morning and it was 44 below, I survived.
14. June 2006, Mom passed away, I came back to Wy. the next day pulling a camptrailer. Home sweet home. Started having some back problems that fall.
15. 2007 what a year! I bought my truck in Jan. A week later I blew the disc in my back that was giving me trouble. I kept hoping it would get better, it didnt, I was operated on April 2. I went back to work on May 15.
16. 2008 I dont know how to decribe it. Miss Jessie got pregnut, she's not my doughter but I wish she was, she's the daughter of two of my best friends. To me she was supose to be perfect it broke my heart to find out she wasnt. Well after a long talk with my sister she got my mind straightend out and I thought I had the world by the ass again. I found out that there is not much deference between teenage girls and teenage boys. On Aug. 24 my wife told my she didnt want to move to Wyoming. I fell off the wagon.
17. 2009 Well E.O.G. stoped drilling in the La Barge area. Miss Jessie got married. It was hard for me to sit back there and watch my best friend walk his lil girl up the isle knowing that I would never get to do that. I used Miss Jessie to replace my own lil girls so I guess I was hiding. I hid for a long time eather through work ar alchol then it all fell in on me. I got realy drunk that night.
18. I'm lonley, I know I'm the one who chose this life but I always had hope that my wife would move out hear with me. Thats gone now.
19. I went to L.A last weekend and had a great time. I ate food that I never thought I would ever eat and liked it. Meat people that I never thought I would. I got to meet Walt first of all then there was Aussie steve then Popeye Wong and his wife after that there was Benny and his wife. Oh then there was Vicky and Dave, Sara Jay and Deauxma. Cant be forgeting the most Imporant ones.
20. I like country music.
21. I like to watch colage football.
22. Fav song's I love my truck and I love this bar.
23. I have two grandchildren ( Shelby and Dustan).
24. I'm a farmboy born and bread.
25. I spend to much time by my self then when i do go somwhere it's ususly to a strip joint.
Well folks thats my life in a nut shell.
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October 6th, 2009, 3:10 pm

Hey, Dave, I was about to send you a PM. Hope your trip home was quick and uneventful. Run thru any snow?
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October 6th, 2009, 10:14 pm

Thanks for posting those lists, guys. Was beginning to think I had killed it off there for a while. Pretty interesting group, and everyone really expresses themselves well. What a smart f-ing group you have going here Vicky. How you have achieved that is quite a consideration, especially since I was first noticing you because of your amazing chest ...
Go figure.
Still have to find those images of you pushed back against the wall ... must not have scanned them from the film yet ...
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January 21st, 2010, 1:18 am

I saw this and thought what the hell.
1) I grew up on an equstrrian farm in Northern Alberta, same county as Julie.

2) I was married for 5 years, longest 20 years of my life.

3) I was in ballet, figure skating and gymnastics growing up.

4) I love to ski. I bought a season pass for Marmont Basin in ******.

5) I love politics and active in elections

6) I learned sign language years ago

7) I'm 1/2 native (Cree) I collect native artifacts. I've found hundreds of arrowheads on our farm and Julie's. Some are on display at the Native Council Hall at the settlement not far from here.

8) I stand up for everyone's rights, but you better take responsibilities for yourself first before you scream it's wrong!

9) I have two younger brothers, 14 and 15 years younger then me.

10) My mom is my mentor she had me very young (14). She raised me on her own and was able to put me through university.

11) I worked for a constrution company for summer jobs.

12) I love to read classics by Shakspeare, Poe, Dickens, Mellvile, and Steven King to scare the hell out of me!

13) I entered the Buck Lake Rodeo Queen one year, I never got by the first round.

14) I went bungie jumping at West Edmonton Mall. They have it over the Waterpark, so you have a choice get wet or not. I said wet, so just before I go back up my head goes under the water. I was screaming then I get a mouthfull or warter. I started gaging and I don't gag when I swallow.

15) Been skydiving since I was 20 I love it. I'm going to start night diving this summer.

16) I have a job oppertunity in Dubyi, I want to take it just for the experiance.

17) I love to go fishing sitting in the boat is so relaxing having a beer. I won't touch a fish ewwww!

18) I like to golf I took it up 2 years ago, I've never pared a hole, but hope so soon. I got Tigher Woods golf fro Christmas in the first 2 days I had 9 mistresses!

19) I have a degree in political science and a minor in library science and though now what so I went into law.

20) I love camping I spend most summer weekends in ****** or Banff.

21) I bought a dirt bike (Honda 125) when I was 14. Julie and I take it to Coal Lake one weekend, back roads all the way. I had no licence or insurance. we get to the lake and she takes it down the warff and back a few times. Everytime she did it she went faster then she looks back at me and drives of the edge.

22) I was a member of the 4H Club growing up. Health, heart, head and hands, but it's more like health, heart, horny and give head!

23) I've never met my real dad, a few times I thought about it. Then I think about it and realize if he didn't want anything to do with me then why should I want too! My personal feelings on that.

24) I love to travel, been to Europe, Argintina, Mexico, Hedio 2 in Jamacia, all over Western Canada and the Western U.S.

25) I want to thank Vicky and Dave for putting all this together. All the other girls your all so sweet and sexy, and all the members. I'm normally quiet and rarely speak about myself.
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January 21st, 2010, 3:00 am

What a great thread! You really get an insight into your fellow members and start relating to them like they are family. You've led a very interesting life Vanessa and you too Dave.
.......and in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make. -The Beatles, 1969
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January 21st, 2010, 3:34 am


WoW! You are lil jebbies kind of Lady. He has horses too. BUT his ex-W of 18 years thought he was a sex addict for needing to do Her 2 to 3x per night or just crank him off?

Sue and I woke him up 4 U! His lil thing was up then and bet dreaming of hot Julie and you!

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January 21st, 2010, 3:45 am


Sue & Laura tell me you are my kind of lady

"17) I love to go fishing sitting in the boat is so relaxing having a beer. I won't touch a fish ewwww!"

Please CUM fishing with Benny and I soon in Cabo, Mexico! Pic in Avatar is all you must know! Which dates are best for extra Hot YOU?

Over Lusty Jebby

p.s. Vanessa, I was a ski racer too! Vicky, Dave and some in VNA know my life adventures! Plus Travel. Where is your dream destination? I have been "around the World" and more than just sex fun!
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January 21st, 2010, 6:40 am

Excellent input, Vanessa. You're quite the woman. I couldn't keep up. For example, I could never move myself to throw myself out of a perfectly good aeroplane with a bedsheet strapped to my ass. And you want to do it at NIGHT!! Wow!!!
I can resist everything except temptation.
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April 29th, 2013, 3:11 pm

1. My childhood superhero is Captain Commando (Capcom's original mascot)

2. I love Power Rangers

3. I plan to move to Japan after graduating from college in the USA

4. I plan to get a job at Capcom Japan

5. I plan to get a part time job at Gamestop

6. I love stuffed-animals

7. I love mystery solving

8. I love memes

9. I love GIFs

10. I love Yu-Gi-Oh

11. My dad got a bionic leg after being hit by a car when he was walking to the World Bank at age 26

12. My favorite sport to play is Basketball

13. I have a fascination for studying history

14. I have a fascination for ninjas

15. I have a fascination for samurais

16. My favorite US President is JFK

17. My mom moved to the US in 1969

18. My dad moved to the US around 1964

19. My dad served in the Egyptian military during his college years

20. I've graduated from McLean High School

21. I'm the youngest among 5 children

22. I have Asperger's Syndrome

23. I love dinosaurs

24. My brother used to practice Shotokan

25. I love rap music
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