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Re: Rant of the day!! - no apologies needed.

Posted: June 2nd, 2018, 7:28 am
by PeterL22
Seeing as its Saturday - another Victor moment for you chaps!!

I don't like snobs either.

Re: Rant of the day!! - no apologies needed.

Posted: June 18th, 2018, 4:32 pm
by PeterL22
Don't you just hate it when that happens - you find a dead cat in the freezer!?!

Re: Rant of the day!! - no apologies needed.

Posted: June 19th, 2018, 3:59 pm
by PeterL22
A classic Basil Fawlty moment - but we've all had cars like this one!!

Re: Rant of the day!! - no apologies needed.

Posted: June 22nd, 2018, 5:05 pm
by PeterL22
True rant today - on the subject of respect for National Anthems (and to be honest I think you Americans started this)!!

Watch any sporting event where a country's National Anthem is played - anywhere in the world. Just look at the start of any of the World Cup matches.
What is all this rubbish about putting your right hand across your chest to where you think your heart (i assume that's what they are aiming for) vaguely is?
Firstly, the majority of people get it totally wrong and are to far out!
Secondly, as soon as they see themselves on "The Big Screen", they start smiling and waving with the same hand - so obviously they only do it cos the guy next to them does!

I'm a fiercely proud Welshman and really belt out Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau whenever its played - I'm often in tears and anyone within 10 rows of me certainly is!! I would never dream of clutching my chest like I'm having an angina attack!

The same guys who do this because they are so proud of their nation are often the same ones who have stupid hats on - everything from bucket hats (you know who you are Welsh guys), baseball hats (any nationality these days) or even the fantastic Islanders with their viking horns!
Just don't do it; if you truly respect your Nation and its Anthem, men should sing bareheaded - removing your hat is actually a true mark of respect!!!