What Are Your Passions?

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October 19th, 2012, 7:59 am

Thanks,Mike. My 5 seconds of fame. I was truly blessed to be a part of all that. Even got my name in a book, in the list of team members. Anyone more interested in that sort of thing, just google "Magellan Spacecraft" for numerous links about the project.
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October 19th, 2012, 7:17 pm

JuliaAnn wrote:
You are a very passionate woman, Kisha, and that comes as no surprise to anyone! But I must say I'm delighted by how varied your passions are, and how many of them I can relate to. There are many, and although they may not be extreme or current passions of mine, I can definitely relate to most of them, with the exceptions of 7, 8, 11, 12, 14 and 15.

Look how much we have in common!

:excited: :excited:
Thanks Julia.... Awesome! That's a great thing to have lots in common with you Julia :bigsmile: I love how you pointed out which ones you couldn't relate to lol! Those #s are great conversation pieces :)....Kisha
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October 19th, 2012, 11:51 pm

Thanks Julia for the great forum question. It's been fun reading what makes everyone tick. I would encourage all of our members to spend a few minutes to brag on what makes them who they are. I'll give er a whirl so here we go:

Work- I have passion my work believe it or not. It gives me great satisfaction to know that I make a difference in peoples lives and in my community.
Family- Watching my kids turning into fantastic young adults (must have been their terrific upbringing)
Music- A big fan of all kinds of music genres have encouraged me to finally after 30 years learn the guitar. Boy I wish I had done this 30 years ago.
Baseball- What can I say. You would think that a kid who grew up playing hockey all his life would be nuts over the Great American Game. My passion for baseball comes from my father who taught me the game and everything that makes baseball the perfect game.
Woodworking- building everything from birdhouses, decks, gazebos, fences, to full basement renos. I truly love to build
Movies- I go to bed every night falling asleep to Star Wars, watching old TCM classics, and who dun nit flicks. Nothing beats a really good or even a really bad movie...and I'm first in line for the next Quentin Tarantino or Coen Brothers movie
Photography- Not so much lately but I still really enjoy putting together a really good photo...photoshop really helps you take a photo passion to a new level..its amazing
Volunteer stuff and supporting good causes- tossing in a few bucks here and there to help people who need a little assistance. It makes you feel good inside and keeps me humble and grateful
Live Theatre and Concerts- Wow...nothing beats seeing a broadway play....Wicked, Jersey Boys, Chicago, Elton John, The Dixie Chicks, Mariah Carey etc..wow
Travel- Haven't made it off the North American continent yet but I've seen it from end to end and 10 times around.
Crafts- Once in a while my creative side gets the best of me and I bang out a new project around the house to decorate a room or two. I love a good conversation piece and it always amazes people when I tell them that I didn't buy it at an arts and craft show :)

There ya go Julia :) Maybe there is more to me that just watching hot women on the internet. Thanks for the forum. That was fun

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October 20th, 2012, 12:43 am

A lot of very cool stuff there, Mike. I'm very impressed.

About your work. You mean the one you're always bitching about??? :lmao: But, I know what you mean. Sometimes the jobs we love give us some of our most aggravating moments. Maybe that's why we love them.

In movies, you mentioned "really bad movies." Reminds me of another story (once you reach 69, you've got a lot of stories, lol.) When I was out in the bush in Alaska in the mid 70's, I was at a remote Air Force Aircraft Control and Warning (AC&W) site working for ITT on what was called the White Alice system. Between us and the local Air Force, we had movies 7 nites a week. Our particular location at the site typically had 7 or 8 guys there, so whoever felt motivated would show the evenings movie. Somewhere around 8, someone would drag out the projector, load the movie, then run the projector for the evening.

One night I felt motivated. I don't know where this movie came from, but it was black and white and was early, maybe from the 40's or early 50's. The movies came in 3 reels, so there was always a break while the operator changed the reels. This night the first reel came to an end. The lights came on and everybody (4 or 5 guys,) got up to freshen their drinks, get a fresh beer, whatever, while I changed the reel. Everyone sat down and I started the second reel. We suffered thru it. Suddenly, after 30 minutes or so, the story line seemed weird. Then, the ending credits came on and finally "The End." WAIT a minute! It's only the second reel! We started trying to figure out what the hell was going on. Well, the reels had been put into the box in the wrong order, so when I picked up the second reel, it was actually the 3rd reel. And the movie was so horrible, not one of us noticed that there was a 30 minute gap in the movie. When the (3rd) reel started, we just went on watching like nothing was wrong. None of us noticed any problem at all in the story line. The movie was that bad. :lmao: But I still became the "high falutin' tech who couldn't count to 3." :lmao:
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October 20th, 2012, 11:23 pm

hahaha...I remember seeing a movie like that when I was a kid...projectionist got the reels mixed up and everyone in the theatre kept looking at each other in utter confusion...I think we all got a free movie pass for that one :) bad movie anyway made worse... :)
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October 26th, 2012, 12:05 pm

h0rnytoad1 wrote:thank you julia, that's very kind of you to say, i do love some other things, like videogames, i'm passionate about a few of them, i especially like the FPS type but i do the occasional strategy and boardgames.

reading too, i love reading i do it everyday.

right now i'm reading a book on the old Startrek show, behind the scenes stuff, how it came about , the genesis of the show, and it has pictures in the center pages.

my gf Tobie gave it to me on our trip last month, i didn't expect it but she is thoughtful like that.

What about you Julia, what's a good read for you ?
Did you read Shades of Grey? it seems to be "the new in thing" these days
To be honest, I'm not much into reading unless it's books on nutrition or holistic healing. My ASSistant, Gyna (it's actually Gina, but I call her Gyna to be obnoxious, lol) is the reader of the family, and she probably reads enough for the both of us. Paper books, e-books, audio books, you name it. Although I have been keeping her pretty busy these days, so she's probably chomping at the bit right about now...and cursing. Lots and lots of cursing, lol.

Hi Gyna! Don't be mad at me. You're so pretty.

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October 26th, 2012, 12:18 pm

golfshaft wrote:Let's see here...it's golf, porn, travelling (when I can), porn, tv (action, sci-fi), porn, books written by Ludlum and Clancy, and last but not least, porn....
Yay for porn! So, there is quite a variety of porn out there, and I'm not gonna pry and ask what kind of porn you're into (VNA porn!), but what is your favorite position to watch? Cowgirl, Doggie, Missionary, Oral, Spooning, Pile-Driver, etc etc.

And why?

Okay, so I really am prying. Feel free to tell me to mind my own business, but then again, porn is my business, so fess up, golfshaft!

Tell meeeeeeeeeeee

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October 26th, 2012, 12:22 pm

WalterB wrote:Wanted to show these, Julia, from my riding days. These were taken in Denver in maybe 1998 or so, so I would have been about 55.
TestPics 005.jpg
TestPics 013.jpg
TestPics 013.jpg07
Well, hello!

Looking might fine, there, Walt!
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October 26th, 2012, 12:30 pm

WalterB wrote:Forgive me for a little blatent bragging, Julia, but you asked about our passions, heehee. The OldTimers around here have put up with my bragging about my days on Magellan before. Magellan was a spacecraft we built in Denver (about 2-1/2 yrs.,) beginning in early 1987, launched aboard the Shuttle Atlantis (7 months to integrate the S/C into the shuttle and complete all testing,) in early April 1989, then flew to Venus (18 months, 1-1/2 times around the sun) and operated in orbit around Venus for 4 years.

I was originally the radio technician, responsible for the test and operation of the radio subsystem under an engineer and our Lead Engineer, along with one other tech. They asked me to stay with the project at launch, which I accepted. I supported the launch at Cape Canaveral, then the flight mission at Mission Ops Control in Denver. After launch, I was promoted to Engineering and stayed with the project until it's end in October, 1994.

This was truly the highlight of my life. I worked with the most fantastic group of people anyone could ask for. I was simply an "in the trenches" screwdriver twister who truly was in the right place at the right time. And I can actually trace getting this job to a DUI I got in California in about 1984. If I hadn't got that DUI, I most likely would never have been in position to get this job. You can NEVER tell what the future holds for you. That is why, when things seem bad, no matter how hard it may seem, you just keep plugging. Someday, somehow, things will get better.
Walt@work 01b.jpg
Walt@work 02b.jpg
The Team at End of Mission.jpg
We have a rocket scientist in our house! (yes, you are!) Those are amazing photos, and you look so dapper in that suit. What a striking difference from the motorcycle pics, you truly are a Jack of All Trades. You knit, you cook, and SO much more.

:theman: :theman: :theman: :theman:
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October 26th, 2012, 12:52 pm

Byron43 wrote:Thanks,Julia for putting this up here. It's good to know more about someone from their likes and this way you can know more about a person based what you may have in common with them. I will say that I can get chatty when it comes to describing myself and talking,so forgive me if I get carried away,but this is who I am.

I will break things down and gives examples of some of my fave passions based on categories. Julia,you and I have to seriously talk some Buffy when I see you at Adultcon next year! Nice to see someone actually mention that on here! Anyway,here are some of my passions

Movies:Faves include Star Wars (all 6 of them!),Star Trek,Smokey and the Bandit,Clueless,Scott Pilgrim vs The World (love this movie!),Mean Girls,Valley Girl,The Fast and The Furious franchise,Lord of the Rings,Charlie's Angels (both movies)Never Been Kissed,All the James Bond movies,All the Batman movies(including the 1966 Adam West/Burt Ward version)Superman,Spider-Man,The Avengers,Captain America,The Breakfast Club,Sixteen Candles(There's a story with this one that I'll tell you how to find out more about)Weird Science,Airplane!,and so many,many more,but this is a start.

Music:Duran Duran(yes,I'm a huge fan and more about this later)Taylor Swift,Evanescence,Ke$ha,Avril Lavinge,Katy Perry,KISS,Linkin Park,Madonna,Demi Lovato,Christina Aguilera,Donny Hathaway(Personal and Musical),The Police,Berlin,Missing Persons,Kelly Clarkson,Prince,Tori Amos,Debbie Gibson,Depeche Mode,Def Leppard,Eminem,Public Enemy,Shania Twain,Power Station,Bon Jovi,Judas Priest,Type O Negative,Nirvana,Hole/Courtney Love,Ratt and I can go on and on. But I listen to all types of music.

Sports: I am a die-hard Chicago White Sox fan! Born and raised on the South Side of Chicago,I used to live near Comiskey Park and have attended many games. I used to be a Cubs fan when I was younger and it was okay to like both teams,now it's one or the other. I also love the Bulls and the Blackhawks. Used to be a Bears fan,but not anymore. Tampa Bay Buccaneers,Oakland Raiders,Baltimore Ravens are now my teams. I also like the Tampa Bay Lightning and Carolina Hurricanes hockey teams.

I also write when the inspiration strikes. I have written poetry and short stories as well as the naughty fantasies. Carmen has complimented me on the ones I've written for her,and I enjoy doing it. I also have a Tumblr page where I have written several blogs. I mentioned earlier that there was a story about Sixteen Candles,and you can find that on my page. If any of you are curious to take a peek,and I encourage that you do and please give me feedback,my page is under injusticeleagueofdoom. Just type it in the search engine or look up my name (Byron Wozgen). One of those should do the trick.

I also love comic books,and reading. I enjoy Biographies and fantasy novels. I have caught on to Hunger Games and it is a good read. I need to get the 3rd book to finish the series and I understood the movie even though I hadn't read the books before. Another of my faves is the Star Wars series of books. There are a ton of them out there,I recommend 2 that are a must read,in my opinion. The first,is "Shadows Of The Empire". This book is a mid-point story that takes place after events in "The Empire Strikes Back" and before "Return of the Jedi". It has new characters,and they actually did a musical score for this! I own it and it is just like you were watching the movie and hearing the iconic music of John Williams. The second,is actually a trilogy,but I still say it's worth it,is the "Heir to Empire:The Thrawn Trilogy" by Timothy Zahn. An excellent writer,he captures the essence of the Star Wars universe and makes you feel right at home with everything going on. If there was to be another movie trilogy made,it needs to be these 3 books! Dark Force Rising,and The Last Command are the other 2 books in the trilogy. I'm a visual person,so when I was reading these books,I had the full on experience of music,sound fx and everything as if it were a movie.

Fave tv shows:Pretty Little Liars,The Lying Game,Switched at Birth,Nashville,Attack of The Show,The Voice,Revolution,Impact Wrestling,Monday Night Raw,NCIS,Smallville,Charmed,Buffy the Vampire Slayer,The Hills,X-Play(video games,not porn related,sorry),Heroes,Veronica Mars,The Simple Life,Chelsea Lately,Batman,Angel,Voltron,Speed Racer,Battle of The Planets,Wonder Woman,Starsky and Hutch. (Yes,I am about the retro!)

And of course,porn! Which is the reason I'm here in the VNA! If you have managed to get through my chattiness,thank you. Once I get excited talking about my fave topics,I'm off and running. I hope you have enjoyed finding out more about me and what I'm all about. Thanks again,and please visit my tumblr and leave feedback!
Byron, I must get my assistant to read this. You have named many, MANY passions that are the same as hers. As I mentioned before, she's a big reader, but she also LOVES her TV shows...and Buffy the Vampire Slayer was actually mentioned with her in mind. The girl is a die-hard fan. Has a fanfiction website devoted to her favorite pairing (Fuffy: Faith & Buffy), has a yahoo group, etc etc. I'm afraid of you two start talking at Adultcon I'll never get her back!

Your other favorite shows are some of her favorites as well. It's funny how much you two share! While I'm not much of a TV watcher (I don't get "into" shows like she does) I do love my movies, and you've listed quite a few of my favorites too. Thanks for sharing your many passions with us, Byron.

It's fun to see what we all have and don't have in common.

With Porn as our ultimate unifier. At least in this forum!

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October 26th, 2012, 6:08 pm

Hi Julia, great topic.

Several passions:
1. US Navy. Former officer, ship driver, love all things Navy.
2. Teaching. Now I teach several college courses, including literature and writing. Since I have this semester a Wednesday evening class, I can't check in with your C2C. Of course, it had to be that one night. But end of December I'll be a regular in your sessions, i hope.
3. Cooking. I'm doing a steak dinner tonight for 4 long-time friends. We talk politics and yell at each other.
4. Perfume. For girls, not me. I love the scent of an expensive perfume. Always wanted to ask you: are there any perfumes you prefer? I'm thinking classy like Chanel, but one never knows with you. You are unpredictable.

Thanks for being you, and thanks again for Pink Lady Detective agency. the first time I saw it I think I fainted.

More later. Dennis
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October 26th, 2012, 7:28 pm


Hi Dennis! Let me take this opportunity to welcome you to the best online community and the best adult network! I promise you're not gonna regret that you came here, lol. Best possible solution for Julia's camshow 'problem' is the archive, where you can look back all the shows you had to miss out on. As for the talk about politics, Obama or Romney ... or will we end up yelling at each other? Image

Don't be a stranger, post often and most importantly, enjoy your stay with the VNA!
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October 26th, 2012, 10:38 pm

Thanks Gert-Jan, glad to be here.
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October 27th, 2012, 4:36 pm

Welcome to the club, Karlden (dare I say "Army?" :lmao: ) As you will quickly discover, all are welcome here. We have several military veterans. My dad was Army, my son Marines and I was Air Force. The important thing is that we are all good friends and get along great. So welcome to the site. Post often and let us see you at some of the cam shows. You won't be sorry. Walt - TheOldGuy :walt:
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October 27th, 2012, 4:55 pm

VNA, not sure any have Viewed Mandy yet or how HOT she knows Miss Vicky?

Shy like Jebby.LJS as some of you may Know???? LOL Question does "does Mandy Got Milk?"

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October 27th, 2012, 5:41 pm

Will do, Walt. Some of my Marine friends tell me that the Navy exists only because Marines can't always walk on water. They may have a point.
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October 27th, 2012, 8:25 pm

JuliaAnn wrote:
Byron43 wrote:Thanks,Julia for putting this up here. It's good to know more about someone from their likes and this way you can know more about a person based what you may have in common with them. I will say that I can get chatty when it comes to describing myself and talking,so forgive me if I get carried away,but this is who I am.

I will break things down and gives examples of some of my fave passions based on categories. Julia,you and I have to seriously talk some Buffy when I see you at Adultcon next year! Nice to see someone actually mention that on here! Anyway,here are some of my passions

Movies:Faves include Star Wars (all 6 of them!),Star Trek,Smokey and the Bandit,Clueless,Scott Pilgrim vs The World (love this movie!),Mean Girls,Valley Girl,The Fast and The Furious franchise,Lord of the Rings,Charlie's Angels (both movies)Never Been Kissed,All the James Bond movies,All the Batman movies(including the 1966 Adam West/Burt Ward version)Superman,Spider-Man,The Avengers,Captain America,The Breakfast Club,Sixteen Candles(There's a story with this one that I'll tell you how to find out more about)Weird Science,Airplane!,and so many,many more,but this is a start.

Music:Duran Duran(yes,I'm a huge fan and more about this later)Taylor Swift,Evanescence,Ke$ha,Avril Lavinge,Katy Perry,KISS,Linkin Park,Madonna,Demi Lovato,Christina Aguilera,Donny Hathaway(Personal and Musical),The Police,Berlin,Missing Persons,Kelly Clarkson,Prince,Tori Amos,Debbie Gibson,Depeche Mode,Def Leppard,Eminem,Public Enemy,Shania Twain,Power Station,Bon Jovi,Judas Priest,Type O Negative,Nirvana,Hole/Courtney Love,Ratt and I can go on and on. But I listen to all types of music.

Sports: I am a die-hard Chicago White Sox fan! Born and raised on the South Side of Chicago,I used to live near Comiskey Park and have attended many games. I used to be a Cubs fan when I was younger and it was okay to like both teams,now it's one or the other. I also love the Bulls and the Blackhawks. Used to be a Bears fan,but not anymore. Tampa Bay Buccaneers,Oakland Raiders,Baltimore Ravens are now my teams. I also like the Tampa Bay Lightning and Carolina Hurricanes hockey teams.

I also write when the inspiration strikes. I have written poetry and short stories as well as the naughty fantasies. Carmen has complimented me on the ones I've written for her,and I enjoy doing it. I also have a Tumblr page where I have written several blogs. I mentioned earlier that there was a story about Sixteen Candles,and you can find that on my page. If any of you are curious to take a peek,and I encourage that you do and please give me feedback,my page is under injusticeleagueofdoom. Just type it in the search engine or look up my name (Byron Wozgen). One of those should do the trick.

I also love comic books,and reading. I enjoy Biographies and fantasy novels. I have caught on to Hunger Games and it is a good read. I need to get the 3rd book to finish the series and I understood the movie even though I hadn't read the books before. Another of my faves is the Star Wars series of books. There are a ton of them out there,I recommend 2 that are a must read,in my opinion. The first,is "Shadows Of The Empire". This book is a mid-point story that takes place after events in "The Empire Strikes Back" and before "Return of the Jedi". It has new characters,and they actually did a musical score for this! I own it and it is just like you were watching the movie and hearing the iconic music of John Williams. The second,is actually a trilogy,but I still say it's worth it,is the "Heir to Empire:The Thrawn Trilogy" by Timothy Zahn. An excellent writer,he captures the essence of the Star Wars universe and makes you feel right at home with everything going on. If there was to be another movie trilogy made,it needs to be these 3 books! Dark Force Rising,and The Last Command are the other 2 books in the trilogy. I'm a visual person,so when I was reading these books,I had the full on experience of music,sound fx and everything as if it were a movie.

Fave tv shows:Pretty Little Liars,The Lying Game,Switched at Birth,Nashville,Attack of The Show,The Voice,Revolution,Impact Wrestling,Monday Night Raw,NCIS,Smallville,Charmed,Buffy the Vampire Slayer,The Hills,X-Play(video games,not porn related,sorry),Heroes,Veronica Mars,The Simple Life,Chelsea Lately,Batman,Angel,Voltron,Speed Racer,Battle of The Planets,Wonder Woman,Starsky and Hutch. (Yes,I am about the retro!)

And of course,porn! Which is the reason I'm here in the VNA! If you have managed to get through my chattiness,thank you. Once I get excited talking about my fave topics,I'm off and running. I hope you have enjoyed finding out more about me and what I'm all about. Thanks again,and please visit my tumblr and leave feedback!
Byron, I must get my assistant to read this. You have named many, MANY passions that are the same as hers. As I mentioned before, she's a big reader, but she also LOVES her TV shows...and Buffy the Vampire Slayer was actually mentioned with her in mind. The girl is a die-hard fan. Has a fanfiction website devoted to her favorite pairing (Fuffy: Faith & Buffy), has a yahoo group, etc etc. I'm afraid of you two start talking at Adultcon I'll never get her back!

Your other favorite shows are some of her favorites as well. It's funny how much you two share! While I'm not much of a TV watcher (I don't get "into" shows like she does) I do love my movies, and you've listed quite a few of my favorites too. Thanks for sharing your many passions with us, Byron.

It's fun to see what we all have and don't have in common.

With Porn as our ultimate unifier. At least in this forum!

Thanks Julia for being able to get through my monologue,lol! I was very happy to share who I am with you and everyone else on here. As for your assistant reading this,please see that she does! I would love to talk all things Buffy with her. As far as you not getting her back from us talking,not to worry. I will make sure she's back to you at a decent hour,hahaha! I'm glad that we do share certain movies in common,and that's a good place to start as well.

Now I'm curious to know more about your assistant. Hopefully,we can strike up a nice conversation and go from there. Thanks again Julia for taking the time to read this and let me know your thoughts. Will talk to you later!
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October 27th, 2012, 9:51 pm

karlden wrote:Will do, Walt. Some of my Marine friends tell me that the Navy exists only because Marines can't always walk on water. They may have a point.
Well, I'm not going to tell my son he can't walk on water. I hear that if you tell them that, they sink right to the bottom. :lmfao:
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October 31st, 2012, 2:46 pm

My intense passion, in addition to seeing extremely beautiful, big-breasted porn stars, such as the luscious Julia Ann, dangling, smoldering, long all-white cigarettes, between their moist, inviting lips, is READING!

For me, I guess it began with the backs of those cereal box tops at breakfast as a young child, but ever since, I have become a voracious reader, and although I will read just about, "anything," my favorite subject is history, and my all-time favorite historical novelist, is James Michener, who has the unique ability to make all his characters and settings, really "come alive."---very similar to what Julia can do with a feature film role, and which makes her, one of the very best thespians in the history of porn, imho.

Although I have read "everything" written, by Michener, truly a "masterpiece" of an author, my favorite novel remains "The Source," one of his earlier works, and I heartily recommend it for "anyone," who wants to be both "enlightened" and entertained--be forewarned though, as with all of Michener's works, its quite long, and thus, time consuming---unlike, the fabulous Julia Ann's screen appearances, always, although, tremendously entertaining, and sexually exciting, ending, way too soon! :iloveyou:

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October 31st, 2012, 10:07 pm

my passion right now, well if you can call it that, is watching the tv show Frasier.

Been watching all seasons for a month now, that Roz is a hot woman, yall should see her in a ballgown. Daphnee is cute too.

i just like the clean humor, its a bit high brow, definetely a sitcom for adults but its very accessible to everyone.
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