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Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: March 31st, 2013, 5:16 pm
by h0rnytoad1
its 11c right now, yes above 0

things are looking up

Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: April 7th, 2013, 11:25 am
by hotjulie
Another beautiful spring day in Fort Vermillion -11C, at least it stopped snowing :excited:

Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: April 7th, 2013, 12:18 pm
by Vince
52 Degrees right now, tomorrow is going to be 70 Degrees.

Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: April 7th, 2013, 12:48 pm
by WalterB
On Tuesday, we're supposed to drop all the way down to 69. Thank goodness I didn't pack away my long johns yet. :lmfao:

Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: April 8th, 2013, 3:52 pm
by Vince
Tomorrow it's going to be 80, every body into the pool.

Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: April 9th, 2013, 11:27 am
by stickyvicky
Yep 85 here today, we have the ac on now.... I turn the ac on and leave it at 77, any hotter than that, and I sweat and can't work.....

Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: April 9th, 2013, 6:00 pm
by h0rnytoad1
i need a portable AC unit.

i'll go have my tyroid checked, thanks for reminding me

Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: April 9th, 2013, 6:27 pm
by scottb
It was a beautiful 13 degrees in downtown Budapest, Hungary today. It was mostly cloudy with a little light rain early in the day. It definitely beats the 4 degrees down in Brussels that I had to contend with the last couple days. I don't know why Europe is so cold. It's always nice here in April. Must be more of that global warming!! :jerkoff: :wtf: :spacecraft:

Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: April 10th, 2013, 2:07 pm
by Gert-Jan
Why are you in Europe now, Scott? Are you planning to visit Holland as well? :icon_wink:

Long awaited spring weather is finally expected to arrive this weekend; around 20C (high 60s).

Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: April 15th, 2013, 11:28 am
by Redd44
The calendar sats it's April 15th, but there's several inches (up to 10 predicted) of wet shloppy snow on the ground, the interstate highways and schools are closed. :crying2:

Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: April 15th, 2013, 12:02 pm
by WalterB
While looking at pictures of snow north of Redd, I ran across this one. Tell me this isn't you, my friend.

I used to see this in Denver:
Shoveling snow.jpg
The caption reads: A resident of Dickinson fights a losing battle as he attempts to clear snow during Winter Storm Xerxes on Sunday, April 14, 2013

(Unclear on the concept:) Why, oh, why, oh, why, would you be outside shoveling your sidewalk while it's snowing????

One thing about it, Redd, like you mentioned, this time of year, it's a wet snow, so will melt very quickly.

Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: April 15th, 2013, 3:52 pm
by h0rnytoad1
He must be waiting for the pizza guy :rotffl:

Right now it's 12c and cloudish but it feels so good to get some warmth. and some high pollen count, just great.

Expected to go to 23c on friday, then back down to 10c on the weekend.

Great, shorts on friday coat on saturday.

Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: April 15th, 2013, 4:12 pm
by stickyvicky
86 here today! Sun is shining!

Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: April 15th, 2013, 4:20 pm
by h0rnytoad1
how many days of rain do you get a year ?

just curious.

mom's arthritis is acting up just before it does here, i keep telling her she would be better off doing the snow bird thing

Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: April 15th, 2013, 4:27 pm
by stickyvicky ... ida/tampa/

not sure but it rains every day in the summertime, for one hour, at 4 pm.

Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: April 15th, 2013, 7:30 pm
by WalterB
Snow, fog, 25 degrees in Denver

Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: April 15th, 2013, 7:42 pm
by hotjulie
Walt we call that a heat wave!! Honestly it's nice here +6C and the snows melting

Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: April 15th, 2013, 7:44 pm
by WalterB
Lol, I believe it (6C = 43F.)

Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: April 20th, 2013, 7:42 pm
by h0rnytoad1
well its back down to 3c today from 23c yesterday.

Summer can't get here fast enough, meet Summer

Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: April 27th, 2013, 1:24 pm
by hotjulie
I think we had spring on Wednesday it was +11, since then it's been around 0 and snowing :help: :noway!