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September 3rd, 2014, 5:44 pm

Yesterday was the first day back to school for all the kids here. We had 3 boys drown a few weeks ago. So we hung some black towels over their lockers in the boys change room and had the girls join us just to remember them. It turned into a lot of memories and lots of tears and hugs. We are going to put their numbers on all the jerseys to remember them and for added motivation. I let the kids all decide what they want to do.

Today was a way better day, had our first volleyball practice of the year, we only have 6 boys, so were hoping a few more come out soon. Our first games next weekend so lots of work to do till then. The girls team we had 10 girls show up so their ready to go.

It's only been 2 weeks since my surgery so I'm trying to pace myself and not get worn out. Gunther said he'd kick my ass if I try to pick up were I left off, so I'm taking a small break in the morning
Julie, Lady on the streets; freak in the sheets

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September 7th, 2014, 2:51 pm

We had our no regreats night out, damn did we ever have fun! I got there around 7, cause we we're all meeting up at 7:30. Now this place is a bar and a resturant, but it's seperated with a rope. I guess a wall would cost to much! Worked out really good cause some were to young to get in the bar, under 18. We moved the tables so the rope was between them, classy eh! No one wanted to order anything even though it was "no regreats" so I went and ordered every appitizer on the menu and put it on the tables. One of the kids she came to me and said she only had $5, but wanted to be there so I bought her dinner. Her mom and dad were in the bar (not with us) and pounding down drinks, nice eh! I had BBQ'd buffalo ribs, with pasta, a milkshake, and the biggest sundae I could order! We all danced, sang, and just had fun till 2! I did drrive lots home, but was so worth it. My bill was around $500, with a tip it was $600, but that's another story haha
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May 20th, 2015, 1:20 pm

Last weekend was a long weekend here, Victoria Day, but more importantly it was the Haymaker Rodeo in Thorsby. My niece Gail she's 14 and enters rodeos when she can. She entered steer riding and barrel racing, she never made the 8 seconds to have a time, her ride on Sunday, she was doing good. Then the steer just stops bucking and she slides forward over his head landing on her feet. Now this steer must have thought it was a bull, cause it went after her. Luckily one of the outriders roped it and it only knocked her over. Saturday in the barrel race she ran a 15.2, but knocked over 2 barrels giving her a 10 second penalty. The next day she ran about the same and hit the same 2 barrels. I asked her coach why she keeps hitting them. She said it's the horse, Gail doesn't hit them on another horse, but the horse just cuts it to close. So I might buy her a new horse, fuck their expensive. Vanessa's mom has one that's damn good, just she won't give me the deal I want. We had lots of fun, I don't drink, but partied in the beer gardens till they kicked me out. Sunday morning we had the pancake breakfast, not sure why that cost more than the rodeo? Right after we go for ice cream in Mulhurst, it's so good, what sucked was it's closed. We got some nearby, and I said you can have mine and shoved it in her face, the ice cream fight was on. I can't out run her so we both had ice cream all over us.
Julie, Lady on the streets; freak in the sheets

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May 20th, 2015, 3:12 pm

:lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:

Julie, Julie, Julie, Julie, Julie.

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July 10th, 2015, 12:03 am

We went camping in ****** for a week, when we were checking in the told us about the Elk and their calves, to stay away and their being hunted by Grizzly bears, they know where to get a fast meal! The first day we went zip linning, well almost, we paid and trained. We got up to the start and I read if you have a heart condition this isn't advised. I don't know why neither of us thought about that. So Gunther went twice, they wouldn't give me my money back. The next day we went to Malinge Canyon ( not sure on the spelling) first we went to the lake. It was so clear and Gunther walks on the pier. He put his stuff down and I thought I better push him in the lake. I run after him and just before I got to him, he moves. I trip over his leg and fall in the lake. I came up to the surface and let out a scream that echoed. That water was so cold, I got out of the water and was flapping around like an idiot, people backed away from me. I was cursing at Gunther for moving out of the way, he just smiled and said, here I'll warm you up. So I went to get a hug and he pushed me back in. I was ready to kill him!

We saw so many animals there, elk, deer, bighorn sheep and some black bears. Everything is so peaceful, but in town, it's so expensive. We had a medium pizza and two drinks each, ice tea for me and rye for him, $65! We BBQ'd after that and only went for ice cream.

One morning I was up early and could here something close by, so I go for a walk and see a bear tearing a cooler apart. I scream and it looks towards me, now I'm not sure if I look like a meal or not, but I started to run. I ran into the trailer and told Gunther, he says scare it away, I told him the bear accomplished that! So the wardens caught it and moved him elsewhere in the park. The rest of the time was camping fires and relaxing, was a great time
Julie, Lady on the streets; freak in the sheets

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July 10th, 2015, 2:25 am

Next time you go into the woods, go with someone who runs slower than you. :lmao:

I've heard that running from a bear is one of the worst things you can do, because then you become game for him. And I guarantee he can run faster than you. I've heard that you should grab the corners of your jacket and pull them up over your head, to make yourself as big as possible. Stand your ground, wave your arms and yell. That's supposed to help scare them off. I've never had to try it.

But, other than that, it sounds like a great time, except for the prices. WOW!

That's one reason I liked Alaska so much. It was like living in an outdoor zoo. All the animals in their natural habitat. Even in downtown Anchorage, the errant moose or elk is always window shopping along 4th street, lol.
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July 18th, 2015, 12:14 pm

Haha. Speaking of bears, there was a huge one in our yard the other day. Then again, I live in the woods and it's always like a zoo here. We feed deer and there's even a deer we can pet. I named her Calista. ^_^
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September 12th, 2015, 5:39 pm

So last year we applied to be in the school division football league, they told us we had to meet all the requirements and they laid them out. We checked how much equipment was and I almost fell over, so I made some calls to the Edmonton Eskimos football team, UofA Golden Bears and the high school that I went to. I talked to the Eskimos equipment manager told him what we were trying to do and could they help us out with any donations. He said their stuff was for men and not boys but did give us some uniforms. When I went to the UofA they gave me some small equipment and more uniforms. He asked me who was coaching the kids and I told them I was. He invited me to their training camp so I could see and learn some things and to make it safe for the kids. The only bad thing was I wasn't allowed in the showers after practice, I thought that was important! The high school had some older stuff that they had no problem letting us have, so we had the stuff we needed.

Next we had to repair the field, lots of people helped with painting the goal posts, stands and just cleaning it up. We went back to the school division and they said ok, we had a team! We had put up posters in the school to see if there was enough interest, we had 17 kids say yes. Come registration 23 kids had signed up, 15 boys and 8 girls, in Canada you have 12 players on the field so some are playing offence and defence.

We had out first game Thursday, :cheerleader: the coach should be fired, but she's so damn cute! We got destroyed 58-12, but they all had fun :yeahbaby: and no one got hurt badly, just bumps and bruises
Julie, Lady on the streets; freak in the sheets

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September 20th, 2015, 1:45 pm

What's the age range of your teams? If they're young enough, maybe I could jump in. :rotffl:
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December 16th, 2015, 11:58 pm

We had our Christmas party Saturday night, we had so much fun and only minimal damage in our house. I made bbq'd ribs, chicken and a few salads, and so many treats! Yes it was guilt free, eat all you want and yes I ate way to much! We had a gift exchange, if you brought one, then before you could open it, everyone had to pick from a jar and do as it said. They were like, change gifts with the tallest person, shortest, stuff like that. Now I wrote them all out, or so I thought! Hailey had put some in, I could have killed her, They were like, exchange gifts with any girl that's braless, I said, ok that's me and she's saying, prove it, so I flashed them. A little later someone read change gifts with anyone in a pink lace thong, I said "did you watch me dress?" and showed my thong. When it was over I got a bottle of over proof rum, I thought great :signhammer: but Gunther, Hailey, Marlene and her guy all drank it up. I put it to my mouth to make it look like I was having a drink, but Marlene didn't put the top on and I got a mouthful, I spit it out, as I don't need to have a drink and I thought I was going to throw up, wow it was horrible!

Later most went upstairs to where the tree is and stereo, they put on some music and were dancing. I was downstairs and heard a crash. I went upstairs and saw Marlene and Hailey and the tree in a pile. A few things got broke, but they never got cut so no big deal. Just a lot of friends having fun :yeahbaby:
Julie, Lady on the streets; freak in the sheets

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December 17th, 2015, 9:10 am

Sounds like a lot of great fun,Julie. I wish you and Gunther the Merriest of Christmases and the Happiest of New Years, with all of the joy and happiness you both deserve.
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January 6th, 2016, 11:55 pm

We went skiing, no snow boarding on the 28th of December till the 30th. I've never tried that before and brought my skis just in case. We had drove all night to get there, we were waiting for the bus in his truck and he loves my tradition before the first ski trip of the year, a blow job for luck! Well he got lucky, we got on the bus and I was almost nervous. I got some instructions how to go both directions and some tips. I thought no use not trying this right away and went on a double black diamond run. I must have done ok, cause I lived to talk about it, I fell so many times, it was really bothering me. I was talking to a couple and they gave me some more tips, what a difference, the three of us raced down the mountain, and I only fell once, I slid about 300' and finally stopped, sore but not broken! I found Gunther in the chalet drinking, so the four of us had lunch, we all got along great. That night we invited them to our hotel room for dinner and to go in the hot tub, and enjoy the bon fire they had going. When we told them we were staying at the J.asper Park Lodge they quietly said they couldn't afford to eat there. I said, you don't have to pay, it's our treat for helping me so much today. Their were really hesitant about coming but I said I really wanted them, so they agreed as long as they could bring some beer, Gunther almost screamed yes, he loves beer.

We had fillet minyawn (spellcheck can't even save my ass with this one), how bout, really good beef! We went outside and got on a horse drawn carriage and rode around town, they were all drinking and I was trying to give Gunther a hand job under our blanket :-handjob was to awkward, but still had fun. Went back and we all warmed up by the fire then got in the hot tub. We laughed till almost 3am. They stayed cause they were to drunk to drive.

Next day those 3 weren't as chipper when I tried to wake them up, so I went boarding by myself. I met lots of people and had a great time, fell lots and found some great powder! When I got back Gunther was in the room, we went on another carriage ride, this time we had so much more fun :cockspank: :massage: Oh the fun you can have under a blanket on a cold snowy night!

The next day I got so brave boarding, I hit a mogul fast and hard, I think I was about 10' up when I though, I wonder how you land this right, good timing eh! Good thing I bounce really good, cause did I ever! I saw Gunther back in the chalet and said I wanted to go, he said, how bad are you hurt. I had tears in my eyes and showed him my finger, it's not supposed to bend up. He took me to the ski patrol and then to the medical center, he helped the doctor there reset my finger as I cried and cursed at them all!

Other then that we had a fantastic time and got home in time for New years Eve
Julie, Lady on the streets; freak in the sheets

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January 7th, 2016, 8:05 am

:rotffl: :yeahbaby: Another great story, Julie. Sounds like a great time for all. Sleigh rides and great meals, snowboarding in the powder, really sounds like a great trip.
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January 9th, 2016, 11:51 pm

We're in Saskatoon this weekend at a basketball tournament, we were almost late for our first game as the highways sucked! We got there just as the game was about to start, I had to almost plead so we could have a warm up for 5 minutes. Turned out we really didn't need it, cause the girls won by over 20 points. Was kind of funny cause I was given a sheet of paper that said I had to watch my mouth! If I swear, I will be kicked out of the game, I said you must have me mistaken for someone else :innocent: The girls won all 3 of their games, so their in the semi-finals tomorrow morning, win and they play for gold, lose and they go home. The boys, had some trouble in the second game and lost by 1 point so they play the early game tomorrow, win and they keep going.

Now I found out over Christmas that Chief Prowling Wolf has 4th stage cancer and isn't expected to live much longer, he's their leader and my mentor. Without him we couldn't be here, he arranges that we have the transportation and accommodations for the weekend. He flew in today with other members of the council and his family to watch them tomorrow, the kids don't know that he's here, but when they see him I'm sure that will push them to the next level. I want this so badly for these kids, gives them so much to strive for, but I keep telling them, enjoy the moment and the feeling, no matter the outcome!
Julie, Lady on the streets; freak in the sheets

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January 10th, 2016, 4:56 pm

I had to put this up about todays tournament, I told both teams this morning it doesn't matter if we win or not! Just remember that you played your best game and leave nothing to regret when it's over. If you play every shift your best then no one will feel bad about the outcome. Well they fucking won! I'm so happy for all of them, I was crying when they were getting their medals, and I was shocked when I was given one for each team. As soon as the ceremony was over I went to Prowling Wolf who was on our sideline and put one of my medals around his neck! He said he would put it in the council office trophy case, the other one will go on the school sports wall. I didn't do enough to deserve these, just encouragement and a cheer leader is what I really am.

I'll put up more when I have time, just taking the teams out for pizza's now, before our long trip home, that will feel so damn good! :yeahbaby: :yeahbaby: :yeahbaby:
Julie, Lady on the streets; freak in the sheets

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January 10th, 2016, 11:39 pm

Congratulations, Julie. Whatever you call yourself, you inspire those kids. You help them win. The medals are as much yours as they are the kids and Prowling Wolf. I'm proud of you, girl!

Be proud of yourself! :yeahbaby: :friends: :blowingakiss:
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January 13th, 2016, 11:54 pm

Thanks Walt, I'm so dam proud of all the kids! I call myself the idiot on the sidelines that screams, yells, encourages and argues calls that I have no idea what the real rule might be. I don't know why I've never won an argument :signhammer: I just wish more parents would take an interest in what they do. Of the 19 kids that made it, 4 parents went, they all had a free ride and paid for hotel room, yet still only 4 went.
Julie, Lady on the streets; freak in the sheets

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January 14th, 2016, 8:10 am

That's so true. What a shame that more parents aren't there for their kids. I hope they have a great family life, but part of that is inspiring and supporting your kids whatever they do.

I remember when I played little league, would have been 8 or 9 or so. My parents came to most if not all of my games. I played left field. No one ever hit out there. One game someone did. So I ran up, ready to make the big play. Damn ball rolled right between my legs. Awww, MANNNNN! I turned around to chase it down, but I was crying my ass off. I got the ball and threw it back to the infield, but the damage was done. I didn't want anyone to know I was crying, but, you know, you have to wipe your eyes, lol.

I don't remember if Mom and Dad said anything about it after the game, I don't think they did. But I remember the hugs I got from both of them. And I know that meant more than anything.
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May 11th, 2016, 12:37 am

I went home on the weekend for Mother's Day to put flowers on Mom's grave. After I stopped at the store in Millet to grab a few things and over heard a girl asking her mom how long they would be away from home. Her mom said when it's safe they can go back. Now I asked her where's she's from and she told me Fort McMurry, I said to the cashier that I would pay for their stuff, and asked where they were staying, She said they were camping at the campground near town in a tent, 2 adults and 3 kids. I asked for her phone number, and told her I can get them a motor home to stay in. She gave me her number and I went to mom's place. My sister and her 2 girls are living there, I got the motor home cleaned up with help, put in more blankets, found lots of movies, games, some bikes and took it to them. She had tears rolling down her face when we got there, made us (Gail, my niece) feel so damn good. When we went to leave, that's when I realized I didn't have a ride, so we walked to town, about 1/2 mile, went to the bar and found someone I knew to give us a ride
Julie, Lady on the streets; freak in the sheets

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May 11th, 2016, 8:11 am

Good for you Julie, this was the perfect story to read this morning. Those of us that are living in Alberta are truly opening up our homes and hearts to are neighbours in the north. I couldn't imagine losing everything right down to the ground.
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