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Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: October 2nd, 2008, 6:59 am
by WalterB
HotJulie on a hay bale. Oh, man is my mind working overtime. YAHOOOOOOO!!! :lmao: :walt: :noway! :cheerleader:

Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: October 4th, 2008, 5:21 am
by zlatky
The temp rose dramatically last night here (and during the...small hours-lol!)...Dunno of it was the "greenhouse effect", but I doubt it! loool!... :clap :signhammer: :penisdance: :lesbo: :alc:

Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: October 5th, 2008, 4:40 pm
by stickyvicky
WalterB wrote:HotJulie on a hay bale. Oh, man is my mind working overtime. YAHOOOOOOO!!! :lmao: :walt: :noway! :cheerleader:
Me too! lol.. I can totally picture that! Hawt!

It was about 85 here in North Ga today! I actually laid out naked with a neighbor and tried to get rid of these tan lines..... don't know how much it worked though..... seems like I'm stuck with them now!

Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: October 6th, 2008, 10:02 am
by vectis
Autumn in England,wet and windy as usual

Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: October 6th, 2008, 3:48 pm
by WalterB
Welcome to the club, vectis. Great to have you here and posting. It's hot and dusty out here in El Paso,Tx. Well, 85 days and 58 nights, not too bad yet.

Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: October 7th, 2008, 10:59 am
by sabatravis
Its 11 am and 88 :sun: and not a cloud in sight down here i guess it will get in the mid 90s after lunch

Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: October 9th, 2008, 3:34 pm
by stickyvicky
Stop bragging Travis! You show off! :D

Welcome Vectis! I remember Jolly old England, that's when I learned to run no matter how friggin miserable it was out, we lived out next to the coast not far from Brighton for about 8 months... I survived one winter there!

Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: October 11th, 2008, 5:45 pm
by vectis
Coming from Norway winter in England must have been a doddle

Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: October 11th, 2008, 6:13 pm
by vectis
To MILF queen.
I grovel at your feet
To Special forces commander
My apology
may I express my regrets at not replying to your welcoming posts earlier.I just didn't find them,foolish 'cos its easy really (look up recent posts).I'll learn but there is a lot on your site to interest a newcomer and I've tried to sample everything.

Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: October 13th, 2008, 12:38 am
by stickyvicky
vectis wrote:Coming from Norway winter in England must have been a doddle
Actually no, I find the winters in Norway different, it's a different kind of cold, it's crisp and clean! The snow crunches under your feet, but you can still feel the sun on your face. I love winter in Norway! I think I will move back there one day. I feel it in my heart - I belong there. Or at least I belong somewhere in Europe - Rokkerr does too. I was taken away at 5 years old, no choice of my own. Maybe we'll retire there.... Anyway, somehow the winter in England seems worse. It's a damp cold. It gets into your bones and you feel like you will never warm up! The worst is your feet! It takes 20 min in a really hot shower to thaw them, lol... We had good times there though, we would run on the beach and boardwalk, for 40 min in the cold, then pop into a local coffee shop/pub type place and linger over hot cappucino. Of course it would cost a week's pay.... :D

Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: October 13th, 2008, 10:51 am
by WalterB
stickyvicky wrote:...Actually no, I find the winters in Norway different, it's a different kind of cold, it's crisp and clean! The snow crunches under your feet, but you can still feel the sun on your face. I love winter in Norway!
That's what I remember about winters in Alaska. You would wake up in the morning to a clear, sun-fulled sky, the snow coating all the trees and bushes and power lines, crisp and clear, all so fresh and new. The cold would be crisp on your face and, with a beard, my breath would freeze on my whiskers and crackle when I would wiggle my nose. The snow crunches when you walk on it, so fresh and crisp and clear. I'm betting Julie and st1fler know about those things,

Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: October 17th, 2008, 4:24 pm
by Steinar
This morning I had to scrape ice off my carwindows :wtf:

Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: October 17th, 2008, 8:32 pm
by stickyvicky
OMG! Already! It's only mid October! Maybe I won't be moving back there! lol.....

Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: October 18th, 2008, 12:46 am
by nerdo5
stickyvicky wrote:OMG! Already! It's only mid October! Maybe I won't be moving back there! lol.....
You could always come to the Northeast. It was 70 today, and sunny. Not bad, considering....

Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: October 18th, 2008, 1:07 am
by stickyvicky
New York huh?

Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: October 18th, 2008, 3:12 pm
by crank
Not so great here, below normal. 30's at night and around 50 in the day. Where did summer go?

Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: October 18th, 2008, 3:17 pm
by WalterB
Hey, crank, welcome to the forum. Great to have you here. Where are you located with such cool temps? We're still high 50's to mid 80's here in El Paso.

Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: October 19th, 2008, 9:09 pm
by stickyvicky
The weather for the AidsWalk today couldn't have been better! High 60's, just right for Sara Jay who ran her first 5K ever! More on that in the AidsWalk thread! Unfortunately I just saw on the news that it will go down to 45 tonight, bad for my poor palm trees outside on the deck - I knew I should have brought them in before heading into town for a few days.... I hope they make it!

Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: October 19th, 2008, 9:37 pm
by pete3101
I live in Texas, actually El Paso is an hour's flight away from me and we have somewhat similar weather.

It's great here in mid September to mid November, warm and sunny during the day but cool at night. But anything can happen and usually does. We had the remnants of a Pacific hurricane (not Ike) dump about a foot of rain on us in 24 hours on September 11, casuing what the mayor called a "hundred-year flood." (Our mayor is not the brightest bulb in the lamp. We've had several floods that were close to that bad in my lifetime, which is a little under a half century.)

Texas is so big that you could divide it into four or five parts. I live more or less in the northwest part of the state. My sister lives outside Fort Worth. An uncle and aunt lived in Dallas and another aunt lived in San Antonio. We never saw each other except for visits from my sister once in a while.

Vicky, what induced you to move out of Norway and to the United States? Parents' job? Did you live there again when you grew up?

I'll look at your bio page and see where all you have traveled. I love to travel but haven't done much of it lately. I love to chat about people and places.

Re: Vette Nation Weather Central!!!! How is Your Heat?

Posted: October 20th, 2008, 1:28 am
by hotjulie
At home here it's around 20 at night and if were lucky 45 during the day. I better enjoy it while I can it normally snows before halloween :noway!