I wanna get to know, VICKY wants to know you

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February 18th, 2009, 2:34 pm

Rules, once you have read this post, you MUST repost with a note containing 25 random things, facts, habits or goals about you.

1. I am the proud owner of Jack The Cat. Jack is orange, and has short hair. He is now 2yrs old and wakes me up everymorning to be fed. He only will eat Chicken, Beef or Turkey in gravy. I remind him nightly we are not married. Breaks his heart.

2. My guitar is my mistress. When I play her she screams as loud as she wants and she rarely talks back and she is NEVER too tired to play

3. I began learning how to play the guitar in my late 20's. I am now addicted to it. I taught myself for a few years then hooked up with the 6string Guru. Who knew there were still Guru's?

4. My life revolves around sports and music. I love going to live sporting events and any sort of live music event possible

5. I live and die with the Utah Jazz (season ticket holder for 2 years), Chicago Cubs, Pittsburgh Steelers (YAY SUPERBOWL CHAMPS) and the Utah Utes

6. I have a golf addiction. It is something that was passed down from my father. I figure there are worse things to be addicted to.

7. The best advice I have been given so far in my life was from my Uncle Bruce and Dad Brian. They said, Brad, When you find a girl to marry, just make sure she doesn't like to golf. Amen Boys! YES I am still single. Amazing I know.

8. I'm Funny

9. I never really learned how to swim. Yes you read that right. I am like a cat when it comes to water. Water sucks. You can drown in it. It can give you a bad disease, fish poo in it. Ya, like I wanna go hop into a HUGE lake or ocean and just swim around and run the risk of getting chomped by Jaws!

10. According to the Fed Gov of the U.S. I MUST classify myself as a Native American Citizen. I don't have a problem with this but when you need and actual law to tell you what you can and cannot be, that can tend to piss a person off. Hells Bells, what if I wanted to be Welsh for a day?

11. I am of the opinion that Christopher Columbus should not get a day for himself. I mean the dude got drunk, lost and somehow his vessel smacks into the Americas. What the French? So because of this the Jerk-Off gets his own day. I mean don't get me wrong, I'm so hateful that I don't take the day off with pay. I just want to know how some lost drunk sailior gets credit for discovering America when the Native American's were ALREADY here? This is my own rhetorical question and if you are seeking a real answer from me, it is at your peril.

12. The only thing I am late for is work. I just have no motivation to get there by 8:30. For everything else in life I am absurdly early

13. I have worked for the United States Department of the Interior for 8 years. I have explained my job to many people and yet nobody really understands what it is I do. I am not a Transponster like Chandler Bing on friends, but I do work with number. That is about all you need to know. Seriously any more detail and you would wonder why I get paid to do what I do.

14. I love being an Uncle. I have two nephews and two nieces. I also have several cool Uncles that taught me swear words and fun things to do to people. I cannot wait to indulge my nephews on my same teachings. My nieces are too precious for those things; I just give them money

15. Growing up I was more of a country boy. I lived in a small town, loved to go huntin, fishin, camping and getting dirty.

16. In high school I was a total Jock, football basketball and baseball. My wardrobe consisted of sneakers, gym shorts, jeans and t-shirts.

17. Ok, please review 15 and 16 when reading this line. I may have grown up a country boy, but somehow I have morphed into a complete Metro Sexual. I have no idea how it happened it just did. I still like the things I did when I grew up, I just don't do them at the moment. I now have more clothes than anyone you know. My hair care products cost more than yours. I have highlights in my hair and I own my very own blow dryer. I have also been known got get massages and manicures on a monthly basis. DON'T JUDGE ME. And to save you from asking, no I am not gay. I just like to be clean.

18. I hate bad smells. I'm serious! If you smell bad, I will most certianly spray you with cologne. I'm not kidding. I have multiple candles and air fresheners near me at all times

19. Pearl Jam's song EVENFLOW changed my life forever. When I was 13 out mowing the lawn i my wranglers and cowboy boots, my walkman landed on this song for the first time in my life. Once I heard that opening riff my life change. I instantly became Grundge-Alternative-Hard Rock. Total GEN X'er all the way now. I had never had angst until then.

20. I feel in love with Vicky Vette at first site.

21. I graduated from the University of Utah in 2005 with a degree in Speech Communication and my emphasis was in Argumentation and Decision Making, yes that really is a degree. So basically if you know me, I have argued with you. I will tell you that you need work in this area.

22. I am a natural born flirt. If you are a female and I know you, you have without a doubt been flirted with. And if you are thinking you aren't special to me because of this, that just isn't true. You are very special to me.

23. I'm a compulsive liar.

24. I remember everything. If I have saw to you that I forgot or don't remember, it means I am lying. See the above statement.

25. I enjoy being me. I love my friends and family and would do anything for them.
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February 20th, 2009, 3:33 pm

- I will flat out refuse to date a woman based on whether or not she liked 'Calvin and Hobbes'.

- Because I'm such a big fan, another message board thinks I'm really Sophie Dee posting in disguise. WTF?

- Roger Stern is the greatest super-hero writer ever

- Richard Matheson is flat out the best writer of anything ever

- I can watch anything in movies except rape. Gore and violence and sex is all fine, but even pretend rape just bugs the shit out of me.

- I don't smoke pot because i hate the way it tastes. It doesn't taste good. Its smokey, like ribs, and if I am going to be tasting that just give me some damn ribs.

- Once the man with the largest collection of Invisible Woman hentai porn called me out for not having as much Invisible Woman hentai porn as him.

- Dan Marino: my all time fav football player

- Women seem to think my "My Small Penis is Small' shirt means I have a giant penis.

- I still have Spike, a stuffed stegosaurus from when I was 6

- I'm currently trying to overcome my feelings for a girl I should have been smart enough to not fall for.

- My grandmother turns 80 monday; she and my grandfather celebrated thier 60th anniversary this July

- I have a highly addictive personality

- I interview pornstars for fun. And sometimes wait a long time for replies eh Vicky ^_-

- Kirsten Dunst stopped being hot in 2000. After 'Bring it On', she really should have been frozen for the rest of eternity.

- 'Bourne Identity' is the best action movie of the decade.

- Starscream, Jazz, and Blitzwing; the coolest Transformers

- I miss my cat dixie, even though she was a real bitch.

- My grandmother has major memory problems, and sometimes doesn't remember how old i am. Its heartbreaking and makes me not want to see her as much as I should.

- I can have entire conversations with my friends quoting only 'The Simpsons', 'Dumb & Dumber', and old 80's toons.

eh, 20's enough for right now.
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February 22nd, 2009, 11:43 pm

OK this is going to take some time.... :lmao:

1) when I first moved to canada when i was 5 years old they put me in grade 2 instead of kindergarten. It was 2 weeks before anyone knew I was in the wrong room every day.

2) I slept on the plane on the way over, so didn't know I was in a different country. I kept speaking only norwegian to everyone, i refused to learn english, and insisted they speak norwegian to me. It was very curious, I thought the whole world had gone mad.

3) I followed a tractor on the street (walking for miles from my house) when I was 6. I was fascinated with construction, backhoe's and playing in the dirt.

4) I drink about 5 - 6 cups of coffee per day

5) I switch to tea after dinner, especially green tea with anti-oxidents

6) I smoke the very occasional doobe but think exercise and sex are the best drugs of all.

7) I went to AA when I was 20. By that age, I had probably spilled more drinks on myself and the bar than all of you combined have ever consumed. I wanted to kill myself.

8) I have built 25 houses including the one we live in.

9) I have been to 12 or more countries: USA, Canada, England, Mexico, Costa Rica, France, Holland, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Denmark, Norway, Greece, The Rock of Gibraltar....

10) I would still like to learn how to ride a motorcycle before I die.

11) I love the water! Water skiing, boating, paragliding, swimming, snorkeling.... fish pee and all!

12) I have the worst sweet tooth! Chocolate and ice cream are my two biggest weaknesses (yet I don't care a bit for chocolate ice cream)

13) I love cereal - it's the perfect food, milk and cereal, ready in one minute flat!

14) I met my soul mate at 41! In a dive! How 'bout that! You just never know....

15) I am much stronger than people know and I'm fiercely loyal to the people I care about. I am a good friend.

16) Stinkie and Loki are two of my best friends...

17) I can be sillier than a 2 year old. I am very immature at times.

18) I don't have a jealous bone in my body, it just doesn't exist. I think everyone should have as much sex as they can. Turning down sex is criminally stupid. There is nothing wrong with sex for sex's sake!

19) My favorite cartoon is spongebob squarepants, because he has such a great attitude.

20) The first stray dog I ever had was Tommy a Heinz 57. Tommy's name had to be changed to Tammy because Tommy had 8 puppies shortly after coming to live with us! My next stray's name was Bingo! I would take in every stray I could and keep every one of them.

21) My grandmother was the most admirable, strongest and kindest woman I have ever known. She was the biggest influence in my life and kept me sane through the rough parts. She was my rock.

22) Sometimes I'm funny, sometimes I'm not....

23) My brother who is 8 years younger than me, gave me the words of wisdom to live by "Don't sweat the little things - and it's all little things".

24) I want to have sex with member "HotJulie"

25) Screw Christopher Columbus! Leif Eriksen was here 500 years before that! He just didn't see much worthwhile so went home... :signhammer: I'm going to start a petition for Leif Eriksen day! OK I'll just take the day off and celebrate it myself! :rofl:

26) Last one - I love and appreciate my members.
:yeahbaby: Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.
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February 23rd, 2009, 10:50 am

I wrote this pretty fast thinking of anything to put down lol
1) I'm 20 years old living in British Columbia
2) My favourite sport is baseball
3) I wish I didn't quit playing baseball after 13 years
4) I've been to Hawaii/Mauii 6 or 7 times and Mexico 2 times
5) In grade 8 I was the biggest ladies man
6) I wonder what happened to that guy?
7) I am probably the biggest procastinator a live, I leave assignments poeple have worked 2 weeks on till the last day before to finish it.
8) The first time I ever wanked it was to the Jerry Springer movie when jamie presley's mom was blowing off her daughter in the movie (jamie presley's) boyfriend. I couldn't even keep going once I reached orgasm because it was soo intense.
9) The most I've gone without masturbation is probably 8 days.
10) I have never been caught doing it
11) I am a virgin, not by choice
12) I think thongs were the greatest things ever invented. In my opinion girls asses look better in thongs than nothing.
13) I want have happy time with Sara Jay
14) I want to have happy time with Sara Jay & Nina Hartley
15) I want to have happy time with Sara Jay , Nina Hartley & Vicky Vette
16) I am extremely self concious always seeking others approval
17) I am extremely shy, it doesn't seem like it on here obviously but in person hell yes. When I was little I was the most outgoing person
18) I had white(super blonde) afro when I was little
19) I am addicted to the gym, and if my body would let me I would go everyday.
20) I want to compete in bodybuilding
21) I went to the gym originally to get bigger so I could attract BABES, too bad I am # 17)
22) I think Laura & Sue secretly wants to get boned by me so they try and get my sexual tensions high
23) My other head has control over my brain sometimes like when I say ok no more spending money on porn, then blood rushed to my friend and he takes control LOL
24) I wish I could go back in time and fix things I have fucked up on
25) I am glad I joined the site it has been fun
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February 23rd, 2009, 8:56 pm

Ok here goes I had to write them down!

1. I love to ski and snowboard, it's my favorite thing to do!!! :ski: I want to go heli-skiing at least once

2.I got my nicename in school from a friend of mine to boost my self convidance.

3. I love the farm all that room, and no one living near me

4.Now I live in a small town, 2 main roads, 2 gas stations, 1 fast food place, 2 cafe's,and the best ice cream shoppe I've ever ate at, 1 grocery store, a bar and 3 liquer stores. I guess you gotta do something! :alc:

5.This may hit a sore spot with most of you but dogs and cats to me are just that. I will run with them, I just never get attached, the dogs are there to keep the coyotes away from the house and to make noise if someone drives up. The cats do whatever cats do, and live in the barn.

6. I love music all kinds, well not rap, hip hop and disco

7. My favorite movie is Romeo and Juliet with Olivia Hussey and Leonard Whiting (1968) I cry like a little girl everytime I watch it! If a guy ever watched it with me he'd be in my jeans so fast. "Never has there been a tale of more woe, then this of Juliet and her Romeo"

8. I love to go dancing my favorite place is Cook County Saloon they play everything. If a guy is good dancer that's such a turn on!

9. I love to work out, doing the mattress bogie is awesome, but the gym's good too!

10. I love to dress sexy and look sexy. I've learned lots from Vicky and have a long way to go.

11. I don't compare myself to anyone, I'm me and I think I look good.

12. I love lapdancing, to me it's better then dancing at differant clubs. :shake-that-ass: It can be very exciting trust me.

13. I think I'm funny and not just my body damn it!

14. I love trucks put it in 4 wheel drive and get the fuck out of my way. I like to get stuck and trying to get out.

15. I have a black belt, it's helped me in so many ways. I've never used it outside the gym, but I know where every presure point in the body is. I've had a few guys on there knees almost crying.

16. A hot tub with good friends naked of course does it get any better! :hottub:

17. Camping in the mountains I love it. Sitting around a camp fire with friends to me is a great night.

18. Being a member of the V.N.A. is awesome. Everyone is so nice to me and cares for each other all thanks to Vicky and Dave! :iloveyou:

19. I've been in live theatre it's so much fun.

20. I'm a huge hockey fan I love The Oilers, The Oil Kings and The Golden Bears. I've met Wayne Gretzky and Mark Messier.

21. I played on guys hockey teams till I was 16 (AAA Midget). The next level is junior, I never got selected by any teams because I'm a girl and way to small. Most of the guys were about 170 and I was 105 but I'd hit them as hard as I could and they'd hit me back sometimes I never got up. I scored lots and even in the games.

22.My pesonality is extremly outgoing. :2: I go at things full speed, I love to party and just have fun. When I go out I can make a party or die trying.

23.I loose my truck in parking lots almost everytime. I always carry extra keys with me. I once took my moms car to West Edmonton Mall, and couldn't remember what I drove there. :rofl: I had guys helping me look for it, but weren't sure what we were looking for. We finally got the alarm to go off and other things went off that night too! :cockspank: :threesome:

24. I'm going through a messy seperation I wasn't married but you know. It's costing me so damn much, I just want to sell the house and never be in this position again.

25. I love the odd one night stand it's just sex lets just fuck and be on our own ways! :engel23:
Julie, Lady on the streets; freak in the sheets

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March 9th, 2009, 12:57 pm

At first I was pretty reluctant to give out information about myself but after reading the other's posts and learning so much about them I thought I'd give it a shot.

1) Believe it or not, I'm very introverted and I don't really open up to people until I get to know them better.

2) I love Las Vegas but Las Vegas and Lady Luck don't always love me. A couple of years ago I had to report $24,000 in winnings to the I.R.S. but I won't tell you how much I lost that year.

3) I taught myself how to play the guitar and played daily for 30 years until arthritis put a stop to that. I still play in my head though. Sometimes I dream I'm playing with all the guys and I wake up heartbroken.

4) I work for the United States Postal Service and am going on 25 years there. The things that I've seen there. You wonder why folks go postal? I know why.

5) I met my wife Christine at work. We started working together in 1984 and we got married 14 years later.

6) I hate obnoxious know-it-alls. Sometime I really hate myself.

7) I'm a jack-of-all-trades but master of none.

8) My nephew is Jeff Garcia. Not the quarterback, the comedian. A couple of months ago we attended a taping of him for Showtime. It will air later this year. Here's his website:

9) My daughters brag to all their friends that their Dad knows a pornstar.

10) I don't have any pets but my oldest daughter owns a rednose pitbull and he always wants to play with me whenever they come visit. I love the guy.

11) I've lived in California all my life.

12) I've driven cross-country twice. From California to Orlando, Florida one year and California to New York the next.
note to AccidentalTribe: We spent one night in Beaver, Utah.

13) I was born in a boxcar. No, really!

14) During the 60's hippy revolution, I experimented with every drug imaginable. Pot, mescaline, LSD, mushrooms, hash, cocaine, rainbows and others. Don't ask me what happened in 1969, I don't remember a thing.

15) I don't do any kind of drugs anymore except what my doctor prescribes me.

16) Don't screw me over. I won't give you another chance.

17) I'm a Scorpio. Sometimes I sting.

18) I taught myself Photoshop. I've been going at it for 6 years now and there is so much I've yet to learn about it.

19) I am one-fourth Yaqui Indian.

20) Me and Christine fucked on the beach one night in Biloxi, Mississippi.

21) I'm left handed. They say that's the hand of the devil. :whome:

22) Christine is the best thing that ever happened to me. I'd be a total mess without her. Tell me how many wives would encourage their husbands to meet and work with a pornstar? When Vicky was appearing at Adultcon in 2005 Christine knew I wanted to meet Vicky but me being the shy one I was getting cold feet. She came along with me for encouragement and she also took pics of me with Vicky. What a girl, huh?

23) I come from a pretty big family. Five sisters and two brothers. There was never a dull moment and I never slept alone. :gay:

24) Michael Connelly is my favorite author and I have read all his books. I finally got to meet and talk to him at a book signing last year. He's left handed too!

25) I love Vicky, Dave and all my fellow members of this board. I'll always remember and cherish this period of my life forever. The Vette era.
.......and in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make. -The Beatles, 1969
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March 9th, 2009, 2:38 pm


21. I'm left-handed, too. Great minds, etc. etc.

22. Christine is obviously very confident in herself and her relationship with you. Can't ask for a happier, more secure home.
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March 11th, 2009, 11:38 pm

What a great thread! Thank you Benny and Julie and Stiffy! Now how 'bout the rest of you?
:yeahbaby: Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.
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March 12th, 2009, 8:56 pm

stickyvicky wrote:What a great thread! Thank you Benny and Julie and Stiffy! Now how 'bout the rest of you?
YAY, I am glad you all are posting on here...KEEP IT UP
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March 25th, 2009, 3:28 pm

Better late than never; finally found time to write this all down :lmao:

OK, here goes:-

1) Close friends/colleagues often call me Stevie Wonder! Don't know why, he's a talented blind musician, I'm not.

2) I grew up in Melbourne, Victoria; then moved to the Sunshine Coast, Queensland after suffering a nervous breakdown to make a fresh start.

3) I worked as an accountant in Vic, since moving to Qld I changed careers and became a nurse.

4) I don't tell people my real age because nobody believes me when I tell them. I'm 47 but people think I'm early 30's.

5) I'm a big kid at heart; I love playing computer and board games.

6) I still feel like I'm in my 20's (see no.5); my favourite movie growing up was 'Back To The Future' because life was simpler.

7) All my family are my best friends. My parents brought up my 3 brothers and I to be the best we can be. I'm still close to all of them even though I don't see them much.

8) My grandparents were simply the best. They gave us grandkids so much love and gifts; my 80 year old grandfather used to beat me often at cards, he was so competitive. I was devastated when he died 20 years ago.

9) I'm a typical Taurus, totally stubborn except when I see a beautiful lady. Then I go weak at the knees, lol.

10) I became a nurse 4 years ago because I want to help others less fortunate than me; vulnerable children and the elderly who get exploited.

11) Do not ever become ill with Bipolar depression; it nearly killed me.

12) I hated my school years. I was the nerdy, geeky one everybody bullied and poked fun at. Changed my school 3 times in 4 years.

13) I only get high on Sex and Exercise. All other drugs just make you feel sick!

14) I have been donating blood to the Red Cross for 13 years because one day we will need them.

15) My first motto is: "Make Love Not War". If only that 1960's dream had become reality; there would be no violence in this world!

16) My second motto is: "Money Is The Root Of All Evil". Imagine if nobody had any money; then rich people could not rip off and take advantage of those less fortunate!

17) I love most music types except hip-hop and rap. The music from the 1960's is easily the best music ever recorded! The Beatles are my :trophy

18) I enjoy most team sports and sports where skill, grace and beauty rule (Diving and Gymnastics).

19) I support the following teams with a passion:-
Collingwood Magpies in the Australian Football League
Manchester United in the English Football Premier League

20) My vices are going to Brothels to get off and Strip Clubs to perv.

21) I'm a total voyeur and Vicky satisfies my fetish over and over.

22) Vicky gives me my best orgasms right now. :penisdance:

23) Vicky inspired me to start running regularly and take it seriously. :iloveyou:

24) The VNA is like my extended family, better than any Myspace or Facebook.

25) Finally, I love Vicky, Nina, Sasha and all the members of the VNA. The last 8 months on here has been a blast! Thanks everyone!!
Steve, the horny voyeur down under
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March 25th, 2009, 9:37 pm

Wow...25 random thoughts. I hope I can make it through this.

1) I've never been more proud to call someone my friend than since I've met Vicky. She challenges me in ways no one would ever think of.
2) My parents have been married 60 years (this June) and raised an incredible group of 10 children without whom I would not be who I am.
3) My husband is my biggest fan, and my best friend.
4) Ian and I have been married for 25 years - and counting.
5) I never drank a drop of alcohol until I was 31.
6) I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis when I was 30+. It is a family heirloom, but now very under control. After 10 years of pain, I said "F it! I'll run if I want, and don't tell me I can't!"
7) I lost my first sibling to cancer in 2006. He was 53. You all would have loved him.
8) I enjoy running around naked in the woods on weekends, but no one at work would ever suspect! :-devil:
9) I sew. Clothes, draperies, costumes, it really doesn't matter. I'll try it.
10) I know my way around a circular saw, a jigsaw, a wetsaw, and a compound miter saw <insert grunting here - ala, Tim Taylor>
11) I served 10 years in the US Army. The VNA is a natural! Why am I not a General, by now? :fighting:
12) My dogs are my children. Los Tres Amigos, to all of you!
13) Beverly Hills Chihuahua is about the funniest thing that I have seen in at least a year!
14) Ian and I were both virgins when we were married...my how things change!
15) I love gardening, and given the choice between a great roto-tiller and a Maserati...I would have to really think about it!
16) I don't watch much TV at all. Movies...ditto. I'd rather experience things than watch them.
17) Did I mention how lucky I am to have met and gotten to be friends with Vicky?
18) I've never been happier since moving to a little country plot where I can have a garden and lots of trees and flowers.
19) Ian and I sometimes just sit on the front porch (in rocking chairs, no less) pointing out the trees that we now OWN! Life is not just good, it if f'ing GRAND!
20) I could stand to lose 5 pounds, but I am still pretty proud of the shape of my butt. :D
21) Flattery makes me horny.
22) I don't think I'm all that good in bed. Fortunately, Ian disagrees!
23) When I was little bitty, I had a doll that I ever so creatively named "baby"...Nobody puts Baby in a corner! :)
24) I consider myself a "recovering" Catholic, but still have a deep and abiding respect for the upbringing I had, based on that faith.
25) I tend to reflect the people around me, so I try to keep them positive. Hence, Vicky is my dear friend, and I am sooooo lucky to be able to say so!

Wow...25 factoids is a LOT!

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March 26th, 2009, 12:04 am

HotRunningLady wrote:Wow...25 random thoughts. I hope I can make it through this.

21) Flattery makes me horny.
Wow, beautiful and honest. Quite a pair.
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March 26th, 2009, 12:38 am

OK, here it goes

1. Happily divorced father of two. Amazing how two people can make your day with just a smile.
2. Used to be a radio DJ and then a sports talk show host. Loved radio, hated the people who owned radio stations and what they did to the business.
3. I miss "Calvin and Hobbes" and "Pinky and The Brain"
4. i can't wait for Chickenfoot this summer. Google the band and you won't believe who is in it. Gonna be fun.
5. I have been to USA, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Italy, Germany, (then) Yugoslovia, Austria, England, Canada.
6. Dad was career Air Force, I spent some time in the Army
7. First major in college was physics, graduated from another school ten years later with an English degree, go figure.
8. Love Euro soccer. Spurs in England, Kaiserslautern in Germany (now in second division)
9. Love the Red Sox. Went to a Spring Training game this year, perfect.
10. Work for a corporate restaurant chain. Could be worse, could be out looking for a job.
11. Comedian Bill Hicks (R.I.P.) was right
12. I firmly believe the government described in our Constitution died in the 80s.
13. Daniel Craig is the best James Bond. I have seen them all.
14. Am currently writing the "Great American Novel."
15. My kids don't "Trick or Treat" the last couple of years we have gone to Orlando and had a blast. they don't seem to mind.
16. Music interests are wide. Iron Maiden, Metallica, Van Halen and Van Hagar, the Police were brilliant, Brother Cane, SRV among countless others.
17. I loved reading Lewis Grizzard, can't wait for Pat Conroy's novel in October.
18. I don't like how this country loses its mind trying to celebrate something because it is what people do. No one should hang a single Christmas ornament til December 12th. Two weeks is plenty. Do we really need Halloween decorations up in September?
19. If I could change bodies once with a guy, it would be Christian Bale.
20. and if I had tits I would never leave the house.
21. I do play the Powerball lottery and think I have a chance to win.
22. I think Kevin Smith movies are so good because of the writing and not as popular as "mainstream" movies because of how well-written they are.
23. There is something so poetic about a windy, grey-sky December day at the beach
24. I can impersonate Donald Duck sneezing, but my impersonation of him getting a blow job is funnier
25. I can't wait for Transformers 2 comes out.
and, because 20 was cheesy...
26. While I do believe in love and having a soul mate, I am not gonna dwell on not having found either yet. Things could be better, but things could be a hell of a lot worse. Just trying to be a good dad, a good worker and a good person. After that, I pretty much try to catch up on sleep.

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March 28th, 2009, 5:18 pm

This thread was a great idea! I learned a lot about everyone. I suppose I will post my own 25 things now...

1. I love history. It was my favorite class in high school.
2. My memory is horrendous. My past is mostly a blank. I'm the guy who always has a camera.
3. I'm agnostic.
4. I love 80's slasher flicks. I grew up on them and they entertain me.
5. This time last year I was almost 400 pounds. I am below 300 now and working towards 200.
6. I was born dead. I'm not kidding.
7. I am a big fan of Greek mythology.
8. I used to have a theft problem as a teen.
9. I am a firm believer that ALL drugs should be legalized. Ask me some time and I'll explain.
10. I like to write fiction.
11. My eyes are hazel. Yeah, I know they're hard to see right now. I'm working on it.
12. While I may complain a lot I do love my job; I just hate idiots.
13. I have only been to four states in the country. One of which was by accident.
14. I want to travel to Japan and all over Europe.
15. People that know absolutely NOTHING about technology make me go insane.
16. My favorite color is green (in just about all incarnations).
17. I want a dog but I have fears I couldn't take care of it.
18. My favorite Disney movie as a child was Sleep Beauty. Don't hate.
19. I can solve a Rubik's Cube. It makes the ladies hot.
20. I enjoy ALL types of music. From country to rap to classical to techno.
21. My favorite liquor is Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum. They make 100 proof now!
22. I have a bad habit of biting my nails and I hate it.
23. My major in college was Computer Networking.
24. I like to cook.
25. My birthday is July 28th (Leo). I will be 26 this year.
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March 31st, 2009, 12:06 am

Hey Tribe, I gotta tell ya, this thread was a great idea! I hope you guys don't mind if we comment on each other's posts? It's not my thread, I didn't start it, so I don't make the rules, but I guess it's ok... lol...

HRL #1 and #25 are almost the same! And 17 too! That's cheating!
#5 Well you are making up for it!
#6 HRL inspired me to start running. She cured her own RA with it. I thought it was stupid till I saw how much she loved it, and how great her ass and legs look!
#13 You were drunk when you saw Bev Hills Chihuahua! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
#20 You do not need to lose 5 pounds or even 1 pound and your ass is perfect.
#21 You are hot hot hot! Gorgeous! Intelligent! Is it working?
#22 Can I be the judge of that?

I wish I knew you all well enough to comment on all the rest! Stick around! :icon_jiggle: :drinker:
:yeahbaby: Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.
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April 1st, 2009, 9:05 pm

stickyvicky wrote:
HRL #1 and #25 are almost the same! And 17 too! That's cheating!
#5 Well you are making up for it!
#6 HRL inspired me to start running. She cured her own RA with it. I thought it was stupid till I saw how much she loved it, and how great her ass and legs look!
#13 You were drunk when you saw Bev Hills Chihuahua! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
#20 You do not need to lose 5 pounds or even 1 pound and your ass is perfect.
#21 You are hot hot hot! Gorgeous! Intelligent! Is it working?
#22 Can I be the judge of that?
#1, #17, and #25 Cheating? I didn't think you made the rules! :) Besides, they were subtly different ways to suck up, and what is wrong with that? :kissass:

#13 I was NOT drunk when I watch BHC, but it might have been even funnier if I had been. Los Tres Amigos even liked it on DVD - except the woolly one - he just chewed on his foot.

#21 <blush> Yes....
Running: the most fun you can have sweating with your clothes ON!
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April 4th, 2009, 11:57 pm

stickyvicky wrote:Hey Tribe, I gotta tell ya, this thread was a great idea! I hope you guys don't mind if we comment on each other's posts? It's not my thread, I didn't start it, so I don't make the rules, but I guess it's ok... lol...

HRL #1 and #25 are almost the same! And 17 too! That's cheating!
#5 Well you are making up for it!
#6 HRL inspired me to start running. She cured her own RA with it. I thought it was stupid till I saw how much she loved it, and how great her ass and legs look!
#13 You were drunk when you saw Bev Hills Chihuahua! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
#20 You do not need to lose 5 pounds or even 1 pound and your ass is perfect.
#21 You are hot hot hot! Gorgeous! Intelligent! Is it working?
#22 Can I be the judge of that?

I wish I knew you all well enough to comment on all the rest! Stick around! :icon_jiggle: :drinker:

Thanks Vicky.... Ya the rules are open. I am hoping more people comment on others posts to try and get to know that person or find something in common...... LIke who knew Vicky was as silly as a TWO year old and love Lief Ericksen???? I'm down with that.... .. and It has been fun reading all of these... .HRL, I need to send you some flattering emails... it won't be too hard..
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April 5th, 2009, 12:05 am

Benny wrote: note to AccidentalTribe: We spent one night in Beaver, Utah.

Benny..... Did you get a picture on the Highway of the "Fillmore Beaver" sign????? I love that sign..... Fillmore is the town just north of Beaver, so when driving south.... i always wake up for that sign.......
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April 5th, 2009, 11:35 am

accidentaltribe wrote:
Benny wrote: note to AccidentalTribe: We spent one night in Beaver, Utah.

Benny..... Did you get a picture on the Highway of the "Fillmore Beaver" sign????? I love that sign..... Fillmore is the town just north of Beaver, so when driving south.... i always wake up for that sign.......
Naw, sorry Tribe........

Hey! Did you see the pic of you I did? It's filed under "Astronut" in my booth. Check it out.
.......and in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make. -The Beatles, 1969
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April 5th, 2009, 12:03 pm

LOL, thanks for pointing that out. I hadn't seen it yet...LOL

I will take the VNA to Infinity and Beyond....
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