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What are your plans for Christmas?

Posted: December 12th, 2010, 12:03 am
by stickyvicky
Just curious? What is everyone doing for Christmas? Dave's parents are in LA and are having Christmas with his sister, my brother that I am closest to is in Kuwait, and my mother is in Canada, so we really have no family around here.

Since Ember had us over for Thanksgiving we are having her over for Christmas, with her boytoy. Carmen and Al, will also come over as will a single friend from GA (Trailer Park Tim - some of you longtime members know him) and my trainer friend from here. So there will be 8 of us and I'm cooking up a feast. I'm really looking forward to it because we don't get to do it that often!

Re: What are your plans for Christmas?

Posted: December 12th, 2010, 5:21 pm
by WalterB
I'll be going to Denver to hang out with my son, so, not much else. Two guys hanging out.

Re: What are your plans for Christmas?

Posted: December 12th, 2010, 9:27 pm
by JoseM
Not much going on for me. I'll be working Christmas eve and spending Christmas day with my family.

Re: What are your plans for Christmas?

Posted: December 12th, 2010, 9:51 pm
by cm1959
Nothing much planned here either.

The big "family" celebrations kind of ended when my grandparents couldn't do it anymore.

Then, when Vanessa's father died, going to his house ended.

With my parents living in Florida, there really isn't much family left.

So, I will probably have dinner with Vanessa while we watch recorded shows on the DVR.

And, for the rest of the weekend, I will be working.

Re: What are your plans for Christmas?

Posted: December 12th, 2010, 11:57 pm
by rokkerr
I hereby propose to Vicky Vette that she turn on her cam for an hour so that Carmen, Vicky & if Ember want... they can say Merry Xmas to everyone...

Waddya think Vicky?

Re: What are your plans for Christmas?

Posted: December 13th, 2010, 4:36 am
by Trackpad
I will be celebrating yet another Christmas in the desert :( but it is not that bad I have a group of guys that are like family so just like you Walt - just hanging out with the boys !!

Re: What are your plans for Christmas?

Posted: December 13th, 2010, 9:55 am
by stickyvicky
Hey I'm always game if the other two girls are!

It's so nice to be celebrating Christmas these days.. for 18 years I was with someone who did not celebrate, actually got miserable and bitched and moaned the entire season. I used to dread Christmas. I never had christmas lights, no tree, no presents, never did any christmas shopping for anyone, no holiday meal... it was just an ordinary day with lots of cynical complaining about how stupid the world is for celebrating it.

Rokkerr is the opposite! He has taught me to be happy and grateful during christmas, to celebrate the friends and family I have. I am so thankful for him! I now absolutely love Christmas! Of course it is overcommercialized, yes Hallmark and others make a killing preying on our sentimentality, but if you can see past that you can use it as an opportunity. If we didn't have christmas we wouldn't see our friends and family and get things for them. I know we don't need a special day to do it, we could do it anytime we wanted to but would we? How often do we let work schedules get in the way? How many times do we say, I'll call him/her next week and don't end up doing it?

So I for one will totally partake of the Christmas spirit and cheer! I will play christmas music and sing out loud, I will cook up a storm and get pleasantly plump, and will phone every friend I have to tell them I love them, even the idiot ones who I'm pissed at, I will forgive them this year, lol....

I'm very grateful to all my friends here on the board, you guys are more than just fans, you are very special, because you take your time out of your day to actually talk to me, as a person, you see me as more than just a pair of tits, I just wanted you guys to know that I really appreciate you.

Re: What are your plans for Christmas?

Posted: December 13th, 2010, 12:35 pm
by BW1902
As for my xmas plans,work,work and more work until xmas day when I get to see my sister who is flying in from Atlanta to be with me and my dad and whatever family members we choose to visit or take in a movie. Yes there will be some time off in between the work,work and more work.

Vicky,I wanted to say thank you for being very personal with us,you have made this experience for me very enjoyable this year and I'm glad that I found this site and signed up. Meeting you and the other VNA ladies has been a joy and talking to the other members like Walt,cm,Jose and others has been way cool and a opportunity to meet other people around the world. So,yes,you definitely are more than a pair of tits,you are a funny and warm to person to be around and know. And with any luck,I will get back to your cam night,somehow.

Thanks again for making this experience a pleasant one,happy holidays to all,and to all,I forgot the rest of the line.............

Re: What are your plans for Christmas?

Posted: December 13th, 2010, 12:52 pm
by WSJ689
Breakfast with Family and Close Friends then home to watch a movie or sleep


Re: What are your plans for Christmas?

Posted: December 13th, 2010, 1:53 pm
by Steinar
My place is a Christmas free Christmas tree...the only thing I do at my place is blasting Martina McBride`s "White Christmas" on Christmas Eve.
On Christmas Eve I am going to my parents house celebrating with my mothers side of the family...and on Christmas Day back to my parents house and my fathers side of the family is coming. And on Boxing Day back to normal... :pornvideo: and :jerkoff:

Re: What are your plans for Christmas?

Posted: December 13th, 2010, 2:21 pm
by h0rnytoad1
i'll probably spend it with my folks, no idea if sis or anyone else will be joining us.

A few of my cousins are having a Beach party in their barn on the 31st, invited the whole clan.

A beach party at -15c in the snow, i can't wait lol

Re: What are your plans for Christmas?

Posted: December 13th, 2010, 2:36 pm
by stickyvicky
You Quebecers are all freaking nuts! :lmao:

Re: What are your plans for Christmas?

Posted: December 13th, 2010, 5:39 pm
by AussieSteve
I've had my Xmas :santa: vacation already (ended last weekend) so I'll be at home during the festive season. My parents will be away visiting my 3 younger brothers and their families interstate.
I'm working everyday at the hospital from Xmas Eve until Jan 3rd except the 29th so I'll be watching lots of VNA porn and :jerkoff: when I'm not working! It'll be good as I'm saving up to make it to AdultCon in March (hopefully) :D

Re: What are your plans for Christmas?

Posted: December 13th, 2010, 8:38 pm
by st1fler
wake up, open presents, eat big breakfast, sit around all day, eat dinner, sit around some more, sleep!

Re: What are your plans for Christmas?

Posted: December 13th, 2010, 8:48 pm
by stickyvicky
Sounds like a good plan! :bigsmile:

Re: What are your plans for Christmas?

Posted: December 14th, 2010, 1:33 pm
by JoseM
BW1902 wrote:Vicky,I wanted to say thank you for being very personal with us,you have made this experience for me very enjoyable this year and I'm glad that I found this site and signed up. Meeting you and the other VNA ladies has been a joy and talking to the other members like Walt,cm,Jose and others has been way cool and a opportunity to meet other people around the world. So,yes,you definitely are more than a pair of tits,you are a funny and warm to person to be around and know. And with any luck,I will get back to your cam night,somehow.

Thanks again for making this experience a pleasant one,happy holidays to all,and to all,I forgot the rest of the line.............
I could not have said it any better! :goodpost:

Re: What are your plans for Christmas?

Posted: December 14th, 2010, 3:16 pm
by cm1959
I know about the "work, work and more work" thing BW1902 - paid a hefty price, actually.

Glad I could be of any help to you.

Enjoy any time off that you get.

And Vicky, thanks for allowing us to get to know the real you.

Re: What are your plans for Christmas?

Posted: December 15th, 2010, 12:20 am
by johnjd
I will work on Christmas, but that is during the middle of the day, so I will spend the morning with my mom and brothers, and the late evening with Nicole, my GF. Overall, it will be a good Christmas.

I'm very glad to hear that your celebrating Christmas now Vicky! And a big thumbs up to Dave for doing so!! Good job!

I do agree that Christmas has become over-commericialzed, but that is actually ok with me. Its fun; the silly movies, lights, food, even tv commericals. I love it all. And I love giving gifts, even small ones (no pun intended, ha!) to friends and family. It really is great to give. Speaking of which, I will be giving you a gift to Vicky, from you wish list, not sure yet, will buy it tomorrow on my day off. Too tired now, about to goto bed.

And I suggest to the guys here to do the same - the gifts dont have to be expensive! Just show your appreciation and love for Vicky! Her list can be found on, search by her name if you cant find the link. And I'm sure everyone understand if you cant, as this economy is very tough for some people now. It really, really is the thought that counts!

Re: What are your plans for Christmas?

Posted: December 15th, 2010, 8:44 am
by AussieSteve
Vicky, it's great that you'll be celebrating Xmas :santa: this year. I hope Carmen, Ember and yourself get on :camison: would love to chat with you all on Xmas Day!

A very Merry Xmas :santa: to everyone in the VNA from ME!! :friends:

Re: What are your plans for Christmas?

Posted: December 15th, 2010, 9:59 pm
by zevdero
Staying in town this year with no real plans. May do something with friends or family. Probably some Christmas Eve afternoon tennis and some more on the 26th. Looking forward to not traveling, but wish more family and friends would be around.