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Windows 8 update

Posted: March 14th, 2013, 5:18 am
by scottb
Early in December, I got a new Toshiba Satellite laptop, with windows 8, and for the most part I like it. Just like anything else, it takes getting used to but eventually I figured it out and I wasn't having any problems with it The only exception was when it came to the VNA. No matter what I tried, I could not get the cam to cam to work to see any of the live shows. At the time I had another Toshiba laptop with Windows 7 so I really didn't care but about 6 weeks ago, that computer crapped out and no matter what I tried as soon as I went to cam to cam, I would just get a big black box and no matter what I tried or how often I tried it I would get the same result a big black box with no smaller box to sign in on to get in the live show. Now I don't know if you guys did something or what but when I tried it today IT WORKED. In fact as far as the VNA sites go EVERYTHING WORKS just as good as it did with windows 7. Now, I'm no computer scientist, in fact, my computer knowledge falls somewhere between dismal and nonexistent and I'm just happy that I can start participating in the live shows again which is the #1 reason (in my opinion) to be in the VNA. See ya later Scott C. P.S. do you think the new Pope had anything to do with this? :mrcool: :bigsmile: :circledance: :excited:

Re: Windows 8 update

Posted: March 14th, 2013, 5:40 am
by h0rnytoad1
lol well good to see you back scottieB

did you try to email vicky about this problem before?

maybe we coulda helped ya.

Re: Windows 8 update

Posted: March 14th, 2013, 5:52 am
by scottb
Actually HT, I just read over all of the posts in the Tech Corner and they had a lot of stuff about Windows 8 (I don't think I was the only one having problems) but I couldn't figure it out. Besides, I did absolutely nothing to make it start working. It was either magic (or maybe the Pope!)

Re: Windows 8 update

Posted: March 14th, 2013, 6:27 am
by h0rnytoad1
nah probably last nite's slew of updates had something to do with it, every 12th of the month M$ releases a bunch of patches. that must a been it.

well either way glad you're back with us.

Re: Windows 8 update

Posted: March 14th, 2013, 10:13 am
by WalterB
Please post issues like this in the Tech Forum. We're glad you got your issues fixed, Scott, but you even say that you read thru the Tech Forum. Equipment issues do not belong in Vicky's Forum.

Re: Windows 8 update

Posted: March 14th, 2013, 10:17 am
by stickyvicky
Last Saturday Amy Anderssen called me from London England while I was out rollerblading with my dogs... she said "vicky my camshow is in an hour and nothing is working, when i go to model login, I just get a big white screen, nothing else." I was thinking that maybe the hotel she was in was blocking our sites, but she said no the other sites come up. Then she told me she bought a brand new laptop, with windows 8. Well after some discussion, we realized that windows 8 computers do not come with flash installed. I told her webmaster to go to the adobe site and download flash for her, which he did, all worked, and her show went off without a hitch.

So maybe something somewhere prompted you to download flash and you did.....

Re: Windows 8 update

Posted: March 15th, 2013, 7:47 am
by h0rnytoad1
Good job Vicky

install that flash people, the software runs on flash.