DrDave47 Video's from all over - anything under the sun

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January 13th, 2015, 5:46 am

Kudos to these folks, always wanted to visit this area, but after seeing this, maybe not.
http://www.youtube.com/embed/9ruArctYYb ... detailpage

Between the end of wife-1 and the beginning of wife-2 I had a private pilot license,
wife-2 + my insurance company decided for me that I didn't need it anymore..
boo, maybe they foresaw this ?

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January 13th, 2015, 6:38 am

Wow! What an audacious project. I love those old DC-3's. Flew in a few when I worked out the chain at Nikolski in Alaska. Flying into Dutch Harbor was always fun. Hell, flying anywhere in Alaska is usually quite an experience.

I applied for a job in Antarctica, I don' remember, back in the '80's? Didn't get selected, and now I'm kind of glad. But those folks who rebuilt that old plane and flew it out did one helluva job.

That reminded me of one I saw on PBS several years ago, DrDave. The recovery of a B-29 from the Greenland icecap. The part about Thule, Greenland was cool, as I spent a year there back in '63 - '64. Really enjoyed it.

Hope you enjoy this one, DrDave, and any other aviation junkies.

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February 17th, 2015, 1:58 am

The Best of times in 3 parts.
Now You can see for yourself the Car that our VickyVette is named for, in living color. In fact you can watch the car grow up through this series, plus those of us old enough to remember, this will bring back memories.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

An orgasm is when a woman is sexually happy and she shows it. Sometimes many times. A climax is when her toes curl up so hard they cramp, her pussy grips you like a set of Craftsman lock grips, and she stuffs a pillow in her mouth to keep the people at the mall five miles away from hearing her joy!
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February 23rd, 2015, 7:23 am

We've all had days like this I'm sure.

:rotffl: :lmfao:

An orgasm is when a woman is sexually happy and she shows it. Sometimes many times. A climax is when her toes curl up so hard they cramp, her pussy grips you like a set of Craftsman lock grips, and she stuffs a pillow in her mouth to keep the people at the mall five miles away from hearing her joy!
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February 23rd, 2015, 3:59 pm

i've heard of lazy eye but lazy pussy ?

what she do, lay there not doing anything while the guy does all the work ?

after watching the cat video, yep...

but i'd rather watch a lazy girl having sex :lmao:
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April 11th, 2015, 1:40 am

Probably not for those with a dislike for heights, but still kinda of a cool job

One could say it's pretty shocking, ... :scared:

An orgasm is when a woman is sexually happy and she shows it. Sometimes many times. A climax is when her toes curl up so hard they cramp, her pussy grips you like a set of Craftsman lock grips, and she stuffs a pillow in her mouth to keep the people at the mall five miles away from hearing her joy!
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April 11th, 2015, 8:50 am

Now that is job I could not do. nice clip thanks Dr.

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April 16th, 2015, 7:09 am

A new take on an old english story and other useful stories. As the saying goes "let it roll".


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April 27th, 2015, 4:29 pm

Well it could happen.....maybe :hump:



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April 27th, 2015, 8:05 pm

I liked it :) who knew a giraffe was that nimble??
Kicking Ass and Taking Names :) :goodpost:
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May 1st, 2015, 2:15 pm

Some of us have seen enough seasons to remember these, some of us haven't but watch these, this was US!


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May 3rd, 2015, 12:03 am

Really great flying from the Swiss Air Force, great selection of aircraft also.


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May 8th, 2015, 6:30 am

Years ago I had a contract with the feds to provide emergency medical care to their survey teams in the wilds of Alaska. This video was shot just a couple of years ago, a Go-Pro in the nose of a Hughes 500D Turbine powered helicopter is used to move the field survey crews of the U.S.D.I. BLM Cadastral Survey Group in Alaska, from survey point to survey point. Using high accuracy GPS receivers and post processing they can come within centimeters of the exact position on earth. They then 'plant' either a brass cap atop a aluminum survey rod, or a full blown survey monument, put up tags on the trees called bearing tags, or chisled into a large rock if they can't find any trees, then move on and do it all over again. Every 2 miles, according to the guys I had the contract with surveying a half a million square acres a season was not uncommon for the crews. The background on why, this group is charged by Congress to survey all Federal land in Alaska, before it's title is transferred to the State of Alaska, the native corp. or private individuals. This group has been keeping up with the latest survey technology, and have been doing this same job every summer (Mid May to 1st of October) for over 50 years surveying in the 'field' during the summer, and writing up their field notes, and doing major repairs, and maintaince on the equipment during the winter time. They have moved up from using a 'chain' dragged on the ground, through microwave survey equipment both hand carried and helicopter mounted, to inertial navigation systems costing 'us', over a million dollars each, and mounted in helicopters, to now the latest is using GPS satellites with error correction between stations, and post processing data in the evenings for the highest accuracy.
Look at the terrain their flying over, and you can imagine why medical teams need to be on standby, take one mis-step and you can roll down several thousand feet of nasty terrain. And while their are no snakes and only one poisonus spider (brown recluse), they do have to put up with hordes of mosquitos, enough that a hord of those damn things have been known to drive a moose, or caribou over a cliff and to their death trying to get away from them. Also Brown and Black bears, fox, wolves, caribou (reindeer), moose, porkypine, and rabbits (arctic hare) and a nasty little critter known as the wolvarean, that's got such a nasty temper,that if it can't eat it, it will tear it up, and crap and piss on it, usually described as a animal with a mouth full of teeth, and an ass full of shit. Oh yea the fox population does carry rabies, I know, I've been through that series, now in my mind the only cute close fox is going to be dead, I'm not going through the rabies series again. :scared: Suck it up takes on a whole new meaning when the nurse is headed for my stomach everyday with a long needle. But at the time, I was young, dumb, and full of cum, went out to treat a guy injured in the field, and was approached by this 'cute' little fox, .... wrong wrong wrong, a fox in his/her right mind will never ever approach a human. :help: I thought it was cute, put a hand out like you do to introduce yourself to a domesticated animal, and got bit, took the dead fox with me, and took a quick flight to the nearest hospital (about 2 hours by helicopter), my luck wasn't with me, :crying2: and the fox tested positive for rabies, and I spent a week in a rural Alaska native hospital run by the Public Health Service, and a week of daily shots in the stomach which at the time was the only treatment for rabies, and where the nursing staff bless their hearts found out the hard way that Doctors make the worst patients., and now I know better..I think. (A hospital, that had to have a guard to keep the locals from getting into the meds), and when i arrived they were treating a young lady for an overdose of birth control pills, this was before the morning after pill, and she'd been out partying, and was pretty sure she was knocked up, (she wasn't) so took a whole 30 day supply at one time. This now comes with the warning 'DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME' she was pretty messed up for several days. And her hormone level was seriously out of kilter for over a month.

And here's the trivia question for the day, what does "Cadastral" mean?

Add this word to your trivial game, and you can rake in an easy win with this word, and the meaning of it. (answer at the end of my ramblings)

By the way never ever ever ever think that cute bear, or caribou,or moose calf you found out in the woods is all by itself, you've never seen a PISSED OFF MAD MOMMA until you get between them and their young. A thousand pound moose on the hoof, coming your way with murder on her mind, will I guarentee (or so I've been told) cause you to mess up your pants. So will a mad momma bear, and boy do they stink up close, 30 yards is about as close as I've wanted to be, though I've been a lot closer, and it smelled like an open sewer was running nearby. And even though I live near a fairly large city now, I still see several bears every spring within a half mile of the clinic. - oh your dog will protect you.....yea I've met a bear dog or three in my years traveling around my state, their the ones that go out and piss off mama, then run back, scratch madly at the door till you open it, run between your legs, and hide under your bed! You look up to see momma at full run headed toward your door, not a position you want to be in.

I can honestly say those days in the large survey camps while a challenge were some of the best times I can ever remember, a large camp would consist of three helicopters, two for moving crews and one with the survey system mounted in it, a cook, bull cook (we ate really well), a Surveyor ' chief (Party chief, in more ways than one) in charge of camp operations, a electronics technician charged with keeping all the communications, and electronic survey equipment working, a medical team, of one or sometimes two people,three helicopter pilots, and one but usually two helicopter mechanics, and a number of full time professional surveyors, men and women, and usually a fair number of volinteers, young people in their second through fourth year in survey programs, usually from Michigan, but sometimes from Florida, or Arizona. You sleep in well insultated heated tents, on plywood floors, It's four people, usually a mens group and a ladies group, but after the managment left we did have some mixed double living in a tent with a large diesel generator for power, hot n cold running water, weekly food runs, I've had King Crab for dinner in more than one camp. The camp medical team usually spent their day giving shots for allergies to bees, wasps, or in some case's people with bad reactions to mosquitos, or a little pest of a nat, called 'no-see-ums' cause they were damned small, and most every one has a allergic reaction to their bite, setting broken bones, cleaning up and dressing puncture wounds, and or rock rash, and sometimes some really ugly sewing together what a run-away chain saw has undone. I can say we never had any problems with ladies getting knocked up, not that some of the men and women didn't try damned hard to test the strength of the condoms, or their birth control, but no little surveyors, or little helicopter pilots were ever reported even later after they left the camp to return to school, booze is/was illegal in the camps, hell the Feds just wanted to keep us safe....BS. what was worse than booze in a federal camp.....you guessed it Porn, did it stop us, nope just like the booze, almost all the camps had a constant supply of poor to damn good quality porn, back in the time Nina Hartley was a huge name in some pretty damn good porn, she still is well known, but not as well known as she was 15-20 years ago, but back also when a full bush was the norm, and bare was considered strange, it's amazing how that one thing in all of the Porn world has turned around so much. I can remember case's and case's of 'turbine oil' that looked strangely like beer, smelled, and tasted like it too. The harder stuff was usually known as optical cleaning fluid, we went through probably four or five case's a season, we always told managment that it was absolutely critical that the optics be kept clean, some of that stuff could cause temporary blindness in your optical system, and like Julia Ann reported, sometimes a bad case of blank spaces in remembering the good points of our evenings entertainment.

Cadastral is an old roman word that means to survey large land mass's for tax purposes. The federal government BLM Cadastral survey group in Alaska, just surveys large land mass's, the survey results go toward improving maps, and the group lets others decide what to do in the case of tax's, they have enough challenges just surveying the land.

Anyway sit back, set your monitor to full screen, and enjoy a trip along the Alaska range, most of the mountains you'll see in the video are of the 10-13 thousand foot elevation, which leads to problems for those who have compromised lung or breathing problems. This video was taken between Slana, and Tok, the road goes from Tok, to Anchorage, or Valdez (Trans Alaska Pipeline terminal), with an interconnecting road going up to Delta Junction.

Sorry didn't mean to ramble, but seeing this brought back wonderful memories of the start of my career when I needed money to pay off my schooling loans, and this beats working in a Emergency room in some hospital.

Now that I'm winding down in my practice, I look back on these days with mostly fond memories. But like all things, it's become too much of a political game anymore. I let the contract go, because I had enough hassle with the Feds as it was, and the paperwork on this particular job took months and damn near drove me nuts every winter to finish, when I found out I could no longer consider a piece of dirt that held back water a dike, and now have to refer to it as a 'earthenware dam', so as not to offend, and when wire side cutters that have been known in the electronics industry as dikes for nearly 50 years and are even advertised as such in the catalogs, are now diagianal side cutters so as not to offend... when it stopped being fun, I was spending nearly 89% of my time filling out fucking forms, and writing reports instead of helping people recover from illness or injury it became a fuckin damn job, it was time to do something else. So with the greatest of pleasure I chose not to renew the contract, and when asked if I would please re-consider, and what could they do to help me not leave, I gladly unloaded on them, managment didn't see what the problem is/was, and they are the problem, the guys n gals I supported down to the last one agreed with me, I knew it was time to get the hell out of Dodge, so I'm winding down my practice, keeping old friends who have been with me for years and years, and some of their kids who know me, and trust me, like the young lady that cut herself shaving for the very first time with dads straight razor, on a pussy lip, and insisted Mom bring her to my clinic for stiching up, didn't want some 'strange' doc looking at her pussy, I would have loved to have been in the car on the way to my place, while Mom held pressure with one hand and drove with the other, I wished I could have taken photo's of her face, when she realized I was going to have to numb her up for the sewing job, she doesn't like needles, so it was a real challenge to get a needle into her, but like most things that's a picture that will have to remain in my memory for the rest of my life. So now I volinteer my time to Vicky and the wonderful ladies of the VNA, knowing that this is as close as I'm ever again going to get being closeup and personal with such a large selection of really fine young ladies. And like Walt, your all 'young' ladies to me.

Take a look, I suggest full screen for the best effect...sorry I didn't chose the music, it's not bad at least I can listen to it, but it's not great either.

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May 15th, 2015, 11:41 pm

Boy that man can tell a tale. I laughed my ass off , now I have to work on how to reconnect it.

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May 17th, 2015, 3:20 am

Ya'll gonna luv these Southern Women talking trash, be sure to run through the entire set, and NO a translation via google is impossible. Sorry :rotffl:


See ya'll latter
Last edited by DrDave47 on July 19th, 2015, 2:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
An orgasm is when a woman is sexually happy and she shows it. Sometimes many times. A climax is when her toes curl up so hard they cramp, her pussy grips you like a set of Craftsman lock grips, and she stuffs a pillow in her mouth to keep the people at the mall five miles away from hearing her joy!
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May 20th, 2015, 3:49 am

Probably won't see this anywhere outside of France, where apparently anything goes....

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May 21st, 2015, 3:31 am

i didn't know the French spoke Greek in France. they're very cultured

think they took some viagra before getting on stage?

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May 21st, 2015, 6:02 am

h0rnytoad1 wrote:i didn't know the French spoke Greek in France. they're very cultured

think they took some viagra before getting on stage?

I'd be willing to bet there was some type of 'preformance enhancing chemical mix' used before they started, that's hardly the place you want to go 'soft', just think how 'flat' the music would be then....lol


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May 21st, 2015, 4:36 pm

lol flat indeed or maybe they did excercises

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May 25th, 2015, 12:03 am

This film was taken in 2010, during an air show. Enjoy these aircraft won't be around forever, unfortunately.


Happy Memorial Day to everyone.

Last edited by DrDave47 on July 19th, 2015, 2:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
An orgasm is when a woman is sexually happy and she shows it. Sometimes many times. A climax is when her toes curl up so hard they cramp, her pussy grips you like a set of Craftsman lock grips, and she stuffs a pillow in her mouth to keep the people at the mall five miles away from hearing her joy!
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