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Stepping Away From The Biz......

Posted: March 2nd, 2016, 12:09 pm
by TrishaUptown
I wanted to take some time and personally thank every one of you! I have been part of this great business for 18 years but it is time for me to step away. It has been a huge part of my life! I have had so much fun and met so many great people. I will not just disappear and fall off the planet. You are more then welcome to still reach out to me on Twitter, email, my sext # or the many other forms of ways. For now Vicky and I have decided to keep the site open for those who still want to see pics and videos. I will stop in here at the forum every now and then to say hi.
For those you who are interested in private cam shows or custom videos please feel free to contact me to set that up. I will also be selling a ton of stuff. I have a ton of toys, DVD, pics and what not to unload so please feel free ask me for something if you like. I will give you a great deal!

I will miss this part of my life but it is time to start a new chapter. I will miss you guys on Monday nights but I hope we all still stay in touch!

Love ya!
Trish and the crazy wolves!

Re: Stepping Away From The Biz......

Posted: March 2nd, 2016, 1:55 pm
by CGYMike
Trisha, on behalf of my wife, I want to say thanks for being part of the VNA. 18 years is a long time to be involved in the industry. I just started my 17th year with the same company and I keep thinking to myself "holy crap, thats a long time"

Connie and I wish you the very best. Even though I didn't make a lot of Monday night shows I was lucky enough to see you in the archives every made me feel like I didn't miss you at all. I got a chance to help Vicky set up your site for the VNA and for me that was a real treat.

You Rock Girl xoxoxo
from Mike and Connie

Re: Stepping Away From The Biz......

Posted: March 5th, 2016, 3:48 am
by TrishaUptown
Thank you so much! It was a pleasure meeting you guys!

Re: Stepping Away From The Biz......

Posted: March 5th, 2016, 4:06 pm
by caseyT
Trisha, I just watched your Feb. 29th camshow and was so touched by your decision that I had to chime in. Seldom did my schedule allow me to attend your shows but I too caught them through the Archives and am a fan of yours. It's sometimes ironic how life twists and turns or zigs and zags when you least expect it. I wanted to wish you the Best of Luck in your future endeavors Trisha, no matter what they may be or where they may take you. I for one, will always be appreciative of your time and energy spent here in the VNA, as I'm sure, will all of your fans. Keep your chin up and your heart and mind focused on what's best for You. Thank you so much for your Cheerful Smile and Sweet Personality! Who knows, maybe we'll see you back here in the future, even if it is just to say 'Hello". Again, Good Luck and Fare-Thee-Well young Lady! :blowingakiss:

Re: Stepping Away From The Biz......

Posted: March 5th, 2016, 5:56 pm
by danamend
It was a great pleasure to get to see you monday nights,Trisha. You are warm, friendly, beautiful as well as a delight to spend time with. I wish you all the best to you in your future endeavors & thank you for being here & letting us get to know you. Take care & all the best to you Trisha.

Re: Stepping Away From The Biz......

Posted: March 6th, 2016, 8:30 am
by TrishaUptown
Thank you guys! You are so sweet and kind. The support had been overwhelming! I will definitely be keeping in touch!

Re: Stepping Away From The Biz......

Posted: March 6th, 2016, 10:52 am
by WalterB
Didn't expect you to be back here, so gave you my thoughts on Twitter. But you know I admire you and your work, both your porn and your travels. Like others, I hate to see you go, but will always support your desire to go and do as you wish. I know you enjoy life and have big plans. Nothing is forever, especially in today's world. You try something for awhile, and you move on to try something else. That's how you get the most fulfillment and enjoyment out of life. All of the pleasures, the travels, the fun I had in life, were because I kept moving. And I wouldn't trade it for anything. I will also enjoy following you, on Twitter, on your frequent visits here :rofl: and wherever else I might see the name, Trisha Uptown. Fare thee well, my friend, onward and upward.

Re: Stepping Away From The Biz......

Posted: March 9th, 2016, 12:06 am
by DrDave47
Lest I be accused of writing a book to you, I'll keep it so short that Walt will wonder what the hell happened.
Take care Trisha, I've loved your shows, and you since I first became involved with the VNA. While nothing lasts forever, take it from someone who's done the same thing, more or less for the last 40+ years, enjoy life while you can. You will be missed :crying2:
Please be SAFE. (see I was nice I said Please!)
I'm sure we'll talk again.
Take care my friend.

Dr.Dave47 :iloveyou:

ps: of all the images I've seen of you both still and moving the ONE image that will remain in my mind forever is your reaction to seeing Zany bOObies for the first time, that image will remain in my mind forever !! (Thank You Zany!!)

Re: Stepping Away From The Biz......

Posted: March 10th, 2016, 10:01 pm
by mikesline
Thinking About You Right Now ,Hope Doing Great ,Hearing Your Happy Eases The Pain Of Missing You ,Luv Ya Trisha :heartbeat:

Re: Stepping Away From The Biz......

Posted: March 15th, 2016, 8:04 pm
by TrishaUptown
Thank you guys! You are all to sweet!

Re: Stepping Away From The Biz......

Posted: March 21st, 2016, 2:47 am
by mikesline
me n shorty still having dirty thoughts and wishes with you ,especially after viewing recent archives,hard to let go of someone so beautiful as you,hope your doing good .trisha :iloveyou:

Re: Stepping Away From The Biz......

Posted: March 31st, 2016, 12:17 pm
by TrishaUptown
thanks babe! i am doing great!

Re: Stepping Away From The Biz......

Posted: March 31st, 2016, 6:00 pm
by Whitehat
I'm going to miss you, but nobody knows better than yourself the direction your life should take. :crying:

Re: Stepping Away From The Biz......

Posted: April 20th, 2016, 4:59 am
by DrDave47
Hope this finds you Well, and having a great time. I miss you every Monday night, a twinge of good times past.
Please take care of yourself, and write when you feel like talking.


Re: Stepping Away From The Biz......

Posted: April 22nd, 2016, 1:32 am
by ShandaFay
I just saw this on the board....I wish you the best of happiness in your new adventures to come!

sending you kisses...take care of you and follow your heart! :shandalips: :flower:

Re: Stepping Away From The Biz......

Posted: May 11th, 2016, 7:00 pm
by mikesline
no we did'nt forget you ,hope your doing good ,feeling happy everyday -i -we all still miss you !! :blowingakiss:

Re: Stepping Away From The Biz......

Posted: May 25th, 2016, 10:40 pm
by Davest
Good luck and best wishes in your future endeavors. You will be missed.

Hugs from afar.