The Safer Sex law in Calf

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August 19th, 2016, 7:54 am

I want first apologize if this thread has already been started, but I feel this need to be addresses based on some information I read. I have been following this as best I can and feel this affects not just performers in Calf. but all of us. If your not aware of what is happening I will do my best to explain. One man associated with an organization that is suppose to help, has proposed a law to over see the adult industry. The biggest things about this law is that any person cam bring a civil suit against any performer or producer if certain things are not met while making a video. For example the use of condoms, or other barriers in accordance with protection of blood borne pathogens. This will allow any person to obtain the real names and addresses of any performer or any person associated with making the video that may have been paid to make it. Now this law only applies to those videos made within Calf, but what has come to light is that any video shown on another persons website is also open to the civil suit, or the use of cam girls. This also applies to any couple, married or otherwise. What I read the other day was that even though the video or cam show was not made within Calf. the civil suit can be filed and those person would need to appear before the court to answer and prove that it was not produced within the state. If the defendant does not appear then a summary judgement is awarded. Now if this is correct it would affect every site on the VNA if any of the content is shown through another site that is in Calf. This law is so vague that it could easily be applied to other states, which would lead to another host of restrictions. I bring this up for one reason, if you know anyone in Calf. let them know to vote NO on this in November. It is written and titled in such a way that many people will think they are doing a good thing, but in reality it is anything but. I may not be the right person to bring this up and I am in no way an attorney. But I needed to say something.

One other thing I wanted to say is that for almost 40 years neither party has really taken a stance against Porn or the adult industry. Does anyone see how convenient it has become for the Republican party to now take a stance that Porn is a public health issue. If you do not think that they are watching what will happen in Calf. this law you better think again. If this law passes the restrictions that will be put into place with the change the entire makeup of the adult industry.
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August 19th, 2016, 1:03 pm

I've seen other postings that seem to reflect these views. Written, I'm sure, by other folks fighting against Proposition 60 in California. The way you get something passed is to word it so that it sounds like it is doing a good thing, and that you are voting for the common good by voting for the particular issue, when, in fact, you are voting for censorship and restrictions to your personal liberty.

I would really hope that people would actually read this proposition before voting on it. But in 90 - 95% of voters cases that won't happen. They'll read the headlines (written by editors who want the proposition passed,) and vote according to that with no real regard to the truth of the matter, That is why we need people like Julia Ann who are willing to stand up, get involved and make an effort to educate the common man.

Thanks, Randy
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August 20th, 2016, 1:08 am

I've been an opponent of this proposed California condom initiative (officially on the ballot in November as Proposition 60) from the very beginning, as I have been against Measure B (Los Angeles County's original condom mandate law) and the current attempt by CalOSHA to rewrite workplace rules to require "barrier protections" in adult porn shoots. I can tell you, Prop 60 is as bad as it gets....and worse.

It's not just the fact that the proposed ordinance will allow private citizens to sue performers who are caught shooting without a condom (yes, there is a 21-day period where the original complaint has to be filed with CalOSHA, but knowing the AIDS Healthcare Foundation and its tactics like I do, they will flood the system with enough nusiance claims against non-condom shops that it will be viable for private citizens to follow suit); it's also the fact that "producer" is defined so broadly that any married couple putting any sex scene featuring themselves on their pay sites or doing any bit of boy/girl scene for a camshow or anything that they get paid for could be held liable under this proposed law. Not to mention, the opportunities for outing and blackmailing and harassment and outright stalking of performers and the exposure of their private medical information.

The worst part about this is that if it does become law in Cali, it will serve as a template for similar legislation in other states, including states where porn is produced greatly. That probably won't stop the production of bareback porn elsewhere, but will drive porn production here underground into less safe and secure venues.

Basically, this ordinance reduces porn performers to guinea pigs for the failure of health officials to effectively deal with the overall STI/HIV pandemic on their own. There's nothing wrong at all with using porn as a vehicle to educate people on safer sex, but it is not a good idea to force people to do such against their will...especially when the current testing and screening system has worked so well. Porn sex is not quite the same as real-life sex like football played in the sandlot is not quite like the NFL.

I'm with Julia Ann 1000 percent on this.

It should be noted that both the state California Democratic and Republican Party committees have officially opposed Prop 60 for their own reasons. Although, I'm sure that there are plenty of Democrats who fall for the "safe sex protection"/"sex trafficking" false meme as there are Republicans who hate porn for their own denial.
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August 20th, 2016, 12:10 pm

It's the most ridiculous piece of legislation I have ever read! The person who files a lawsuit against a performer gets a portion of a fine imposed? Great so here is a new way to make money? If u can't find a job just watch porn and file lawsuits against performers? Wait, better only file against the ones who have money and can pay u because most performers are already broke thanks to piracy. ... d-less-hiv
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August 21st, 2016, 11:52 am

I have read as much as possible on this topic. What I have found is that this entire law is as Julia Ann and others have said that it is nothing more than for Mr. Weinstein to get a job in the Calf government that he cannot be removed from. This law will give him more power over a single industry than any one person should be allowed to have. I would suggest that if possible all the women in the VNA sites talk about this subject on their cam shows for a short time in order to get those who may not be informed to get informed, even if they do not live in Calf. I have a couple of friends in Calf and have talked to them. Like I thought they had no idea that the law was worded the way it was. Education among all us is the key to get this law smashed before it gets implemented. This law does affect everyone in the industry, no matter what state they live in.
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August 21st, 2016, 9:37 pm

stickyvicky wrote:It's the most ridiculous piece of legislation I have ever read! The person who files a lawsuit against a performer gets a portion of a fine imposed? Great so here is a new way to make money? If u can't find a job just watch porn and file lawsuits against performers? Wait, better only file against the ones who have money and can pay u because most performers are already broke thanks to piracy. ... d-less-hiv
There is something else really, really bad about this proposed initiative besides from the obvious.

There is already so much stolen bareback porn around; what if some cheesy porn site wanted to make money by illegally selling pilfered non-condomized porn, then filing complaints to CalOSHA or filing them themselves after the 21-day "limit"? They probably wouldn't be held liable for showing the pilfered porn, since they weren't the original "producers", but they could still be credited for sharing any fines if the original producers or websites get popped by AHF and CalOSHA for filming without a condom. Meanwhile, the requirements for filing and keeping private medical info would be enough to drive many out of the industry unless they were willing to cede to Weinstein's mandate. Of course, still won't stop production of condomless porn in states outside of Cali (yet, unless AHF has plans to make their "initiative" nationwide through the federal OSHA or through similar legislation in other states) or in other countries, but it will make it a lot more dangerous to shoot porn. I'm not opposed to those who offer condom porn, but it should be their choice, not imposed by the government, AHF, or anyone else.
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August 26th, 2016, 2:57 am

I see the usual republican bashing suspects have commented here. I notice that commenters have assiduously avoided the fact that David Weiner is a DEMOCRAT. How unfortunate. Walter is excused from this comment as his is the only rational response.
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August 26th, 2016, 7:23 am

Well, thank you, Catalina. But, I think some of the others are pretty well placed, too. I think everybody (here) understands what this proposition really is. The problem is that the porn industry is still a small percentage of the overall population, and it is those folks that need to be educated on the subject. People have a(n unreasonable) fear of pornography, and it is those folks that the industry needs to get to and educate.

I really can't figure it out. We all have sex (well, some of us used to :lmao: ) but we're deathly afraid of talking about it. Just mention "sex" in many situations, and people start moving away from you, like you're the pervert.
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August 26th, 2016, 9:55 am

catalina2 wrote:I see the usual republican bashing suspects have commented here. I notice that commenters have assiduously avoided the fact that David Weiner is a DEMOCRAT. How unfortunate. Walter is excused from this comment as his is the only rational response.
First off....I noted that BOTH Republican AND Democratic Party officials in Cali oppose Prop 60, and that there are those in both parties that for their own reasons favor or oppose it. Not even close to mentioning partisan leaning.

Are you here out of respect for Vicky, or are you here to troll right-wing talking points and insult everyone else?
"One need never be unsanitary while one is being dirty because sanitary is a state of fact and dirty is a state of mind." -- Nina Hartley
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August 26th, 2016, 11:36 am

second off pls read "porn - a public health crises" on this forum. then reread the first comment without missing the snarky comment at the end. I wasn't aware that identifying the culprit behind Prop 60 here in Cali was a "right-wing" talking point. btw Senator Mark Leno, a co-sponsor is also a DEMOCRAT.

I am here as I was under the impression that this was a "forum", i.e. a place for public expression.
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August 27th, 2016, 1:50 am

Where did I ever say that Prop 60 was exclusively a Republican invention? I am fully aware that most of the sponsors are indeed registered Democrats. (And, you misassume again that I am a Democrat; I am not. I am an Independent.) Also, you are the one coming in here claiming that anyone who disagrees with you are "Republican bashers". In fact, nowhere in this thread did I even say anything about partisanship other than the fact that the Democratic and Republican Parties in California had both formally opposed Prop 60.

Part of being in a forum of public expression is that people here reserve the right to disagree with you and state their disagreements openly and respectfully.

I've never "trashed" you for your conservative views; I simply fundamentally disagree with them. Ask Walt and Handcock, two very active conservatives on this forum, if I've ever, even in disagreement, disrespected their right to their opinions. Then, kindly respect mine, please.
"One need never be unsanitary while one is being dirty because sanitary is a state of fact and dirty is a state of mind." -- Nina Hartley
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August 27th, 2016, 2:06 am

Ok, you two. It's time to change the subject. I personally think you both are generally on the same page, there's just something someone didn't understand. I personally see what you both are saying. We all do respect each others opinions, and we all agree that Prop 60 is a bad thing, so let's extend our efforts to getting the word out. It's a shame that politics is so hard to discuss. That's why I try not to. I have trouble keeping control, too when someone disagrees, such as in the Presidential race.

We can all state our opinions, but we must be careful how we comment on others opinions. And that's hard to do.
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August 27th, 2016, 2:41 am

Duly noted, Walt, and I'm over and done with it. Moving on.
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August 27th, 2016, 3:41 am

awwww Walt, you're no fun. lol
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August 27th, 2016, 8:51 am

Haha, Sorry, Catalina. We all want the industry to thrive and go forward. In this case, the best we can do is get the word out, follow Julia Ann's lead and spread the word where ever we can.
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September 13th, 2016, 9:03 pm

this is unreal
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September 13th, 2016, 9:09 pm

yes, well, we Californians may be stupid but we're not dumb. the ad with the ex-porn star has not been airing and my experience has been that No one I've asked is for the initiative. I really don't think you have to be concerned, Vicky. I'm convinced it's going down by an overwhelming margin.
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September 13th, 2016, 9:26 pm

stickyvicky wrote:this is unreal
$1.8 Million For Yes ... 87,000 for no... ... e-statute/
What's even more unreal? Every penny of the "Yes" money came from one source: AHF. But, aren't they supposed to be non-profit, meaning they can't lobby the government? Oh, wait...
"One need never be unsanitary while one is being dirty because sanitary is a state of fact and dirty is a state of mind." -- Nina Hartley
"A slut is best defined as anyone -- man or woman -- who lives and breathes by the basic philosophy that sex is nice and pleasure is good for you." -- Dossie Easton and Janet Hardy, The Ethical Slut
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September 20th, 2016, 2:21 pm

For those that are not aware of a real asshole in California trying to make a God like job for himself, and wrote and is pushing prop 60. :no: :no: :no: VNA's Own Julia Ann is leading a group to stop the Ass from doing his deed. NO PROP 60. :no: :no: :no:
Julia was the special guest on a TV talk show with Dr. Susan Block last weekend, we have a link for that show. Unfortunately so far all we have is the audio portion, with some really great pictures, it runs about an hour and 40 minutes, and it's well worth listening to, they will explain in detail Prop60 and why NO ONE should consider voting for that piece of crap legislation. Hopefully a video clip will become available for the show also, meanwhile the audio is well worth listening toThe link is, :no: :no: :no:

Realize if this ASS gets his way and his job, it could happen in your State also! And YOU DO NOT WANT ANYONE SPYING ON YOU AND YOUR SPECIAL OTHER HAVING A GOOD TIME. :no: :no: :no:
If you live or have voting rights in California Please Vote NO, on Prop 60 and Please listen to this clip.
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September 20th, 2016, 4:28 pm

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