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NFL 2017 (Not the VNA Fantasy League)

Posted: July 16th, 2017, 12:59 pm
by WalterB
Well, we know it's coming. NFL 2017 will be here soon. So, to get you in the mood, I just discovered that season 12 of "The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders Making The Team" will be starting on Aug 3rd, 10 pm EDT on CMT television. The Cowboys Cheerleaders have their training camp sometime earlier in the year, where they select the 36 or so cheerleaders for the upcoming season. I really do think this is a lot of fun watching the ladies try out. The show runs for at least 8 - 10 weeks, from the time of the ladies first appearance at camp to be selected (maybe 50 or so out of 400 applicants make the first cut) until the announcement of the final roster of about 36.

I personally get involved too much. I love watching the ladies and, of course, picking my favorites. Of the 400 there are certainly a number who have no business even being there. But, never fear, they get winnowed out early. And, if they want to show up and try, more power to them. They made the effort and can say that they tried.

Throughout the season, a few get cut. They all try hard, but some just don't quite make it. They just don't have whatever it is that Kelly and Judy are looking for (Kelly "I'd Fuck Her in a Heartbeat" Finglass and Judy Trammel are the director and her assistant.) It's hard to watch the ones who get cut. They have their hearts set on it, but just don't quite have it. Kelly and Judy usually encourage them to get more training and come back next season. There was one, I remember, who had posted apparently nude or at least risque' photos of herself on social media (she said her BF did it.) Another had posted pics of herself drinking and carousing at a party. Both lost their chance. But the ones who try and just don't quite make the grade are the real heart breakers. You can't help but feel for them, especially if it's week 6 or 8 of training camp.

The ladies go through a lot. Training camp has calesthenics and workouts (HotJulieJewel would make a great trainer here,) they have poise classes, they have make-up classes, a lot goes into developing the team. They don't just show up and dance around a bit. It's really a lot of hard work. The ones who make it are rightfully proud.

But, finally, it's all over. Kelly announces the final team, and they all hug and cheer and jump up and down, lol. And the season will end with the girls marching out onto the field at halftime of the first game, to start, in some cases, their first season with The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders.

If you like pretty women, if you like cheerleaders, you owe it to yourself to watch this. Set your reminders, your alerts, whatever. and CATCH THE FEVER!

Aug 3rd, 10 PM EDT, CMT Television. See you there. Here's your intro.