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All Things Charlee Chase

Posted: September 17th, 2017, 11:15 am
by CharleeChase
Hey everyone! Rather than trying to find all the specific threads that were active in my section I figured why not just have ONE section for all things me!?

Things have been FUCKING NUTS lately! As I'm sure the majority of you know Hurricane Irma just came through, but first, let me back up just a tiny bit.

Our family situation has changed slightly. Hubbys mom is moving in with us. She has Parkinson's (has for some time) and to make a very long story short, she needs a place to be where there are people around her all the time .... so .... yeah.

That being said, though our house is large and has several rooms, it's only SO big. Every room was accounted for already and it's safe to say I cannot WORK anymore with her in the house. It's been difficult enough over the years working around school schedules, sicknesses, holidays, etc... but this throws a MAJOR kink in my day to day operations. So, after searching for about 2 weeks, we found a house to move the "office" to. Now by office, I mean the ACTUAL office (the room she'll soon be staying in - that houses Both of our desks / computers / inventory for our other business, etc) as well as ALL things for THIS side of my work as well. I won't be able to CAM at home any longer, so Monday mornings, I'll have to go to the office to prepare myself and the office, etc. Everything is currently in major upheaval.

We received the keys, had electricity, water, and internet turned on (skipped cable bc hey, it's just a place to go to work), moved over SOME of the work stuff, bought some of the basic essentials, like water, toilet paper, bath mats, ya know, basic shit and then BOOM ... Surprise, Hurricane Irma is headed RIGHT FOR US.

Well, with everything being what it is and with us having spent a week running around like lunatics moving shit (still no actual furniture at the office except computer desks), the last minute turn of the stupid hurricane threw a major monkey wrench in our lives just that much more. We had to go stock up on water, non-perishable foods, batteries for the bazillion flashlights we thankfully already owned, gas, bread, hand held battery operated fans (knowing that electric goes out at our place - just because it's Tuesday sometimes) ..... so fully expected that to go.

Sounds easy enough, only ALL stores were sold out of EVERYTHING. Our entire county didn't have water ANYWHERE for days on end. Now, normally, that wouldn't be an issue, because I always buy quite a bit of water every week when I go shopping anyway, because it's ALL I drink .... However, we ended up hosting, which meant there was a total of 8 people, 6 cats and a pit bull who eats cats for fun in our house. Obviously the dog had to remain crated.

While we had custom made boards to cover all but 2 of the windows (each weighing over 100 lbs), we apparently DIDN'T have PlyLocks ... which are required to actually install them, and of course, no stores for 100 miles had any available, so in order to attempt to protect our house, we had to cut down pieces of wood and hammer them into the wood, wedging it between the house and the plywood. So what should have taken maybe a couple hours, took ALL day. By then, as we were finally packed and ready to leave, all gas stations were sold out of gas (again), and we were told if we'd not yet left, not to bother because we couldn't safely make it out of the state. Alrighty then.

12:20AM ... power went out (as I expected). It was a long sleepless night as we could hear trees going down, on the roof and elsewhere, transformers blowing left and right.

We are all safe and sound. That's all that truly matters. There's some damage, plenty of uprooted trees, portions of the fence are completely missing, and of course it's not wooden fence which you can have replaced for next to nothing ... obviously lost all food in fridge/freezer, (we'd just stocked up BEFORE the dumb hurricane decided to head our way), we JUST got power back yesterday... so it's been a long week. An adjuster will be contacting us to set up when they can make it out in a few days to come up with a total damage estimate. There's still a huge hunk of tree that's completely broken off but stuck up in the tree. It's a giant Oak tree and if it falls, it will cause damage or death depending on the direction it goes, so that needs to be removed ASAP. Needless to say, I'm not letting anyone outside until it's been professionally removed! School closed all week. Spent the days putting things back where they belong, for maybe 2 hours at a time, but it's just too hot to be out there for too long without reprieve , so hit the mall, fun kids stuff and have pretty much eaten out every single meal for a week now.

I can honestly say I've had zero idea what day it is for days now. It's all been kinda surreal to be honest. I'll post an update shortly playing catch up on all the movies I've seen lately, etc. In the meantime, just working on getting things back in place, setting up the new office, getting things there so I can actually WORK again (I won't be able to cam tomorrow) ... there is ZERO furniture there ... and I'm not sitting on the tile floor for an hour ... sorry guys! and getting the old office set up to house someone else.

Life is nonstop!

Re: All Things Charlee Chase

Posted: September 17th, 2017, 12:06 pm
by stickyvicky
Yep, life throws you a curve ball sometimes... My grandmother always says "whatever doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger, and you learn from each experience." You did good Charlee! You are in incredible person. A rock for your family. They are all lucky to have you! Taking in another relative with parkinson's is no small task. We feel for you.

Seems sucky right now, but in a few years we will be sitting around drinking wine, laughing about hurricane Irma.

Re: All Things Charlee Chase

Posted: September 17th, 2017, 12:11 pm
by WalterB
What she said, Charlee. I know that you realize that, with all that, you're still pretty lucky. While we can't help, we're all rooting,, and you ill be back in great shape in NO time. Keep the faith.

Re: All Things Charlee Chase

Posted: September 18th, 2017, 10:50 am
by CharleeChase
Thank you Vicky. It could have been worse... pretty much my life motto anymore :) Now to keep an eye on Hurricane Maria (and I don't mean the Tampa model who bears the same name!)

stickyvicky wrote:Yep, life throws you a curve ball sometimes... My grandmother always says "whatever doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger, and you learn from each experience." You did good Charlee! You are in incredible person. A rock for your family. They are all lucky to have you! Taking in another relative with parkinson's is no small task. We feel for you.

Seems sucky right now, but in a few years we will be sitting around drinking wine, laughing about hurricane Irma.

Re: All Things Charlee Chase

Posted: September 18th, 2017, 10:51 am
by CharleeChase
I can't complain. I mean, I could, but it won't do any good, so why bother!? It simply it what it is and it could have been much worse. I know many ppl STILL without power and I know many ppl who never lost power. I know ppl who lost their roof, I know ppl who had zero damage.

WalterB wrote:What she said, Charlee. I know that you realize that, with all that, you're still pretty lucky. While we can't help, we're all rooting,, and you ill be back in great shape in NO time. Keep the faith.

Re: All Things Charlee Chase

Posted: September 22nd, 2017, 3:00 am
by ZachTank
I'm glad you and your family are safe, Charlee.

Re: All Things Charlee Chase

Posted: November 9th, 2017, 10:35 am
by CharleeChase
I think my computer hates me .... 2nd thread I've written a book under that didn't POST lol ... I'm about to run out the door so don't have much time now for what I'd originally typed out ...

Moved office

Hurricane hit

No electric for a while

His mom moved in

Another family member needed help so we stopped what we were doing, drove several hours to help and now have another family member living with us.

Life has been non-stop (as usual)

meantime Sony Vegas (program I use to render my vids) has taken a shit and for whatever reason will NOT allow me to render anything to SAVE. It'll do anything else... but not the ONE thing I need it to do. So please bear with me. I have shot several thousands of dollars worth of content... I just can't render any of it at the moment :/

Re: All Things Charlee Chase

Posted: November 9th, 2017, 11:19 am
by stickyvicky
why doesn't it post? you could Ctrl C it just in case it timed out or something? In my experience though, even when it times out, you can hit the back button and the post is still there. Sorry you are having a hard time, sometimes i think my laptop hates me too! Sometimes I get different results on the same thing on desktop vs laptop in same browser!

Yeah 2017 has been a strange one! Let's hope it ends on a positive note for everyone!

Re: All Things Charlee Chase

Posted: November 14th, 2017, 11:43 am
by CharleeChase
I have to get in the habit of copying BEFORE I hit send lol.... a habit I used to do before sending anything, yet when I started doing nearly everything on my phone as opposed to my computer, I stopped. Sigh lol! I'll learn eventually :)

As it's nearing the end of the year, it's officially my "busy time" ... this year specifically has me running around like a chicken with my head cut off, so hopefully after the holiday season and after New Years hits, things will get semi back to normal. (To give an idea .. in the 5 "work days" of this week alone, I have 8 different obligations all 30+ minutes away from home) Gotta love it lol!

stickyvicky wrote: November 9th, 2017, 11:19 am why doesn't it post? you could Ctrl C it just in case it timed out or something? In my experience though, even when it times out, you can hit the back button and the post is still there. Sorry you are having a hard time, sometimes i think my laptop hates me too! Sometimes I get different results on the same thing on desktop vs laptop in same browser!

Yeah 2017 has been a strange one! Let's hope it ends on a positive note for everyone!

Re: All Things Charlee Chase

Posted: November 9th, 2021, 9:36 pm
by CharleeChase
Hey hey everyone! By now you probably know how crazy my life has always been... In the past couple years I've had 2 more littles... A 2nd full time business and I'm now ALSO opening a dessert shop! Brick and Mortar style.

I'm looking for a little help and I thought this must be the best place to go because I know there are some seriously talented ppl in here. It's time to create the menus and I'd looking for some help in designing it. If you can give me a hand please email me at - and I can disclose exactly what I'm doing in a more private setting. Thanks so much!

Re: All Things Charlee Chase

Posted: November 9th, 2021, 11:53 pm
by stickyvicky
Welcome back to the forum Charlee! So nice to hear from you - tell us about the new business? Is it something really delicious and healthy?

Re: All Things Charlee Chase

Posted: November 9th, 2021, 11:58 pm
by WalterB
Yes, tell us. I'm not in Tampa at the moment, but If they ever have another Nightmoves, I'll be there. Which means I'll need to know where to go to get good ice cream. And, no, I don't mean tell me where to go. All the ice cream there is melted, :rofl:

Re: All Things Charlee Chase

Posted: November 10th, 2021, 8:21 am
by lance_s
CharleeChase wrote: November 9th, 2021, 9:36 pm Hey hey everyone! By now you probably know how crazy my life has always been... In the past couple years I've had 2 more littles... A 2nd full time business and I'm now ALSO opening a dessert shop! Brick and Mortar style.

I'm looking for a little help and I thought this must be the best place to go because I know there are some seriously talented ppl in here. It's time to create the menus and I'd looking for some help in designing it. If you can give me a hand please email me at - and I can disclose exactly what I'm doing in a more private setting. Thanks so much!
Bricks and mortar store! Yay - good for you!! My talents as a designer are a sick joke or I'd offer to help. Good luck and best wished with the venture.

Re: All Things Charlee Chase

Posted: November 10th, 2021, 8:23 am
by lance_s
stickyvicky wrote: November 9th, 2021, 11:53 pm Welcome back to the forum Charlee! So nice to hear from you - tell us about the new business? Is it something really delicious and healthy?
Forget healthy Charlee - just stay with delicious.

Re: All Things Charlee Chase

Posted: November 10th, 2021, 9:45 pm
by CharleeChase
Odd.... I replied way earlier today but it didn't post apparently!?
Anywhoooo... It is incredibly delicious and much healthier than ice cream (except for my fudge which is just delicious but not so healthy) - unless loads of sugar is what keeps you going!

Im still hoping someone will email and help me create the pics for a menu. Opening is coming soon!

Re: All Things Charlee Chase

Posted: November 10th, 2021, 10:12 pm
by WalterB
Dang, really sorry, Charlee. I'd love to help with that, but I have horrible taste in design.

I could sure come help you eat, though.

Re: All Things Charlee Chase

Posted: November 10th, 2021, 10:32 pm
by CharleeChase
No worries Walt! Hit me up when you're in the area and I'll let you know where you can find me!

Re: All Things Charlee Chase

Posted: November 11th, 2021, 8:42 pm
by WalterB
You can bet your bootie I will, Charlee. I need another hug, Heeheehee,

I'd like to wish you a lot of luck with that enterprise, too. It sounds like a really good thing.