Went for an MRI

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May 10th, 2007, 1:36 pm

Anyone done one of those? The machine took up the whole room, it stands for magnetic resonance imaging. Kind of like an xray but uses magnets instead, and it shows the cartilage and soft tissue and even the liquid in your knee cap and joint that the xrays don't show. Being a little claustrophobic it was stressful, I felt like I was in a coffin or being slid into a storage unit like where they keep the cadavers or where they burn the bodies, lol.. sorry, don't mean to be so morbid, but it was creepy, lol... you can't move at all for a whole half hour, of course my nose was itching and my hands cramped... thank goodness they give you a movie to watch while in there, Mel Gibson can take your mind off of anything.. anyway, I've got the films already and have to bring them to my doctor tomorrow morning at 10, and hopefully he'll schedule my surgery right away after viewing the results. I'll be so glad to be done with all that once and for all...
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May 10th, 2007, 10:18 pm

Hey me too Vicky. Years ago I had to go for a cat scan - an x-ray of my brain - the cat scan didn't explain what was causing me troubles. I'll explain it better below:

I had to go for my first MRI as my first neurololgist requested it and needed it to look at my brain. Three fingers of my right hand - the thumb, the index finger, and my middle finger - had numbness which went undiagnosed for about eight months.. The MRI showed pictures of my brain with too much plaque on one side since the plaque was on my left side of the brain which was affecting my right hand. He said possibly years of drinking may have caused the plaque ... Anyway, a second neurological specialist eventually did diagnose my right hand numbness troubles due to the start of carple tunnel syndrome.... and so even today I take a "B" vitamin complex along with a multiple vitamin as it keeps the numbness in check. And why not my entire right hand - the ring and pinkie finger? - a different nerve, the ulna nerve, controls that.

Yes, I'll agree as it does make for a very claustrophobic feeling... And I heard the many clicking sounds and what I thought were birds chirping as well?

Did you experience that - the clicking sounds and bird chirping sounds?
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May 10th, 2007, 11:54 pm

I had one-a them things where they shove a camera up your butt - don't remember a thing, tho. He showed me pics later and said, "That's yours." I replied, "Well, I'll be...."

Don't know if I could handle an MRI, stuffed in that little tube. I'd feel like a giant anal dildo. Can't they put you asleep for those??

And, good luck with your operation(s), Vicky. We'll be looking for the big "SUCCESS" announcement.
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May 11th, 2007, 10:02 pm

WalterB wrote:I had one-a them things where they shove a camera up your butt - don't remember a thing, tho. He showed me pics later and said, "That's yours." I replied, "Well, I'll be...."
Hehe, Walter - That's what's called a colonoscopy!! Where the doctor makes you drink that heavily salted phosphate of soda, broths and coffee - No food!! Only drinks allowed - the day before... Then you enjoy the rest of the day and night sitting on the bowl!! Hehe...

The following day is when the procedure is done...

As a side note - Imagine - mixing that heavily salted phosphate of soda into a pitcher of Margaritas - no one would know.. and everyone would be sick to their stomaches and within minutes they'd be running to the john... Yes, I'm very, very, bad - twisted in fact .... lol!!!!

... Then the next day, the doctor searches your colon, and small intestines, for polups. Then a biopsy is performed on these polups, a week or so later to determine if they are cancerous. - They do change from benign to malignant so it's definitely in your best interest to get this procedure done often after you reach certain age levels.
Last edited by John_fromNY on June 23rd, 2007, 9:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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May 15th, 2007, 10:32 am

I could barely hear the clicking and chirping sounds, lol.. they were really loud, but I just turned the movie up louder!

All they could tell from the results of the MRI was that my meniscus is abnormal. Thanks a lot! lol... I could have told you that! What a waste of $500!

So he still has to go in athroscopically from the front to see about repairing the tear in the meniscus, and then flip me over, slice open the back and remove that massive cyst. He said its one of the biggest he's ever seen... Hey, I don't do anything half-assed, lol...

My surgery is scheduled for thursday afternoon at 3 pm... I'll keep ya posted, don't worry, it's not gonna affect the site, if anything, I'll be on the board more and doing more updates, cause I'm told to stay in bed for 7 days this time. I have a history of not staying quiet long enough,s and messing up my healing. I always have "ants in my pants", really, lol... it drives me insane staying in that long.........
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May 15th, 2007, 12:11 pm

Damn, to be an ANT! I will come nurse you and tend to you and make it feel all better while Rokkerr is outside finishing the deck/building the barbeque/digging the new pool (and, I gots my own oil!) Yer doctor said you had to stay in bed (kinda makes you my prisoner, don't it?) He didn't say you had to lie still, did he??? :twisted: :twisted: :lol:
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May 15th, 2007, 2:39 pm

Haha, I see sponge baths in my upcoming camshows...
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May 15th, 2007, 11:25 pm

Good luck with the operation Vicky.
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May 16th, 2007, 10:30 pm

Thanks it's tomorrow, they moved my time for surgery to 2:15, but gotta be there at 10:30 for pre-op stuff, gonna be there all day... what a drag..... I'm a little nervous, but more just will be thrilled to have it all over with.
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May 16th, 2007, 11:07 pm

Ms Vicky, I am glad you are getting the knee fixed. Runners knees, we never lean HU?? I hope your knee is easy to repair, mine wasn't. One thing for sure keeping off of it is very important. Good luck I will be thinking of you.
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May 17th, 2007, 12:23 am

stickyvicky wrote:I could barely hear the clicking and chirping sounds, lol.. they were really loud, but I just turned the movie up louder!

All they could tell from the results of the MRI was that my meniscus is abnormal. Thanks a lot! lol... I could have told you that! What a waste of $500!

So he still has to go in athroscopically from the front to see about repairing the tear in the meniscus, and then flip me over, slice open the back and remove that massive cyst. He said its one of the biggest he's ever seen... Hey, I don't do anything half-assed, lol...

So no chirping birds for you? So very sad.

Is it a baker's cyst back there in the back of knee too? Yup, I had that too.

Yes it is an all-day affair it seems. You'll do allright, believe me. Yes, they have to admit you several hours before into the hospital for all sorts of tests. They should even be doing those "buckle" tests on your knee just to see how stable it is. Well Vicky, good luck with the surgery - at 2:15 PM. I'll even say a pray for you. Though most likely, you shouldn't be eating after midnight tonight. Just think, they'll shave your leg with betadyne solution. Yeah, that yukky brown solution that they froth up. Anyway, you'll be in very good hands as they have made vast improvements to knee surgery since my time in 1984. And you may need to stay in the hospital, for observation, or they may release you. Just be prepared for physical therapy sessions as you'll need to build the knee and the surrounding muscles back up.
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May 17th, 2007, 5:05 am

Good luck with the knee surgery today Vicky.
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May 17th, 2007, 5:50 pm

Hey Rokkerr, how is our Lady doing? Her surgery was at 2:30 pm. We are all going crazy wanting to know something. I am sure you are still at the hospital, so let us hear as soon as you can. Thanks Friend
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May 17th, 2007, 5:59 pm

Thanks all.... Vicky is resting at home after successful knee surgery. The doc said she will be up and about in about a week but knowing her probably 24 hours...... she is kind of sedated right now if you know what I mean... :P :P :P I for one am very relieved...... you always get a bit nervous when going under is involved.
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May 17th, 2007, 9:28 pm

Thanks Rokkerr for the up date. For her and the knees sake make her do what the doctor tells her to do. She don't want them to go back in there. Scare tissue will be bad enough from the first time later, she does not want to create more. Tell her that her adoring members want her well, and can't wait to see her.
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May 17th, 2007, 10:40 pm

Hey Dave - Yes, I'm very glad that Vicky is back home safely, resting in bed. Please take care of her and nurse her back to health - Keep her happy and safe!! - As we were all concerned for her well being, praying for her throughout the course of day today!
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May 18th, 2007, 4:15 am

Thanks Rokkerr for letting us know, is good to hear that the surgery went well.
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May 18th, 2007, 8:09 am

That's great news Dave. Now it's up to you to keep her off her feet. Get lotsa rest Vicky.
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May 18th, 2007, 9:04 am

I will keep her off her feet Benny....... and yes we will film everything :shock: :shock: Kidding of course but she is doing pretty good. The doc said it was the biggest he had ever seen (and I was not even in the room)!!....

I told her by the way not to get on the computer and to sleep so sorry if she is not posting herself..... she was put to sleep and had painkillers last night. In a couple of weeks though she will be up and running around with even more killer legs than before.... :roll: :o :!:
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May 18th, 2007, 10:08 pm

Thanks all you guys! It really was not all that bad. The doctor and crew were fantastic! Good natured and lots of humor.

I was so nervous before being put to sleep that I was shaking, plus it was really COLD in there- so they gave me some atavan to take the edge off, they washed my leg with antibacterial soap, attached a device to my back to monitor my heartbeat, another device on the pointing finger to measure pulse, plus the blood pressure band on my arm. The nighty they gave me tied in the back, I can't believe they still have those! My butt was hanging out! Oh and the blue showercap thing was really hot too, lol....

So when they were wheeling me down the hall to go into the OR, I kept yelling out, "bye rokkerr, I love you, I love you..... " so the whole crew started singing "I think I love you" by the Partridge Family... it was hilarious, we all sang about 4 songs (bits and pieces including show me the way to Albuqueque... ) until I fell asleep...

The surgery only took an hour and ten minutes, he tried to take the whole cyst out in one piece but couldn't do it. The bottom part of it was wrapped around the knee joint, so he had to do some digging. To compensate he numbed the entire inside of the knee with needles. So once the numbing wore off it was pretty sore... They gave me lots of LORTAB for home...

They told Rokkerr I'd stay asleep for 45 min to one hour after the surgery so he went out to fill my prescription, but I surprised them and woke up on the way out of the OR and started talking to them before I was even back in the recovery room. The doctor told me I was going to be happy with the scar because he was able to put it in the crease of the knee so it wouldn't be noticeable. (Originally he thought it would be very large) I asked him if I could have the cyst because I wanted to sell it on ebay, lol... god only knows what else I said because I wasn't fully conscious and they were all laughing... they had to call Rokkerr to come back and get me... it was really a great experience, strange as that may seem. One of my best girlfriends came to the hospital too, and all my friends keep stopping by and calling...

The worst part is the sore throat from the tube they stick down your airway, damn that hurts... But really the Lortab is great! lol... Rokkerr is taking such great care of me, I am so lucky... his cooking is great! Who knew? I get to stay in bed, with my feet up, Star Trek comes on 4 times per day! On the SPIKE channel - Generations 2 times and Voyager 2 times! I talk on the phone, post on the board, sit outside, update the site, watch the squirrels and the birds in our feeders, really I love this! lol... Oh and I've got the crutches mastered! I can really whiz around on those things - you get a rhythm and momentum going and you can cover ground fast, lol....
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