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November 21st, 2012, 10:45 am

Thank You for being so welcoming. This board has been a blast. I wish I had joined sooner. I blame Vicky, she didn't insist enough. :bluewink:



PS--Now all I need to do is get to more camshows. :hump:
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November 23rd, 2012, 1:51 am

Happy Thanksgiving to you too Bretzky and all the VNA troops!
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November 23rd, 2012, 10:26 am

I hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving and you all got stuffed, or did the stuffing :hump: If your doing any shopping today don't get trampled, we have a sale here on trapping supplies. I doubt there will be a mad rush. Aww life in the north
Julie, Lady on the streets; freak in the sheets

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November 23rd, 2012, 1:08 pm

I saw a garage sale I might go to.

All garages 45% off!
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November 24th, 2012, 4:50 pm

Happy Thanksgiving to you too Bretzky. :D
...And if you can't be with the one you love.., "Love the One You're With" -- Stephen Stills 1970
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November 25th, 2012, 12:06 pm

We got a really late start for our Thanksgiving trip. It's about a 10 hour drive to our North Ga cabin door to door, but at 2 o'clock Dave was still finishing up editing the Nikki Benz vid... we had to do as much as possible in advance, because we knew we would have very little internet here. Have you ever had one of those weeks where everything that can go wrong will? lol... we didn't let it get us down though... So after traffic jams etc... we finally get to our destination at 2:30 am, and the gate key will not let us in to our little resort. Then it slowly dawns on me... "oh yeah, I vaguely remember seeing a newsletter saying they were redoing the entire front gate area". Everyone was supposed to exchange their key cards.... we tried every code we could remember ever working, but no dice. We had to leave the Van at the front office and walk the 1/2 mile to the cabin, carrying our bags and 3 dogs... in the dark and cold. Then we get to the cabin, and my gas heater will not light! For the life of me I cannot figure it out. Seems the pilot light is out but I can't get it to light. I don't smell or hear any gas. I check the tank it's at 65%, all the valves are open. We do have electric heat, but it's much slower and not in the bedroom. We get in bed under heavy blankets and shivered for hours, lol... I swear I didn't fall asleep until 6 am. My feet felt like they were cryogenically frozen! Finally we let all 3 dogs in the bed lol... even once the cabin warmed up and we generated some heat under the covers, the mattress was cold through the middle, the bedframe, the walls etc... it's been sitting empty for a while, so takes forever to really heat up.

Waking up feeling like I didn't sleep, and poor Rokkerr driving 10 hours straight with no break, we get up, he goes grocery shoppiing and i start preparing brunch. We had already invited one of my best friends from Atlanta to spend the day with us. He's a fellow webmaster and he brought his dog to play with ours.

Then all hell breaks loose with the sites... seems like some log file went crazy with itself and grew to 262 gigs, instead of a couple of megs like it's supposed to be.... it was looping.... and repeating the same entries over and over, it knocked out the password file...... took us a little while to figure out what was happening, then I had to get ccbill to rebuild the password file for each website, then I had to manually rebuild the password files to 2000charge customers, thank god there is way less of those. All this while cooking brunch... lol.... thank goodness my guest is a webmaster and totally understood...

We took all the dogs for a long walk in the hills by the creek and totally wore ourselves out. I got to take a 20 min nap before having to go to HRL's for thanksgiving dinner.

She cooked a fantastic meal, even had non alcoholic wine for us to toast, etc... she had apple pie, pumpkin pie, and ice cream, plus we brought chocolate cake... so after all the desert we were sitting on the couch telling stories and laughing... The house was so warm and toasty, we were in front of the fireplace, falling asleep. HRL was spinning a yarn, and I was gazing past her at the wall. The was a large painting mounted behind glass, it was really beautiful, her sister had done it. I thought the dancing flames I was looking at was a reflection from the fireplace, but then I realized that the whole wall was on fire! I said calmly "HRL turn around, your wall is on fire". Well chaos and pandemonium ensued. I grabbed the blanket off the couch, and asked "Is it ok to use this to put the fire out?" No one answered me, so I threw it over the large credenza where the fire had started. What happened was the candles had burned down, and caught the fake flowers and abundant thanksgiving decorations on fire... there was a straw man, etc... it all went up like tinder.
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November 25th, 2012, 12:17 pm

So I threw the blanket over the fire, and HRL's boyfriend comes running out of the bathroom and starts scooping the blanket with his hands and patting it down, trying to smother the flames more. Rokkerr had grabbed kitchen towels and was patting down the smaller fires that had started on the floor, HRL was off in the garage looking for the fire extinguisher. The dogs ran in all different directions. HRL came back with the extinguisher and put out the little remaining which we were all really sorry about, because we had it under control, it was almost out and the extinguisher powder made a ridiculous mess, far worse than the fire did! The whole house filled up with that powder, it went in every room and we were all coughing and choking on it. I grabbed all the dogs, some were hiding and afraid, put them all in the backyard, and opened all the doors and windows, and turned on all the fans. The we realized HRL's boyfriend was really hurt! Turns out the blanket was made of nylon and it had melted all over his hands. After running them under cold water, and picking all the black singed blanket (some was stuck in the skin and not coming off) off his hands, his fingers all turned white. It was pretty scary. We got him an ice pack and we took them to emergency where we spent the next 4 hours with him getting treated. What a Thanksgiving to remember! Got home at 3 am again.
:yeahbaby: Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.
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November 25th, 2012, 12:30 pm

The next morning someone was attacking all of Deauxma's sites... they tried to hack the webair servers but thank goodness we caught that right away. They hacked her email, got into that, and got all her virtual storage folders, one of which was called "passwords". So they got the password to her godaddy account and were able to change the dns records for all her sites! They changed www.deauxma.net , www.deauxma.com , www.deauxmalive.com , www.deauxmastore.com , www.deauxmablog.com , etc... they knew the passwords for her sites, her blogs, the forum, her ccbill, everything... so once we realized what had happened, she locked down her godaddy, changed everything back then went through and changed every password on everything we could think of.... another catastophe averted, lol... why do all these things have to happen when we are in the woods, with 1 bar out of 5 on the cell phones and we are using those to tether our laptops? lol....
:yeahbaby: Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.
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November 25th, 2012, 12:32 pm

Damn Vicky,

Sounds like you had your hands full with hackers and fires. I've never been able to understand what hackers get out of their destruction...makes no sense to me at all

Well thankfully no one was injured and you managed to get the fire out in short order. That was about a minute away from taking out the entire cabin...very lucky you caught it in time. You have another story to file away and share in the years to come.

Glad that you are safe and sound
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November 25th, 2012, 12:55 pm


What Miss Vicky did not mention during all that going on Thanksgiving day Trio bugged her as to how we fucked up and not able to get on site. Server issues or Miss Vicky fixed some magic way before a naughty girls after Turkey Party!!!

Vicky, did you tell HRL that Jebby still has the "Hots" for her? LOL

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November 25th, 2012, 1:13 pm

You didn't fuck up, the password file was deleted.... I had to have ccbill recreate/rebuild it.
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November 25th, 2012, 1:19 pm

OMG the guy who tried to hack webair was a member! I've just banned him forever plus a day. Wonder if it was the guy who gave her a hard time in her show?
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November 25th, 2012, 2:48 pm

Holy Shite!! What chaos you endured. That's craziness. You damn near had a Vacation moment there. The most important thing to come from all that is nobody got seriously injured expect for HRL's boyfriend. By the way what was the verdict on that?

And the hacking thing is just insane. My Dad, who does website stuff for people to keep himself busy in his retirement, always likes to say that there's a special place in Hell for them.

I'm not sure what they get out of it other than some kind of jolly through chaos. What the fuck?!?!?!?
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November 25th, 2012, 3:45 pm

Deauxma is still fighting with Twitter to get her account back because the guy changed the password, email address and phone number that was associated with it. At least he's not tweeting nastiness with it, or worse, he could have deleted it. I'm sure they'll give it back to her once they realize that it's really her, but what a pain!

As for the burns, they are 2nd degree and will take 2 - 3 weeks to heal. They gave him pain killers and creams and lots of non stick bandages to change twice a day. He has to go to a follow up at the burn center next week. After I threw the blanket on the fire I was considering doing exactly what he did, but I could see the flames through the blanket and had a feeling about it. I was looking around for another blanket or something heavy like a big coat or something, when he rushed past me. Glad I didn't do it...
:yeahbaby: Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.
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November 25th, 2012, 4:50 pm

Vicky, that reads like a movie script. I hope your friends hands will be alright. Luckily you were able to treat it fast, fires can leave nasty scares.
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November 25th, 2012, 4:59 pm

Vicky! :theman:

What a horror story!!! :scared:

That's a typical "Why is it always me?" story... I know them so well... :crying:
Thanks God, you saw the fire betimes. A small fire can grow to a desaster in seconds.
Hopefully, HRL's boyfriend has not long-term problems with his hands. :crash:

& for that damn hacker :spank: : isn't it time to hang him high on a tree & report him to the FBI?
How much is your's & Deauxma's damage in hour's of work & cash money?
You have his name & CC-Bill has his address & personal data...
I think this was not a peccadillo, it was real crime!
A banishment for life (+ a day) is only a shot across the bow & not enough...
He's laughing about it & it won't stop him anyway!

And for all other hackers... Bretzky is right, to book a special place in hell for them... Fixed on a PC-place they have to program a huge code and just before they like to hit the last key to finish it everthing gets lost & they have to begin again... & again... & again... & again... & again... Like Sisyphos, the greek hero, who was damned to roll a ball stone up a hill but when he got it on top it always rolled down the other side... & again... & again... & again... & again... :lmao:

Yours :hatsoff:

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November 25th, 2012, 5:33 pm

Wow! Was gonna make a couple cutesy comments until it got to the fire and the hacker. So glad things didn't get worse. Believe me, fire extinguisher mess is nothing compared to nothing left but ashes. People, PLEASE be careful when burning candles. Make DAMN sure they are sitting inside a non-flammable dish and make DAMN sure there is nothing flammable within reach. PLEASE!

Sure hope BF has no long term pain or injury. Burns can really hurt for awhile, especially from something like melted nylon. Too many people panic when something like this hits them. You MUST keep your head about you to be able to respond safely. (Voice of experience. Like to burned my trailer down once with hot oil left on stove.) And EVERY house should have at least one fire extinguisher. They're really not too expensive. Vicky and Rokkerr, you need to buy one for your home in Fla. No excuses. When you get home just go to Home Depot and get one, preferrably two (Yes, that's an order!) If you (any of you) think "it won't happen to me," ask HRL what she used to think.

And, I think Carl has the right idea about the hacker. He should be given to the authorities.
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November 26th, 2012, 2:42 pm

I wasn't feeling sorry for myself, we had a great weekend, regardless, we went out for sushi and a movie on saturday night with HRL and boytoy, we saw FLIGHT. Then last night my other friends came over for a few hours. It was so nice to reconnect with everyone... I really miss GA!

We went to visit our tenants in the other house and she shared this picture with me. It seems that a mama bear and 3 cubs have been frequenting the front porch. She tried jumping up and down, yelling and waving her hands around but they wouldn't leave. She tried to keep the gate at the top of the stairs closed, but when she does the mama bear just rips it off the hinges, so now she leaves it open. She showed me the twisted hinges this morning, lol... I think it's the same bear that tried to get in our car and did go into our basement a few times when we lived there....
This picture is taken from the living room window which is right next to the front door, so there is no getting in or out, unless you sneak out the back, lol...

We are on the way home now, but will probably stop halfway and stay overnight because I have to do my Utherverse show! Tune in if you want to have cybersex with me! It's my 3rd of 4 appearances on there.
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November 26th, 2012, 5:22 pm

All I can say OMFG, and yet your attitude is amazing
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November 26th, 2012, 6:19 pm

You just gotta laugh Julie, what else can you do? It only makes everything worse if you get upset. Besides it's just so typical that it's funny! You know how many people were in the emergency room at 1 am thanksgiving night? They just shook their heads and said "another turkey fryer accident?" lol... they musta thought "damn rednecks"... but nope this time it wasn't...
:yeahbaby: Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.
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