The Not-So-Great Porn Blog Crackdown ALMOST Hits Tumblr

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Chief Aide, Headbussa, & Legal Guardian
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July 23rd, 2013, 9:24 am

It looks more and more like the big social media companies are trying their best to throttle adult speech out of the Internet.

We all know about Google and Apple's attempts to kick adult commerce out of their apps, but now the blog hosting sites are cracking down as well.

Already and Blogger have already started deleting adult blogs containing affiliate links, and WP has already banished porn blogs from their inhouse hosting service altogether. Blogger for now still allows for adult content, but they recently sent out changes to their TOS threatening to banish any site with affiliate links or ads to paid porn sites.

And just this last week, Tumblr had its attempt to throttle their abundant adult blogspace through the erasure of porn blogs from their search engines, though they had to ratchet it back after a swift and sudden backlash. Still, it's an open secret that Yahoo! (who now owns Tumblr) is under pressure from major advertisers and their mostly conservative base of followers to throw their adult content under the bus and lock them in a virtual basement to be barely seen and not heard.

In any case, here are a couple of articles on the matter, with suggestions on how adult bloggers and webmasters can manoever around this hornest nest.

Tumblr Reverses Its Pornocalypse -- For Now (Ms. Naughty's Porn For Women)
The Pornocaplyse Comes For Us All (Eros Blog)

The best option, I'd say, is to save some pennies and self host your blogs through and a paid webhost (like Vicky does with the VNA via Webair, and I do with my Red Garter Club network of blogs via
"One need never be unsanitary while one is being dirty because sanitary is a state of fact and dirty is a state of mind." -- Nina Hartley
"A slut is best defined as anyone -- man or woman -- who lives and breathes by the basic philosophy that sex is nice and pleasure is good for you." -- Dossie Easton and Janet Hardy, The Ethical Slut
"Sex is part of nature. I choose to go along with nature." -- Marilyn Monroe

My Main Twitter timeline (Warning: VERY Left of Center!!!!) (RGC_BPPA)
My Mastodon timeline
My Bluesky profile
My Other More Adult Twitter timeline (18+ ONLY, Contains more.....ummm, eXXXplicit material); AnthonyJK6319
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