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May 31st, 2013, 12:24 pm

Here's one for the books - and some pretty good advice, too. You can be weird if you want. That's your business. But, for goodness sakes, don't take pictures.

Here’s some solid, universally-applicable advice: Never have sex with dogs and never, ever photograph any sexuality activity between you and a dog.

With this helpful counsel firmly in mind, meet Stephanie Mikles, a behavioral specialist with the Harford County (Maryland) Schools who works mainly with special needs children.

A grand jury has indicted Mikles for “unnatural or perverted sexual practice,” reports WMAR-TV, the ABC affiliate in Baltimore. The indictment is short on details but it does allege that she had “sexual intercourse with a dog.”

The shocking evidence against Mikles, 45, also includes still photos.

The canine still lives with the teacher’s family in her home in bucolic Harford County.

The twisted acts allegedly occurred in August 2008. Throughout the entire month, says the New York Post, the teacher allegedly got busy in a variety of twisted ways with the family pet.

Sensibly enough, there is no statute of limitations in Maryland for bestiality, a misdemeanor punishable by up to 10 years in prison and fine of $1000.

Since the indictment, the Harford County Schools System has placed Mikles on administrative leave without pay. She has been an employee since 2009.

Investigators told WMAR they were looking for something else when they discovered incriminating evidence. However, it’s not clear what the initial search involved.

An attorney for Mikles told the station that she is innocent and is seeking to dismiss the charges.

At this time, she is out of jail on $5000 bond.

She wasn't having sex with it. She was teaching it how to "fetch."
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June 3rd, 2013, 12:59 am

I ca see the conversation with her lawyer
lawyer : its looks bad you mad lots of Mistakes
mikles : yeah so my first mistake was taking the photos
lawyer : NO Your first mistake was having SEX with the dog !!!
Mikles : O yeah
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June 3rd, 2013, 7:21 am

What gets me is that someone can stand there, with pictures staring them in the face, and say, "I'm innocent."

Or, like a certain presidential cigar smoker, "I did not have sex with that dog!"
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June 3rd, 2013, 7:51 am

Cunnilingus Causes Cancer

Apparently cunnilingus causes cancer. That's according to actor Michael Douglas, who isn't as crazy as he sounds, according to science. But don't go using that as an excuse: it's only dangerous for people already suffering from human papillomavirus.

In an interview promoting Behind the Candlebra with the Guardian's Xan Brooks, Douglas opened up about what he thinks is the source of his stage four throat cancer. The common theory about Douglas's cancer was his years of drinking and smoking. But Douglas says it was all because of oral sex, of course:

"No," he says. "No. Because, without wanting to get too specific, this particular cancer is caused by HPV [human papillomavirus], which actually comes about from cunnilingus."

From what? For a moment I think that I may have misheard.

"From cunnilingus. I mean, I did worry if the stress caused by my son's incarceration didn't help trigger it. But yeah, it's a sexually transmitted disease that causes cancer."

Not satisfied with taking Douglas's claims that oral sex causes cancer at face value, the U.K. paper sought out a perspective from an expert that may shine some light on what exactly he's talking about. "It has been established beyond reasonable doubt that the HPV type 16 is the causative agent in oropharyngeal cancer," Mahesh Kumar, a consultant head and neck surgeon in London, told the Guardian's Catherine Shoard. The paper cites recent studies showing roughly 57 percent of patients with oral cancers were also HPV-16 positive. And it's true: over the last decade, multiple studies have connected oral cancers with HPV infection, particularly among men.

In terms of getting healthy once you've been diagnosed with throat cancer, Douglas thinks of himself as an authority in that department. "And if you have it, cunnilingus is also the best cure for it," he told the Guardian. But medical experts aren't backing up that claim, unfortunately. "Maybe he thinks that more exposure to the virus will boost his immune system. But medically, that just doesn't make sense," Kumar said. Bummer

So what have we learned? Michael Douglas really likes oral sex. Like, a lot.

Apparently, by extension, so does his wife, Catherine Zeta-Jones.
catherine zeta-jones.jpg
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June 21st, 2013, 11:20 am

I love intelligently crafted news stories. Recently, headlines proclaimed that Journalist Michael Hastings was killed in a car crash in Hollywood. Apparently he was a bold journalist who caused the downfall of Gen. Stanley McChrystal. Now, no one likes to hear of someone being killed in a car crash (or any other way, really.) But sometimes it's the individuals own fault. The fun comes in the words of the government individuals involved.

An eyewitness to the crash states, "I was stopped at the light at Santa Monica [Boulevard], headed south on Highland [Avenue]. I looked down to turn my radio down, and this car just blasted past me through the red light—it shook my car. No telling how fast the driver was going. A taxi driver was in the far right lane and we looked at each other, both saying, "What the hell was that?"...

...I looked down Highland and saw a giant fireball at the base of one of the palms that line the medians on Highland. It was surreal. Even from as far away as I was, I could see how violent an impact it had been.

...As I was running, a couple of workers from the service station at the corner of Melrose and Highland were also running over. In broken English, one of them and I traded stories of what we saw as we ran. From what I could understand, he saw the car come off the ground at some point—maybe when [it] crossed Melrose.

...A Hancock Park resident was already spraying the car with his water hose when we got to it, but wasn't making any progress. The car was engulfed. I couldn't see inside it.

Now comes the fun part.

" Initially, neither the department nor the Los Angeles County coroner's office could positively identify the victim because the body was too badly burned. On Wednesday, the coroner confirmed the body taken from the vehicle was Hastings but said it would likely take several weeks to determine a cause of death."

To the Hollywood Coroner: "Here's a clue. He hit a tree at 100 miles per hour and exploded in a massive fireball! He died of total dismemberment of his physical body!"

Can I get a job there? When they bring in a gunshot victim, I promise not to wait "weeks." I can immediately call the media and say, "He died of a freakin' hole In his head the size of a baseball!"
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August 13th, 2013, 11:42 am

Ok, what the hell is it with all this "surrogate mother" stuff. I mean, I understand surrogate babies and all that, but how they do it is all wrong for the guy.

First, I'm watching this comedy. A guy's wife can't have children, so they agree to do the surrogate mother thing. Now, apparently the guy does have some say in the whole thing, because they pick this absolutely gorgeous babe to do the deed. More on this later.

Now, what was funny is the guy, kind of a likeable, but fairly obnoxious character, is at a bar with the surrogate mom (she's drinking soda water, I assume.) So the guy says, "I'm thirsty. Be right back," and walks up to a guy at the bar. He says, "See that hot babe over there? She's my sister and she's totally eyeballing you." "Really?" The guy looks over to the table and gives a little wave. The surrogate wife, not really knowing what's going on, waves back. "Yep. Why don't you send her a drink over." The guy says, "Sure," turns to the bartender and orders a glass of white wine. The "brother" says, "She's more of a beer and scotch kind of girl. And she likes Nachos, too." So the guy changes his order, they bump fists and the first guy goes back to the table.

The waitress delivers the order and the guy starts drinking the scotch and eating the nachos. He looks at the guy at the bar, who holds out his hands and shrugs with a "WTF?" look on his face. The guy at the table smiles, hoists his glass to the guy, then looks at the girl and says, "free scotch."

Now that is hilarious. Next time I'm in the bar with Vicky, I'll have to try that. :walt: :lmao: (No, Vicky doesn't drink, She'll have the soda water. :lmao: )

But back to this surrogate mother thing. How is that good for the guy? I was just thinking, him and his old lady decide to have a baby, but the wife can't for whatever reason. That's all fine. They go out and pick a gorgeous woman, and then Wifey says, "Whoa, Stud boy! It don't happen THAT way. You gotta go to a clinic." :wtf:

So Wifey makes poor stud boy go to a clinic, jack off in a bottle, and they save it for the pretty girl. Now, first off, I have a hard time hitting that little hole in the bottle. And besides, what if my syrup gets all mixed up with the left over beer in the bottom. There's always a little left over beer in the bottom. What if the kid becomes an alcoholic?

Seems to me it would be much safer for Wifey to go out dancing with her girlfriends while hubby and pretty helper go to a convenient motel room. Not only are you then sure the splooge gets where it's supposed to go, not dribbling down the side of an old beer bottle, but there's a little incentive for him to actually do this thing.

Works for me. :walt: :yeahbaby: :lmao:
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August 16th, 2013, 9:45 am

Ok, this one deserves Honorable Mention, at least:

The headline: 'Pull-out method' tied to unintended pregnancies (Gee, ya think??)

Many young women use the "pull-out method" for birth control, and they tend to have more unintended pregnancies than other women, a new study suggests.

Researchers compiling surveys from more than 2,000 women ages 15 to 24 found 31 percent had used the pull-out method, also known as withdrawal or coitus interruptus, over the last two years.

Of those women, 21 percent reported having an unintended pregnancy. In contrast, 13 percent of women who only used other forms of birth control got pregnant unintentionally.

Ok, first, isn't it the guy who uses the "pull out" method? I think the girl uses the "Throw him off" method.

First, the girl has no way of knowing when it's time to "throw him off" and when "it's too late." Second, doesn't the guy always promise to pull out in time? "It's ok, Honey. I'll pull out before it's too late" Yeah, buster. Then you'll go out and stop a freight train, right? Ladies, you should know by now us sleaze balls will tell you anything in order to get that 30 seconds of fireworks. And, once I'm in, I ain't coming out til I'm ready. And I won't be ready till I'm done. Then I'll roll over and go to sleep, right? :lmao:

"We found that people tend to use the withdrawal method when they're not really planning ahead," Dr. Annie Dude.... said. So, you need a college degree to tell you that? And, Dude added, her study shows withdrawal doesn't work as well as other birth control methods for avoiding unintended pregnancies.

"It's associated with higher risk of unintended pregnancies." Wow, thanks for letting me know that. I never woulda guessed.
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August 27th, 2013, 12:11 pm

I'm moving to Switzerland. They know the meaning of "drive-through." ... 14325.html
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August 27th, 2013, 3:04 pm

WalterB wrote:I'm moving to Switzerland. They know the meaning of "drive-through." ... 14325.html
I saw that.... they actually also have legal street corners for hookers in Holland too.... with handy wipes.... where motorists can drive through, get blown and drive out. Not joking.
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August 27th, 2013, 3:15 pm

In my local Wal-Mart, they have a container of Handi-Wipes to wipe the cart handles off. Not sure I want to use those carts anymore. :lmao:
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August 28th, 2013, 10:17 pm

BELLINGHAM, Wash. (AP) — A man is accused of trying to get marijuana into a Washington state jail by attaching it to an arrow he shot onto the roof.

A Whatcom County sheriff's employee saw the man step out of his pickup truck and use a bow to launch the arrow toward the jail's second-floor recreation area, but it missed its target.

Sheriff Bill Elfo says the man, identified as 36-year-old David Wayne Jordan, was arrested for investigation of introducing contraband into the jail, resisting arrest and obstructing law enforcement.

The Bellingham Herald reports ( ) Jordan served 20 days in the jail earlier this month for assault and resisting arrest.

The sheriff says Jordan told deputies he had been aiming at a squirrel, but he couldn't explain why he needed to attach marijuana to the arrow to go squirrel hunting.

Read the story, Sheriff. It says right there, the guy was shooting the arrow to the squirrel on the second story. It's obvious the squirrel wanted to get higher! :lmao:
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September 6th, 2013, 11:50 am

Any new Dads out there? With daughters? This won't be as funny in the retelling as seeing it on TV, but I thought it deserved a retelling.

"According to Jim," A popular series from several years ago starring Jim Belushi as a married man with a sister and brother-in law, two young daughters and young son. At the series start, the girls are about 8 and 10.

He is sitting on the couch with the girls in front of him. "Ok, you hold out your hand, palm down, like this. Now, cup your hand. Now put your hand under your armpit and make a tight seal. Then slap your other arm down. See? Arm Fart." (All three begin arm-farting.)

Wife comes downstairs, sees this and cries, "Jim! What the heck are you doing?"

His quick-thinking reply? "Making sure they don't date boys until they're 58."

Well, I thought it was funny. :lmao:
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September 10th, 2013, 12:02 pm

CLAIRTON, Pa. (AP) — A girl has found cremation ashes that had been stolen from a van belonging to the dead man's son.

Robert Smith says he thinks someone in the crime-ridden Pittsburgh suburb of Clairton mistook his father's ashes for a powdery drug like heroin or cocaine. He says, "You know this is a high drug area. ... It's sad."

Smith says his father died in June at age 75. Since then, Smith has kept his ashes in a memorial box in the center console of his van.

He discovered the ashes missing shortly before 3 p.m. Monday. They were recovered in a park about seven hours later after a girl found them.

Police are investigating the theft

"Awww, man, this is some bog shit! I ain't gettin' off at ALL!"
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September 16th, 2013, 9:01 am

The latest output from Popeye Wong.
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September 22nd, 2013, 5:47 pm

Texas knows how to handle miscreants. Ron White talks about the Texas Death Penalty. "In Texas, If you come here and kill somebody, we will kill you back" Texas was trying to pass a bill which specifies, "if 3 credible witnesses see you commit your murder, you don't sit on death row for 15 years, Jack, you go to the front of the line. Other states are trying to abolish the death penalty, my state's putting in an express lane." (the bill, of course, did not pass.)

Anyway, if you commit child molestation in Texas, you also may as well kiss your ass goodbye.

A Texas father walked in on his five-year-old daughter being molested and wasted no time in beating the man to death. The grand jury found the dad not guilty due to a state law that allows deadly force to be used to stop an aggravated sexual assault.

The incident occurred June 9th near Shiner, Texas. Someone spotted a farmhand, Jesus Flores, carrying the girl into a secluded area and alerted the girl’s father. The concerned parent ran towards his daughters screams and found them both with their underwear off. He flew into a rage and beat Flores into unconsciousness. When he was sure the man was no longer a threat, he called 911 to report on the incident. ”Come on! This guy is going to die on me! I don’t know what to do.” he yelled.

The event was treated as a homicide but the father did not go to jail and will not be charged with a crime.
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November 9th, 2013, 7:43 pm

Don't forget to change your board preferences to winter time, folks. It doesn't change automatically. Go to the User Control Panel, to Board Preferences, and turn Daylight Savings Time off.
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November 22nd, 2013, 1:02 pm

I may be an old fart, but that doesn't mean I'm not hip! I'm always trying to stay up with the latest thingie and dealie. For example, in my day, the telephone was a big, bulky black thing hooked to the wall by a wire. Today you can hide your phone between your boobies (well, if you got 'em.) Most phones even have cameras. Seems like the current thing to do is take pictures of yourself - something called "selfies," so you can show the rest of the world whatever stupid thing you happen to be doing at the moment.

Well, I figured I'd better get hip. So, I read and studied and talked to friends and played around. I think I finally figured out how to do it. So I'm cool again, right? My kid seems to think, however, that I need a little more work.
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November 22nd, 2013, 7:17 pm

WalterB wrote:I may be an old fart, but that doesn't mean I'm not hip! I'm always trying to stay up with the latest thingie and dealie. For example, in my day, the telephone was a big, bulky black thing hooked to the wall by a wire. Today you can hide your phone between your boobies (well, if you got 'em.) Most phones even have cameras. Seems like the current thing to do is take pictures of yourself - something called "selfies," so you can show the rest of the world whatever stupid thing you happen to be doing at the moment.

Well, I figured I'd better get hip. So, I read and studied and talked to friends and played around. I think I finally figured out how to do it. So I'm cool again, right? My kid seems to think, however, that I need a little more work.
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November 24th, 2013, 9:47 pm

Got this from Katie Summers... and I thought I had seen it all....

This Guy Wants You to Film Him Having Sex With Plants
When you hear the term ecosexual, you might think it means people who take the earth into account when buying sex toys. You know, like vibrators made of recycled rubber and vegan lube. NOT SO, MY FRIENDS. Ecosexual actually means communing sexually with nature—as in, rubbing your genitals all over ancient oak trees and getting your rocks off literally using rocks.

With that in mind, please enjoy the following Craigslist post in which a young man seeks someone to film him groping trees. Please be prepared to read the following things: "sharing intimate moments with plants"; "I attended the world's first International Ecosex Symposium in Colchester"; and "Fuck For Forest".

Now that you know what you're in for, here's the real deal:

Hello, I am a young, male, sexy, predominately gay artist making work about being an ecosexual. Being an ecosexual means honouring the Earth, and making love with her. This can be through sharing intimate moments with plants, the elements and all spirits of nature, including humans. I am looking for someone with a video camera and passion to help me create some short videos about practising ecosexuality. I am working as a part of the ecosexual movement with Joseph Kramer, Annie Sprinkle, Beth Stephens and many other fantastic artists. I already have secured places for the work to be shown including the Orgasmic Yoga Institute, Fuck For Forest and viral websites like Xtube, but the sky is the limit. Earlier this year, amongst many other ecosexy activities, I attended the world's first International Ecosex Symposium in Colchester, and plan to show work at the next one, and wherever possible to get the message out there - the Earth needs our love. If you want to take part in ecosexual activism.... get in touch. Models, and all creatives are welcome. ... c=soc_twtr
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November 25th, 2013, 12:40 am

Well, I've beat off in the woods before, :blushing: but I never had no help from no plants. :lmao:
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