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Special Forces Commander (General, 4-Star)
Posts: 31059
Joined: December 31st, 2005, 10:42 pm
Location: El Paso, Texas

May 23rd, 2015, 11:31 am

Are you as sick of pop-up ads as I am? They're everywhere. Youtube? You can't watch a video without those obnoxious ads coming up. The longer ones allow you to "skip" them, but the 15 second ones have to play out.

Well, no more. Go to, download and install this little gem. It blocks pretty much all ads that you have become used to seeing - every page, every site. It only works with Chrome and Firefox, but it works great. Once you've loaded it, it asks you for a donation, but that is up to you. The point is, it works great. Don't know if there is a mobile version, but it works on my laptop, desktop and tablet.

I say try it out. I'm pretty sure you will be amazed and pretty happy. It doesn't work with IE, but IE is on it's way out anyhow. I'm trying to wean myself from it, and this certainly helps.

Give it a shot. You can always remove it if you don't like it.
I can resist everything except temptation.
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