Internet Security

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Special Forces Commander (General, 4-Star)
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Joined: December 31st, 2005, 10:42 pm
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July 28th, 2016, 7:18 pm

I was going to post this link for the moderators at first, and then thought it would be good for everyone. Hopefully, you all are aware of the need for internet security, and the need to keep after it. I use Malwarebytes, which is an excellent program for guarding against trojans, malware and viruses. They also have great customer service and an excellent forum with lots of helpful folks.

What sold me on them is that they have an excellent free version. I was using that when I somehow got infected with something, and their software couldn't find it. So I asked their customer service. Over a period of several days, they sent me programs to run, then send them the logs. Based on their analysis, they'd send me something else to run. They'd analyze those logs, then sent me another file to run. After 3 or 4 runs, we (they) got it. I was so impressed by the help they offered me, a free customer, that I bought the full up version - something like $30 for a year. You could do much worse than signing up for at least their free version. And subscribe to their newsletter.

Anyway, the purpose of this post is to show you an article from their latest newsletter. It is particularly applicable to our moderators here, but is also applicable to all of us, not only in our home environments, but for those of us who have an online business, it's a good article about guarding your IP address, or what I call IPAdd. A very good read. Take a few minutes and check it out. ... ro-content

And safe surfing.
I can resist everything except temptation.
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