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June 29th, 2016, 10:11 pm

CGY be advised show is in two parts, she had something happen at her end that made her think she had been kicked, we didn't see anything on our end, but she re-logged in, it did cut down on her audio / video delay, so all was not lost. Good show otherwise.

An orgasm is when a woman is sexually happy and she shows it. Sometimes many times. A climax is when her toes curl up so hard they cramp, her pussy grips you like a set of Craftsman lock grips, and she stuffs a pillow in her mouth to keep the people at the mall five miles away from hearing her joy!
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June 30th, 2016, 6:16 pm

Heads up CGYMike, Monica Milf will be in two (2( parts, she dropped out about half way through the show and returned with a new log in. Rest of show, and show up to her dropping were fine.
An orgasm is when a woman is sexually happy and she shows it. Sometimes many times. A climax is when her toes curl up so hard they cramp, her pussy grips you like a set of Craftsman lock grips, and she stuffs a pillow in her mouth to keep the people at the mall five miles away from hearing her joy!
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July 3rd, 2016, 7:48 pm

MikeCGY be advised Adrians show will be only about 50 minutes long, she had computer trouble and had to ask her admin (AdminPeedy) to be a "remote user" and get her logged in. Then AdminPeedy stayed listed as Admin for the show, I said OK AdminPeedy has the show, and he whispered to me STAY then he whispered to me to please stay and run the show, saying he wasn't familiar enough with the "new" room and didn't want to screw anything up. But he remained as a listed Admin. Adrian announced she will be on Sick Leave for the next four weeks or so, she's having micro surgery on her back, and of course we ALL wished her the best of luck, and to come back as soon as she was able. Adrian assured all of us, that she wanted back as soon as she was able even if it was only a 'talk' show, because it was her happy medicine to do the shows. Then she ended the show.
The problem came when AdminPeedy didn't log out at the end of Adrian's show, he remained logged in as an Admin, through Rebekah's show, and into Monica's show, Monica kept asking AdminPeedy to reply, and he didn't so I jumped in and took Monica's show, I asked AdminPeedy in the open room, and in whisper if he was doing the show, and got no response.and "kicked" adminPeedy out of the room, :wtf:
Monica had a good show, another non-believer in Zany being a woman, he found out later in the program that Zany is ALL WOMAN! Thank You again Zany, truly Awesome! AdminPeedy came back into Monica's room about 10 minutes before Monica was done, I asked him if I could help him, no answer, I whispered to him, that I was the admin for Monica and would appreciate if he would log out and come back as a regular user, no answer, I asked him again to please leave, and no answer, but by then the show was ending, after the room cleared except for AdminPeedy and myself I asked him again both by whisper and in the open room if I could help him, NO Answer again, so before I left the room I kicked him out, again. (Transcript on file)

An orgasm is when a woman is sexually happy and she shows it. Sometimes many times. A climax is when her toes curl up so hard they cramp, her pussy grips you like a set of Craftsman lock grips, and she stuffs a pillow in her mouth to keep the people at the mall five miles away from hearing her joy!
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July 11th, 2016, 9:05 pm

Dawn Marie will be in two parts Mike, about half way through the show, she froze, said she got a server failure message, and had to sign in again. So look for two parts to her show, other than that, "shithead" showed up right at the end of the show. And was removed quickly.

An orgasm is when a woman is sexually happy and she shows it. Sometimes many times. A climax is when her toes curl up so hard they cramp, her pussy grips you like a set of Craftsman lock grips, and she stuffs a pillow in her mouth to keep the people at the mall five miles away from hearing her joy!
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July 15th, 2016, 2:56 am

CGYMike, watch Akira's show Thursday night, it'll be in at least three 3 parts, she was having severe audio problems and had to restart two times after original sign in. Other than that a good smooth show.

An orgasm is when a woman is sexually happy and she shows it. Sometimes many times. A climax is when her toes curl up so hard they cramp, her pussy grips you like a set of Craftsman lock grips, and she stuffs a pillow in her mouth to keep the people at the mall five miles away from hearing her joy!
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July 16th, 2016, 8:41 pm

CGY Mike, also watch out for Nilous show this afternoon, also in three or four parts, she was having browser problems, and though she signed in on time, she kept freezing up, and would disconnect, and reboot, and try again. Total actual run time will be about 20 minutes in her longest portion. Which ended when Reyna came on.

An orgasm is when a woman is sexually happy and she shows it. Sometimes many times. A climax is when her toes curl up so hard they cramp, her pussy grips you like a set of Craftsman lock grips, and she stuffs a pillow in her mouth to keep the people at the mall five miles away from hearing her joy!
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July 19th, 2016, 2:55 am

Small but dedicated following of members for the Erotique TV shows this morning./ Everyone had fun, especially the ladies.

An orgasm is when a woman is sexually happy and she shows it. Sometimes many times. A climax is when her toes curl up so hard they cramp, her pussy grips you like a set of Craftsman lock grips, and she stuffs a pillow in her mouth to keep the people at the mall five miles away from hearing her joy!
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July 22nd, 2016, 12:15 am

Admin CGYMike be advised Akira's show will be in three (3) parts again, about 5 minutes to start with with no audio, a log off and on again with no audio, and then a reboot, and back with audio. Rest of the show went fine. Except I was booted from the server at about 1135pm room just stopped and I got a message that the server was no longer connected, and to please log in again, I did that, and came right back almost where I had left. I noticed that adminSamantha dropped and came back as did AdminWalt during Sara Jays show, don't know if they had the same problem or not, but I'm getting the disconnected from the server message almost night now, and always later in the evenings East coast time. Several members are reporting the same problem, just all of a sudden a message that says the server has disconnected, and they need to log in again.

An orgasm is when a woman is sexually happy and she shows it. Sometimes many times. A climax is when her toes curl up so hard they cramp, her pussy grips you like a set of Craftsman lock grips, and she stuffs a pillow in her mouth to keep the people at the mall five miles away from hearing her joy!
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July 27th, 2016, 12:11 am

Good show with Honey this evening, CGYMike be advised there are no breaks in the action, but she did freeze for about 10 seconds about three (3) minutes into the show, as she was trying to decide if she should reload or what, action came back, and everything resumed, and remained fine till the end of the show. So ONE long run for you Mike.
An orgasm is when a woman is sexually happy and she shows it. Sometimes many times. A climax is when her toes curl up so hard they cramp, her pussy grips you like a set of Craftsman lock grips, and she stuffs a pillow in her mouth to keep the people at the mall five miles away from hearing her joy!
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August 3rd, 2016, 12:09 am

Nikki Benz had a nice almost hour long show. She's not feeling well so it was a sit and visit show the entire time, Almost everyone allowed her to do what she felt like, one or two felt she should be nude to do the show, but either left, or agreed with her reasons for staying covered up and warm. Hope you get better soon Nikki.

An orgasm is when a woman is sexually happy and she shows it. Sometimes many times. A climax is when her toes curl up so hard they cramp, her pussy grips you like a set of Craftsman lock grips, and she stuffs a pillow in her mouth to keep the people at the mall five miles away from hearing her joy!
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August 5th, 2016, 1:08 am

Akira Lane will be in two parts CGYMike, at about the 40 minute past the hour she was kicked out of the chat room by the system, said she had a "NO SERVERS AVAILABLE' message, she logged back in and finished her show. Other than that no problems at all.

Daisy's show went off without a hitch, good attendance, peaking at 36 users. A very sexy show. Daisy was certainly in fine form tonight, she was a moment late, and had to 'get dressed' so she could strip it all offf within the first five minutes of the show. A Naughty sec. look, didn't last long, well she lasted her clothes got put away very shortly after she got dressed.

An orgasm is when a woman is sexually happy and she shows it. Sometimes many times. A climax is when her toes curl up so hard they cramp, her pussy grips you like a set of Craftsman lock grips, and she stuffs a pillow in her mouth to keep the people at the mall five miles away from hearing her joy!
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August 6th, 2016, 12:23 am

CGYMike, be advised 'it's Cleo' will be in two parts, she froze up about 5 minutes into the show, and had to log in again to clear it. Another Pizza Delivery guy bites the dust. LOL.

And Honey Whtes show will also be in two parts. Everyone lost the chat room around 1145 pm when everyone received a 'no server available' message. Most were able to log back in after about 2 minutes, including Honey.
An orgasm is when a woman is sexually happy and she shows it. Sometimes many times. A climax is when her toes curl up so hard they cramp, her pussy grips you like a set of Craftsman lock grips, and she stuffs a pillow in her mouth to keep the people at the mall five miles away from hearing her joy!
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August 10th, 2016, 12:13 am

Akira's show went fine this evening. And it will be in ONE part CGYMike. Akira is shifting her schedule and will be at a different time next week,and the week following.

An orgasm is when a woman is sexually happy and she shows it. Sometimes many times. A climax is when her toes curl up so hard they cramp, her pussy grips you like a set of Craftsman lock grips, and she stuffs a pillow in her mouth to keep the people at the mall five miles away from hearing her joy!
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August 12th, 2016, 1:27 am

Great turnout for Daisy Destin this morning at midnight EDT. Including our 'old friend' VC toe cracker, but Daisy set him straight about not ruining joints before their time, and he went away to the enjoyment of the rest of the room. Had a peak turnout of 29 fixed and 5 mobile stations at the peak of the activity. A lot of European members, though the US and Canada put in a good showing also. One continous run CGYMike, no breaks in the action at all.

An orgasm is when a woman is sexually happy and she shows it. Sometimes many times. A climax is when her toes curl up so hard they cramp, her pussy grips you like a set of Craftsman lock grips, and she stuffs a pillow in her mouth to keep the people at the mall five miles away from hearing her joy!
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August 16th, 2016, 1:27 am

Lone star Angel was working with nearly a five minute lag between what she did and said, and the comments getting back to her. Carried on like a trooper thouigh and finished the show. I did suggest she try logging in again, but she said she'd had a lot of trouble just getting into cam room to begin with and didn't want to lose the connection. By the end of he show she was only about 2 minues behind in getting comments related to real time activities. Usual crowd hung around, and may have dug some graves on their own trying to use the delay to their advantage.

An orgasm is when a woman is sexually happy and she shows it. Sometimes many times. A climax is when her toes curl up so hard they cramp, her pussy grips you like a set of Craftsman lock grips, and she stuffs a pillow in her mouth to keep the people at the mall five miles away from hearing her joy!
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August 16th, 2016, 1:08 pm

Do you think it was the server or her internet? If the shows before her and after her were ok, then it's not the server and nothing I can do about it. If all the shows are like that then definitely I would look into it.
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August 16th, 2016, 2:01 pm

show before her I understand had the same problem, talk to AdminEddie about it, but what little i saw she was using the keyboard to answer questions, and complaining that she wasn't seening her members questions on time they were very late to get to her.

An orgasm is when a woman is sexually happy and she shows it. Sometimes many times. A climax is when her toes curl up so hard they cramp, her pussy grips you like a set of Craftsman lock grips, and she stuffs a pillow in her mouth to keep the people at the mall five miles away from hearing her joy!
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August 18th, 2016, 10:36 pm

Akira Lane had a good show this evening, peaking out at 30 members at one point, including five mobile stations, all of which showed up on the mobile list. CGYMike there is a slight echo to Akira's voice not enough to stop the show, but there is an echo on her audio. She thought it might be the hard wall she was up against. To many of us, it sounded like someone else nearby was watching her show with the audio turned up just a bit too much. Show is in one complete run, no breaks in the action.

Vicky I urged her to contact you about her show next week, she had scheduled it at the same time that Lelu has her shows. And Lelu assured me that she was not changing times, nor was she going to miss next weeks show. So Akira is supposed to contact you to setup a good time for her show on Wednesday, and she's indicated that she want's to move permanently to Wednesday evenings.
An orgasm is when a woman is sexually happy and she shows it. Sometimes many times. A climax is when her toes curl up so hard they cramp, her pussy grips you like a set of Craftsman lock grips, and she stuffs a pillow in her mouth to keep the people at the mall five miles away from hearing her joy!
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August 24th, 2016, 12:18 am

Adrian had a great show for her return, well attended peaked out at 33 normal and 4 mobiles. She's still on bed rest this weeek, but wanted to bring us up to date on her progress. Banned from raising her bp, it was a talk only show, no one commplained.

Akira's show will be in two parts CGYMike, the break comes 40 minutes into the program, when she dropped, said she had to run downstairs and reboot a server that had glitched. Other than that good show. She's looking to move her show to Tuesdays. Watch your calendars for changes and updates.

An orgasm is when a woman is sexually happy and she shows it. Sometimes many times. A climax is when her toes curl up so hard they cramp, her pussy grips you like a set of Craftsman lock grips, and she stuffs a pillow in her mouth to keep the people at the mall five miles away from hearing her joy!
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August 24th, 2016, 11:35 pm

Lelu had a great show tonight, Peaked at 39 members in the room, probably an all time high. Everyone was pleasant and nice to her.
We did have one mobile that probably checked in 25 times throughout the show, by the time his name appeared in the chatroom, he was already gone from the mobile users list. Don't know what that was about.
Walt, we had another run of those mobile stations with almost duplicate names which consisted of letters, and in this case they were from the same address. Neither one stuck around long. CGYMike the show will be in ONE piece, no breaks, except for a quick run to the powder room for Lelu.
An orgasm is when a woman is sexually happy and she shows it. Sometimes many times. A climax is when her toes curl up so hard they cramp, her pussy grips you like a set of Craftsman lock grips, and she stuffs a pillow in her mouth to keep the people at the mall five miles away from hearing her joy!
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