Rant of the day!! - no apologies needed.

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July 30th, 2017, 7:53 am

Well chaps - I have been a Grumpy old man (GOM) for a few years now and realised that I spend a lot of time saying "WTF - that makes me mad!". Also I look at the number of times people apologise for their honest thoughts and opinions here on the VNA. So, why not combine the two things and have a thread that's like a stress ball (or cat if you have one to kick - other pets are available)!
The idea is that we can post any rant on here and not be judged - IT IS NOT A THREAD FOR DEBATE - just a pressure valve in today's shitty world. In a way its not meant to be a thread , but just a series of one sided therapy sessions that the people who post don't have to apologise for - I know that Vicky and the guys will monitor it and do something about the wilder posts (fair enough) but for the rest of us this should be cathartic!

So here goes - two things that make me want to throw the toys out of the pram - both Elf & Safety related

1. Packets of peanuts that actually say "Warning contents may contain nuts" - WTF - what else should I expect in a packet of peanuts - Teddybears, Gorillas, Jumbo jets - apricots????!!!???
2. Disposable cups in McBurger restaurants (that in itself is stretching the word) that say "Warning, contents may be hot!" - I wouldn't have bought the stuff if it was going to be cold - I bloody well hope its going to be hot!

Do you get the idea - well I will be using this as therapy - probably on a daily basis - but feel free!
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July 31st, 2017, 7:30 pm

My rant for the day is about models who either cancel their shows or just don't show up. I realize that things can come up that they can't help but if they agreed to be there at their time they should be there. That is why fans sign up for different sites and after all if it weren't for the fans where would they be?
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July 31st, 2017, 8:41 pm

:) I'm liking this thread, but if you want to read some real good rants, check out the "Official Douchebag Thread"

You'll find some real cool stuff in there including a few rants from yours truly, Hot Julie, Walter, Andrew, Peter, and many more ranters.

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August 1st, 2017, 3:44 pm

Nah Mike - this is just for those times when you want to say - jewfbiawefiougf8yfiuwehOKfjokfuhhdokP[KJOJHWIJV! at something

Today's rant - also Elf & Safety - Hi vis jackets/tabards. Now I can understand that there are times when these things are reasonable - directing traffic, stewards at big sports events etc. Why does the guy who delivers my parcels (DPD, Yodel, FedEx etc etc) have to wear one to drive his van onto my drive and come up to my door? I can see him, generally visibility is fair and the only reason I wouldn't see him is if I was out - and I wouldn't knock him down then cause I wouldn't be there.
Similarly, bus and coach drivers whilst out on their routes. Again when in the depot collecting the bus fair enough. But sat at the wheel? I think I would probably notice the bloody coach (even if it was a single-decker) before I saw a person (with or without a hi-vis jacket)!
AArgh - but I feel better

Tomorrow - teenagers' fashion and how they dress!!
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August 1st, 2017, 7:15 pm

Speaking of FedX! I have 2 doors to my place that they can deliver my package and they always leave it at the outside door to get rained on! Plus they ring the door bell. Well what if I am not home? Go figure. :help:
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August 2nd, 2017, 5:24 am

hennar2017 wrote:Speaking of FedX! I have 2 doors to my place that they can deliver my package and they always leave it at the outside door to get rained on! Plus they ring the door bell. Well what if I am not home? Go figure. :help:
I have had several delivery guys - different companies - who are obviously running late so don't even bother to ring doorbell or knock the door. They just push through the "You were out when we called" note!!!!!!!
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August 2nd, 2017, 5:33 am

OK - so why can't the youth of the day dress themselves?
1. Baseball caps - these should be easy - they are designed to have a peak at the FRONT to keep the sun out of the eyes. At the back the more expensive have an adjustable strap or similar so you can get the cap to fit your head - simple OK?
So why do these idiots have them on back to front - to keep the sun from blinding their necks. Cool it isn't, stupid it is!
2. Trousers hanging down to show off underpants. Even if they are Calvin Klein underpants, I'm not impressed. And where the crotch of the (usually) jeans is knee height and the wearer has to walk with baby steps? Now if you want to be gangsta (see baseball caps above) , I would have thought being able to run away from the cops would be an advantage. Again not cool - just I need mummy to get me dressed.
3. Trainers have laces for a purpose - to keep them on your feet. And a lot of you spend extra to get special laces - use them. Tucking the laces into the trainers isn't labour-saving, its an accident waitinng to happen! Don't come crying to me when you've gone face first into the tarmac!

If I'm brave I may do cyclist and psycho(sorry cycle) paths tomorrow!!
:no: :no: :axchase: :axchase: :shake: :shake:
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August 2nd, 2017, 5:07 pm

Texting while driving. Not cool at all! It is finally against the law in Iowa but guess what? How in the heck can the cops tell if people are texting or not! Seems a little crazy but we all know that is how our gov. works.
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August 3rd, 2017, 6:36 am

hennar2017 wrote:Texting while driving. Not cool at all! It is finally against the law in Iowa but guess what? How in the heck can the cops tell if people are texting or not! Seems a little crazy but we all know that is how our gov. works.
Texting, generally using the phone when driving - its BLOODY DANGEROUS (sorry about that - but it is)!
A lorry driver in the Uk killed two people when he was changing the play-list on his phone and ploughed into stationary traffic. He had a dash-cam so footage was available to the court. The local (and national) TV showed it up until the point of impact and it was the most chilling thing to watch.
It has been illegal to use a phone whilst driving over here for some time - but does it make a difference - NO!
The penalties are relatively small and after all the phone is so important!
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August 3rd, 2017, 6:46 am

Road safety part 2
I hate the "Holier than thou" cyclists. The ones who are so much better than normal human beings just because they are riding a bike!
Here are several things I hate about certain cyclists
1. Not having any lights at night - especially in the winter, these are the guys (and gals) who have jeans, black hoodies and no lights. They suddenly appear out of the gloom of a November evening and you have to take evasive action. Technically, its still illegal (my father was taken to magistrate's court when he was in his twenties - we used to tease him about his "criminal" record), but today, do the cops ever do anything - no! So what happens if these idiots get knocked over by a car - lawsuits and charges of driving without due care and attention!
2. I am at a set of traffic lights waiting for green when the Hezbollah cyclist comes past the queue of traffic and stops directly in front of me - dead centre. The lights change and he/she wobbles off directly in front of my car (deliberately) so I can't get past. Obviously, I have to keep slow and dodge the bike - if I touch it, its my fault!
3.Around where I live there are lots of cycle paths. There is a government target for Councils to have so many miles of cycle paths per Council - fair enough. To achieve this, a lot of councils (mine included) have decided that it is a good idea to share footpaths between pedestrians and cyclists. Personally, I'm waiting for the day I'm walking along and get knocked over by a bike - I will probably sue both the cyclist and the Council. The other real issue I have with this, is that why is the cyclist always on the footpath when I'm walking, but if I'm driving he/she is always in the middle of the road. Probably, cyclists just hate me!

Argh - if God had meant us to cycle he wouldn't have given us the internal combustion engine!!!
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August 3rd, 2017, 4:08 pm

I can add to that list PeterL. I hate it when they drive side by side at night(which is illegal) and you think it is a car! They need to have their lights on even in the day time. They are so hard to see!

My rant for the day is when people call you on the phone and only let it ring 3 or 4 times then hang up. I know we have caller ID but I do not like busting my you know what to get there to answer and that happens.
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August 4th, 2017, 6:24 am

hennar2017 wrote:I can add to that list PeterL. I hate it when they drive side by side at night(which is illegal) and you think it is a car! They need to have their lights on even in the day time. They are so hard to see!

My rant for the day is when people call you on the phone and only let it ring 3 or 4 times then hang up. I know we have caller ID but I do not like busting my you know what to get there to answer and that happens.
Don't get me started on cold callers!
The ones that get me are where you pick up the phone and there is a switchboard noise (they can't even be bothered to be there waiting for you - their time is too important).
But I'm getting my answers ready now
Satellite dish salesmen - I live in a tent
Conservatory salesmen - tent or second floor flat.
Energy suppliers - cut off for not paying the bill.
Life insurance salesmen - I'm a Formula One driver or military contractor for Iraq
The list goes on./

And what about the people who dial a wrong number and are cross with you because you're not Eugene or their Aunt Fanny?
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August 5th, 2017, 6:21 am

Here is one I agree with Bill Bryson on

If I go into McDonalds or Burger King and order a burger I am quite capable of asking for fries (or chips as we like to call them here), or for that matter to ask for a cheeseburger if I want cheese on the burger.
I don't need a spotty teenager asking me "Do you want fries with that?" or "Is that with cheese?"
I may be old enough to remember a time before McDonalds or Burger King, but I haven't forgotten how to say "cheese" or "fries" thank you!
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August 5th, 2017, 5:46 pm

How about when you order their Big Mac which has everything on it and they ask you if you want everything on it! Derrrr I wouldn't have ordered it if I wanted a plain sandwich!

Rant of the day!
When a driver has their turn signal on to turn right and they turn left. Or the car behind you passes when you are going to turn. One has to be such a defensive driver anymore!
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August 5th, 2017, 9:10 pm

Oh, I'm always getting tailgated, Henna. And I can't even turn into a place calmly, I have to slam in cause people are on my ass going 90 mph.
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August 6th, 2017, 2:58 pm

I know what you mean Kirstie! I have been in an accident where a drunk hit me from behind. I spun around 3 times and ended in the ditch! Totaled the car of course but I had my seat belt on so wasn't hurt to bad.
No rant today....it is Sunday so will rest. I will come back tomorrow!
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August 7th, 2017, 10:57 am

I hate those brand new cars (you can tell here by the numberplate) where the indicators don't work - or at least the people driving them don't bother to use them.
And lorry drivers who pull out to overtake another lorry on a two carriage road when they are doing 2 miles per hour more than the lorry they are overtaking. They end up taking 5 miles to get past and the speed drops to 43 mph!!
And people who drive with full beam and fog lights on because its raining!!
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August 7th, 2017, 5:55 pm

Well I am going to start a storm but I get really tired of the models who cancel their shows or forget to even tell the moderators. I know things come up but not week after week. Sometimes I think the excuses are pretty lame. I feel if you make a commitment you should keep it. After all we pay to see them and if it weren't for the fans where would they be? They should do their job!
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August 8th, 2017, 6:53 am

I hadn't finished on the driving theme either!
When I see a sticker in the car infant of me saying"Baby on board, Drive carefully", it makes me want to reared the car infant - why does it make any difference that a child is on board? I don't particularly want to injure adults and certainly not myself!. Is it just showing off - "our ovaries and testicles work!" We have been clever and made a baby!
And the lorries and vans that have "Well driven? Call xxxxxxxxxx" - what's the point in that? I will probably notice you if you drive badly (like most lorry drivers in UK - or at least selfishly) and if I phone up to complain, all the company will do is "We'll look into that" and forget I existed.
I once called a local bus company to report one of their drivers for going through a red light and almost taking me out - did I get any response? nope!
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August 8th, 2017, 1:19 pm

I am going to start something here. I work out quite a bit and there are those un-written rules of the gym that apply to everyone just not a few.

1) You only get to use one piece of equipment at a time not three. You are not alone in the gym
2) If you about shit yourself lifting a weight, guess what, it is to heavy.
3) If you cannot control the weight and constantly drop it because of that, guess what, it's to heavy
4) If you sweat all over a bench and there are wipes to allow you to clean it off, use the dam things you pig
5) If you take weights from area to another, put them back when your done.

I have many more, but that is about it for now.

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