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May 30th, 2022, 5:37 pm

First off just want to say that I hope everyone is doing well and secondly this is a lil difficult to say but I need to say might be taking a break from social media soon going through a real hard time in life right now I’ve had my grandmother on dialysis for a few years now cause of her diabetes and she just made the decision last Wednesday that she wants to quit dialysis saying she’s tired of it which I can’t blame her I’m not upset about it cuz it’s her decision I may not like it and want to her be around for a lil while longer but it’s her decision and her life and at least this way she can go out on her terms but having already gone through this with my other grandmother you’d think it would be easier but it’s not even though I respect that it’s her decision it still hurts like crazy I literally don’t know how to feel or think I just feel numb.
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May 30th, 2022, 10:10 pm

DJ....it's ok to feel numb once in a while. I've been going through a few rough weeks myself. Life has a tendency to wear you down once in a while. The good thing about life is that it can be very cyclical. Before you know it, you'll be back on a high again.

There is certainly nothing you can do to get in the way of how other people choose to live their lives...you just have to respect their decisions, as they I'm sure respect yours.

This is a great place to come and just say what is on your mind and get it off your chest....good on you my man.
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May 30th, 2022, 11:17 pm

Sorry to hear that DJ. Its perfectly fine not knowing how to feel. You will probably be feeling a wide range of things all of which are ok. And if posting here helps then by all means go ahead.
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May 31st, 2022, 10:41 am

Sorry to hear of your difficulties, DJ. The fun part of life is easy. The hard side of life is much more difficult. I don't know your belief system or any religious preferences. But if you know someone you can talk to, talk to them. Even going to someone in the clergy. Sometimes talking to a 'disinterested' third party can be a great help.

You seem to be dealing with your grandmothers decision, whether you like it or not. To me, that is about the best we can do. Keep the faith and be there for her. You can bet this isn't easy for her either. Right about now is when she needs you most.
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May 31st, 2022, 11:37 am

Condolences to you DJ. You would think that having been through the process of losing a loved one before would make it easier this time around. Maybe for you it will be. My experience is that it never gets easier. In my experience the process of grieving will take as long as it needs regardless of whether you have been there before. Hugs from afar.

I have a friend who would ask me to add this. Take time when and where you need it, but don't just turtle into a ball. Think about how quickly you would be there for your friends if and when they asked you for help of any kind. That's how quickly your friends would all love to be there for you. The old, stoic, feeling that asking for help is a form of weakness is something we no longer have room for in the 21st century. If you think an activity would help take your mind off things for a bit, ask. If you want to talk, ask. If you just want someone to sit with you quietly and watch TV, ask. Not everyone will jump in; we all process grief differently and many of us are uncomfortable around it. But I think you'll be surprised how quickly some of your friends will jump to be there to try and make things easier for you.
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May 31st, 2022, 5:25 pm

Really sorry to hear what's been happening with you DJ. Having been through it too much myself, especially fairly recently, all I can add beyond what's already been said is that there is no right or wrong way to feel about this. Just feel what you have to feel and don't think there's a fixed way you're supposed to be doing things.
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